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CivilEngineering版 - 加州PE 要求在内
还是加州PE,大家没看postgrad的字?就是说不用理本科学位?Ohio 的FE application form居然要公正?
加州PE申请关于在加州考PE年限要求 --- 急,在线等
大家可以自己evaluate一下是不是qualify for PE (转载)Any discussion?
话题: credit话题: board话题: experience话题: work
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7481
What type of activity constitutes qualifying experience for a
professional engineer license and how many years of credit may
be obtained for each type?
(1) Undergraduate Education
(a) Four years' credit for graduation with an engineering degree from a
Board approved engineering curriculum (see Question 1, part b). Canadian
engineering programs accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation
Board entitle the graduate to four years credit. Except in
very unusual circumstances, the credit will be granted as of the date
indicated on the official transcript that the degree was actually awarded.
*****This four years’ credit will NOT be given to a graduate from a nonABET
approved engineering curriculum. ******
(b) Two years credit for graduation with a bachelor's level engineering
technology degree, or one year credit for graduation with an associate
level engineering technology degree, from a technology curriculum which
has been accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC)
of ABET.
(c) Two years credit for graduation with an engineering degree from any
school whose engineering curriculum is not Board approved (this includes
all foreign schools). Transcripts from foreign universities must be
translated if not in English.
(d) The Board may at its discretion give credit as qualifying experience of
up to one-half year for each year of successfully completed study (not to
exceed two years‟ maximum credit) in an engineering curriculum which
did not result in a four-year engineering degree. A year of undergraduate
education is equal to 32 semester units or 48 quarter units. This credit
will not be granted for any education which overlaps with qualifying work
(2) Post-Graduate Education
The Board may give a maximum of one year credit as qualifying experience for
satisfactorily completed graduate work in an ABET-approved engineering
curriculum. No credit will be given for foreign graduate work or graduate
work done in any non-ABET approved curriculum. Completed post-graduate work
is work for which a degree has been received.
(3) Engineering Teaching
The law allows the Board to give a maximum of one year credit as qualifying
experience for engineering teaching in a college curriculum, provided that
an applicant is claiming no more than four years credit for education.
(4) Engineering Work Experience
Qualifying engineering work experience is that experience in the appropriate
branch of engineering which has been gained while performing professional
level engineering tasks under the direction of a person authorized to
practice in the branch of engineering in which the applicant is seeking
licensure. There is no limit to the amount of such qualifying experience
which will be accepted by the Board, provided that the experience meets the
other requirements indicated herein. Applied engineering research is
considered to be an engineering task, which may constitute qualifying
experience. Work in management, proposal writing, contract administration,
estimating, sales, and other peripheral areas, however, is presumed to
contain little or no element of qualifying experience, and therefore an
applicant must provide a detailed explanation of what portions of such work
are actually qualifying and why the Board's presumption is not correct, if
the applicant expects to obtain any credit for this type of work. Such
peripheral experience will then be evaluated on a partial credit basis as
applicable to each applicant's particular situation. Thus, the actual credit
allowed may range from near zero to a substantial amount.
***All civil engineering work experience must be gained while working under
the direction of a licensed Civil Engineer.****
1 (共1页)
Waive FE exam大家可以自己evaluate一下是不是qualify for PE (转载)
考FE不用Education Evaluation的州询问关于FE和PE的考试
[合集] 刚刚得知被LAID OFF了。PE粗浅问题请教
还是加州PE,大家没看postgrad的字?就是说不用理本科学位?Ohio 的FE application form居然要公正?
话题: credit话题: board话题: experience话题: work