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ClassicalMusic版 - My feel about playing Mozart 3
Haebler's Mozart piano sonataBarber of Seville
大家说说自己最喜欢的单声道CD吧.EMI new releases "20th century great recordings"
bow to MozartFricsay
LUPU Re: Schubert Sonatas[转载] 还是只有巴赫。
国内网友评beethoven piano sonata(Z)Trust your ear
奔一个Mozart Sonata in C Major, K. 330 No. 10, 1st MVHow they spend their lives
zz 莫扎特无伴奏钢琴作品全集(8CD)APE以上文章来自http://www.dushu.net/aiyue/bach/
超验的艺术 —— 谈莫札特的音乐刚发现一个很不错的mp3 radio
话题: mozart话题: uchida话题: haebler话题: playing话题: my
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4188
Now please allow me to talk briefly about my feeling of some other players I
Haebler and Uchida are fine. Haebler's sound is really great, very crispy,
tempo is not that good, but still OK. I just got one piece of Uchida, not
good, not bad either, plus I heard so many bad things about her playing, I
give her up. I do think, Haebler is at least slightly better than Uchida.
I got a complete Gieseking playing Mozart solo works, not just sonatas, 8 CDS
from EMI. Because I have bought his compl
1 (共1页)
刚发现一个很不错的mp3 radio国内网友评beethoven piano sonata(Z)
(From PKU BBS) 我对贝九版本的一点看法奔一个Mozart Sonata in C Major, K. 330 No. 10, 1st MV
[转载] Amadueszz 莫扎特无伴奏钢琴作品全集(8CD)APE
新 CD 预告: EMI Great Recordings of the Century 系列超验的艺术 —— 谈莫札特的音乐
Haebler's Mozart piano sonataBarber of Seville
大家说说自己最喜欢的单声道CD吧.EMI new releases "20th century great recordings"
bow to MozartFricsay
LUPU Re: Schubert Sonatas[转载] 还是只有巴赫。
话题: mozart话题: uchida话题: haebler话题: playing话题: my