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Database版 - Help! Diff between Teradata SQL and Oracle SQL.
Non (MS SQL and Oracle) 快过来报个到Senior Teradata DBA wanted
Oracle 看来还有很长的路考古了半天,大家说的db developer和一般的programmer有什么
SQL syntax difference between Teradata, DB2, and Oracle?advices please on learning Oracle
新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?寻求一位Teradata+Oracle tutor[付费]
几种主要的数据库前景是学Oracle还是SQL server?
size重要么?好久不来,本版已经被ms sql占领了
话题: sql话题: teradata话题: oracle话题: between话题: diff
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1524
Never use Teradata before and will touch it now. I know there are some
structure differences between teradata and oracle. Now I am more interested
in for database user, sql, what's the difference between them.
I have a very old sql bible which covers oracle, DB2, sql server but no
Any suggestion? Thanks,
发帖数: 8624
mostly performance related


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: Never use Teradata before and will touch it now. I know there are some
: structure differences between teradata and oracle. Now I am more interested
: in for database user, sql, what's the difference between them.
: I have a very old sql bible which covers oracle, DB2, sql server but no
: teradata.
: Any suggestion? Thanks,

发帖数: 1524
I know performance is the key. However that's the problem of DBA. As a user,
I hope to have some reference that tell detail of the difference.
For instance, different function, primary index define, commit, volatile,
like(?) table.
I do not want to go through teradata from the very beginning. If find such
book/web, I can focus on the different part. It could save some time.

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: mostly performance related
: interested

发帖数: 34098


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: I know performance is the key. However that's the problem of DBA. As a user,
: I hope to have some reference that tell detail of the difference.
: For instance, different function, primary index define, commit, volatile,
: like(?) table.
: I do not want to go through teradata from the very beginning. If find such
: book/web, I can focus on the different part. It could save some time.

发帖数: 508
commit is not used often in teradata, assuming warehouse environment.
PI is a key concept. it is used to hash your data in a table.
SQL functions in td are relatively limited. SQL itself is very different
between the two. you need to play with both. stats are imprtant in td and
developers need to know stats.
which version of td, 12 or 13?

【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: I know performance is the key. However that's the problem of DBA. As a user,
: I hope to have some reference that tell detail of the difference.
: For instance, different function, primary index define, commit, volatile,
: like(?) table.
: I do not want to go through teradata from the very beginning. If find such
: book/web, I can focus on the different part. It could save some time.

发帖数: 1524
Thanks for all your help.
From the document I read, without commit, no result would be saved, commit
is necessary for my system. Sounds it is only setting of our teradata? You
are right, stats is also important.
I realized the difference and hope to get a comparison book/web.
Our system is 13.

【在 s******s 的大作中提到】
: commit is not used often in teradata, assuming warehouse environment.
: PI is a key concept. it is used to hash your data in a table.
: SQL functions in td are relatively limited. SQL itself is very different
: between the two. you need to play with both. stats are imprtant in td and
: developers need to know stats.
: which version of td, 12 or 13?

发帖数: 2421
Teradat 13??? yoru company is brave!!!!!


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for all your help.
: From the document I read, without commit, no result would be saved, commit
: is necessary for my system. Sounds it is only setting of our teradata? You
: are right, stats is also important.
: I realized the difference and hope to get a comparison book/web.
: Our system is 13.

1 (共1页)
好久不来,本版已经被ms sql占领了新手求助: 学那个DATABASE软件好呢?
Non (MS SQL and Oracle) 快过来报个到Senior Teradata DBA wanted
Oracle 看来还有很长的路考古了半天,大家说的db developer和一般的programmer有什么
SQL syntax difference between Teradata, DB2, and Oracle?advices please on learning Oracle
话题: sql话题: teradata话题: oracle话题: between话题: diff