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Dance版 - Alemana 301 -- Gold/Novice
Alemana 201 -- Silver/Gold四支舞,3个semi-final,1个final
Alemana 101 -- Bronze/Silver多久会忘掉?
Alemana 401 -- PrechampionshipMichal+Joanna and Riccardo+Yulia partner swap
Alemana 501 -- Championship上完课,感觉太棒啦!
post the new figures we just learnedRule ZZ
waltz学的名字也叫不上看了Shall We Dance了
so far最喜欢和最希望看到女士做好的2个动作winter frolic之桑巴舞2
onion东游记(四)2005 U.S. Am. Novice Latin Dancer List
话题: alemana话题: novice话题: gold话题: palm话题: 301
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 99
In this Alemana 301 post, I will talk about the proper connections. You won’t
get this post if you have fully understood 101 and 201. you need this to do
well in the gold and novice latin level.
When you two hit the four before the alemana, he is on his left, and she is on
her right. His left hand and her right hand should be palm to palm, at her
eye level. Because of your body configuration at this moment, your hands
should be compressing into each other’s hands. As you are shifting gear when
发帖数: 99
well good for you.
for number 2, yes. that is a generally pattern for rumba.
for number 3, as i said, you dont' even have to touch. it is a gesture. it can
be simulated, just like the love-filled-atmosphere you two created.
for number 4, first of all, you have to hit palm to palm on 4, with both of
your and her forearms placed almost vertically. and your leading is not in a
circular path. it is a linear path, and it is a very short path. from in front
of you, you move your hand towards 7:3
1 (共1页)
2005 U.S. Am. Novice Latin Dancer Listpost the new figures we just learned
2005 U.S. Am. Novice Standard Dancer Listwaltz学的名字也叫不上
我回來了so far最喜欢和最希望看到女士做好的2个动作
Alemana 201 -- Silver/Gold四支舞,3个semi-final,1个final
Alemana 101 -- Bronze/Silver多久会忘掉?
Alemana 401 -- PrechampionshipMichal+Joanna and Riccardo+Yulia partner swap
Alemana 501 -- Championship上完课,感觉太棒啦!
话题: alemana话题: novice话题: gold话题: palm话题: 301