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Database版 - 终于在RH7.0下成功装好Oracle817,特发文一片庆贺!
Oracle8概 述silent install of Oracle client on Windows?
An oracle installation error on Linux 9Help me try Oracle on my own PC!!
oracle8i在linux9的安装步骤(ZZ)[转载] Oracle发布最新版Internet数据库
Re: Web Database一个装ORACLE8I的问题?
Oracle for Solaris is available for FREE downloadquestion about oracle 8i personal edition
primitive question.Oracle8i能装在Win2000下吗?
How I choose from WebDB and Oracle8iRe: [转载] Oracle将发布最新数据库产品Oracle9i!follow-up
Managment server in Oracle8iJDBC<======================>Oracle8i
话题: oracle话题: glibc话题: linux话题: redhat话题: oracle817
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14
I have received so many emails lately that I thought it
would help to re-post this under a different topic to make
it easier to find.
If you're having trouble with Oracle 8.1.x on any version of
Linux that uses glibc version 2.2, try this and see if it
solves your problem:
The problem is that Oracle 8.1.x needs glibc 2.1.3. It will
link without error with glibc 2.2, but when you try to run
dbassist or create a da
发帖数: 139
Thanks a lot FairyBoy!
I always got such installation problems on RedHat.

【在 f******y 的大作中提到】
: 不这样还真不行!
: 原因是glibc2.2的问题,必须使用glibc2.1.3重新连接!
: 下面是我从Oracle网站里的一个讨论组下的东东,真是有用!
: 特贴出贡献大家!
: I have received so many emails lately that I thought it
: would help to re-post this under a different topic to make
: it easier to find.
: If you're having trouble with Oracle 8.1.x on any version of
: Linux that uses glibc version 2.2, try this and see if it
: solves your problem:

发帖数: 35
However , my oracle on the linux box still can not work even after this.
Initially oracle seems sucessfully created the database but failed at later
stagess on running $ORACLE_HOME/assitants/dbca/dbrun3.sh. and I deleted all the
data fules/conrol/log files and tryied again but failed.
I checked the log files and in one db_xxx.tr file saying "can not find symbols
in /lib/ld-linux.so.2, which is the orinigal glibcs file comes with RH7.0
and I greped /bin/oralce and find stings like /lib/ld-linux.

【在 f******y 的大作中提到】
: 不这样还真不行!
: 原因是glibc2.2的问题,必须使用glibc2.1.3重新连接!
: 下面是我从Oracle网站里的一个讨论组下的东东,真是有用!
: 特贴出贡献大家!
: I have received so many emails lately that I thought it
: would help to re-post this under a different topic to make
: it easier to find.
: If you're having trouble with Oracle 8.1.x on any version of
: Linux that uses glibc version 2.2, try this and see if it
: solves your problem:

发帖数: 139
I tried on RedHat 6.2, the database is working, but management server is
not working.

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: However , my oracle on the linux box still can not work even after this.
: Initially oracle seems sucessfully created the database but failed at later
: stagess on running $ORACLE_HOME/assitants/dbca/dbrun3.sh. and I deleted all the
: data fules/conrol/log files and tryied again but failed.
: I checked the log files and in one db_xxx.tr file saying "can not find symbols
: in /lib/ld-linux.so.2, which is the orinigal glibcs file comes with RH7.0
: and I greped /bin/oralce and find stings like /lib/ld-linux.

发帖数: 35
i digged a lot other posts regarding to oracle8i on RH7 and
decided to use RH6.2 at last.
this time, everything went through smoothly.

【在 w*****h 的大作中提到】
: I tried on RedHat 6.2, the database is working, but management server is
: not working.

发帖数: 139
Can you start your oms server?

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: i digged a lot other posts regarding to oracle8i on RH7 and
: decided to use RH6.2 at last.
: this time, everything went through smoothly.

1 (共1页)
JDBC<======================>Oracle8iOracle for Solaris is available for FREE download
how to connect to remote Oracle database, help me!!!primitive question.
好像偶的Oracle到了极限?How I choose from WebDB and Oracle8i
How to start a Oracle databaseManagment server in Oracle8i
Oracle8概 述silent install of Oracle client on Windows?
An oracle installation error on Linux 9Help me try Oracle on my own PC!!
oracle8i在linux9的安装步骤(ZZ)[转载] Oracle发布最新版Internet数据库
Re: Web Database一个装ORACLE8I的问题?
话题: oracle话题: glibc话题: linux话题: redhat话题: oracle817