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Dance版 - How to signal into a Waltz Chasse?
十种舞蹈动作中英文名词here is how to do a chacha basic
四支舞,3个semi-final,1个finalAlemana 101 -- Bronze/Silver
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[合集] 继续舞伴的这个话题chacha的chasse觉得有困难
话题: chasse话题: waltz话题: signal话题: both话题: step
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12850
When the leader are going to lead the follower into a chasse in waltz, how
should he signal her?
I usually get such a problem for an unfamiliar partner. It may help a little
bit if it is right after the whisk step, but even in that case it still
The chasse is a 4 step count in 3 beats (1 bar), but the partner may always
dance only 3 regular steps for the first time so that both's feet won't
match afterwards.
Ask for suggestions for the leading signals. Thanks.
发帖数: 12850
chasse should be 1, 2-and, 3
or 1 beat, 1/2 beat, 1/2 beat, 1 beat
but the lady may just dance one step during the "2-and".
This is what I meant.


【在 d******n 的大作中提到】
: When the leader are going to lead the follower into a chasse in waltz, how
: should he signal her?
: I usually get such a problem for an unfamiliar partner. It may help a little
: bit if it is right after the whisk step, but even in that case it still
: happens.
: The chasse is a 4 step count in 3 beats (1 bar), but the partner may always
: dance only 3 regular steps for the first time so that both's feet won't
: match afterwards.
: Ask for suggestions for the leading signals. Thanks.

发帖数: 4801
true, hard


【在 d******n 的大作中提到】
: When the leader are going to lead the follower into a chasse in waltz, how
: should he signal her?
: I usually get such a problem for an unfamiliar partner. It may help a little
: bit if it is right after the whisk step, but even in that case it still
: happens.
: The chasse is a 4 step count in 3 beats (1 bar), but the partner may always
: dance only 3 regular steps for the first time so that both's feet won't
: match afterwards.
: Ask for suggestions for the leading signals. Thanks.

发帖数: 168
My understanding is that the correct technique will lead the lady into a
chasse. First, there is no sway in Chasse from PP. It is impossible for both
M&W to do a (natural) turn without (swing and) sway. Without sway, your
body weight will carry both of you into Chasse because you do not tell the
lady to stop on two. Second, count one has CBMP for both M&W. It is very
awkard to do a (natural) turn, if not impossible, from CBMP, because you are
blocking both of you to swing through. Third, your a

【在 d******n 的大作中提到】
: When the leader are going to lead the follower into a chasse in waltz, how
: should he signal her?
: I usually get such a problem for an unfamiliar partner. It may help a little
: bit if it is right after the whisk step, but even in that case it still
: happens.
: The chasse is a 4 step count in 3 beats (1 bar), but the partner may always
: dance only 3 regular steps for the first time so that both's feet won't
: match afterwards.
: Ask for suggestions for the leading signals. Thanks.

1 (共1页)
[合集] chacha的chasse觉得有困难今天的收获
chacha back chasse的问题[合集] 继续舞伴的这个话题
十种舞蹈动作中英文名词here is how to do a chacha basic
四支舞,3个semi-final,1个finalAlemana 101 -- Bronze/Silver
话题: chasse话题: waltz话题: signal话题: both话题: step