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Classified版 - Postdoc Opening at Univ Wisconsin-Madison (转载)
Postdoc Opening_Chemical Biology (转载)Grow Your Career as An Office Sales Assistant
出租:Madison WI, 2 bedroom 2 full bath condo, 第二层(顶层),靠近 East Town Mall的一个不错的小区, 位置非常方便华尔街广告公司急招10名广告销售代表
阿里巴巴湾区office招聘搜索/数据挖掘/移动app开发人才Java job opportunity in Boston
SDET: Microsoft contract职位[求购]1 wii fit plus close to Wisconsin, $113
SDET: Microsoft contract role[出售]6 ipad 32g from wisconsin, each $665
四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室招聘副教授 (转载)暑期求租两间bedroom@纽约曼哈顿
诚招博士后 UIUC【出售】Coach Madison Audrey
话题: biology话题: madison话题: wisconsin话题: univ话题: postdoc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18160
【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
发信人: hmsapt (hmsapt), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: Postdoc Opening at Univ Wisconsin-Madison
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 1 22:49:28 2014, 美东)
We are inviting applications for a postdoctoral position in Dr. Jiang’s
laboratory at University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy Drug
Discovery Division. Our research focuses on the discovery of new chemical
probes for elucidating the roles of protein glycosylation in transcriptional
regulation. The successful candidate will join a highly motivated team of
researchers with access to multidisciplinary collaborations. Further
information can be found at the page: http://pharmacy.wisc.edu/jiang-lab.
An ideal candidate will undertake a project that applies multidisciplinary
approaches (e.g., enzymology, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, high
-throughput screening, cell biology) to study the roles of protein
glycosylation in epigenetic regulation. Highly motivated candidates with PhD
degrees in structural biology, chemical biology, biochemistry, molecular
biology, cellular biology or related field are encouraged to apply. Please
send CV and the contact information of three references to Dr. Jiang at
j****[email protected].
1 (共1页)
【出售】Coach Madison AudreySDET: Microsoft contract职位
【出售】正宗WI洲花旗参,批发价零售。SDET: Microsoft contract role
Madison, WI West的2bedroom1.5bath 的townhouse出租。四川大学生物治疗国家重点实验室招聘副教授 (转载)
New coach LARGE MADISON MAGGIE for sale.诚招博士后 UIUC
Postdoc Opening_Chemical Biology (转载)Grow Your Career as An Office Sales Assistant
出租:Madison WI, 2 bedroom 2 full bath condo, 第二层(顶层),靠近 East Town Mall的一个不错的小区, 位置非常方便华尔街广告公司急招10名广告销售代表
阿里巴巴湾区office招聘搜索/数据挖掘/移动app开发人才Java job opportunity in Boston
话题: biology话题: madison话题: wisconsin话题: univ话题: postdoc