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EB23版 - House Prepares to Move STEM Immigration Reform
Hearing Release又开始要拿STEM忽悠人了
新墨西哥州:企业雇佣STEM毕业生给税务优惠STEM summary
CIR里的STEM是不是只算美国学位的?STEM degree list
92% Chinese Ph.D. stay in US after graduation一句话总结,eb类phd不占名额
WSJ:1万个签证给美国大学主修工程信息自然科学博士谁给总结一下对STEM PHD有什么好处
交485时发现缺一份I-20要紧吗House hearing: Keep foreign STEM advanced degree holders?
话题: stem话题: students话题: american话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2829
"He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
bill for vote by the end of the year?
发帖数: 1098
发帖数: 7404

【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: Link:
: http://goo.gl/d7QBo
: "He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
: happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
: introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
: 'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
: Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
: bill for vote by the end of the year?

发帖数: 2829
看文章呀。 一直是阻力, 所以没有什么STEM相关的BILL能PASS. 但是最近的这个BILL
Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is chair of the House Judiciary
Committee, has been the main stumbling block to any major reform affecting
STEM professionals. Despite White House support for the idea, reform bills
introduced this year by both Democrats and Republicans have languished
because of his opposition. Smith appears most concerned about the unintended
consequences of expanding the pool of legal immigrants. He has questioned
whether the benefits should extend to those with masters' degrees as well as
doctoral recipients, and the definition of which fields should be eligible
for such favored treatment. He also worries about opening the door to fly-by
-night institutions enrolling students who are more interested in obtaining
a green card than pursuing a career as a scientist or engineer.
But Smith is said to be close to resolving his concerns. At the 5 October
hearing he asked the four witnesses for yes or no answers to five pointed
questions relating to these issues. Despite their different perspectives on
the value of more STEM-trained immigrants, all favored some version of the
reforms being debated. And those in attendance are guessing that the answers
Smith received will eventually be folded into legislation.

【在 q****x 的大作中提到】
: 这家伙不是前两天说的主要阻力吗?老印又做工作了?
发帖数: 7404


【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: 看文章呀。 一直是阻力, 所以没有什么STEM相关的BILL能PASS. 但是最近的这个BILL
: 对于他的那些我认为很合理的CONCERN没有什么影响。
: Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is chair of the House Judiciary
: Committee, has been the main stumbling block to any major reform affecting
: STEM professionals. Despite White House support for the idea, reform bills
: introduced this year by both Democrats and Republicans have languished
: because of his opposition. Smith appears most concerned about the unintended
: consequences of expanding the pool of legal immigrants. He has questioned
: whether the benefits should extend to those with masters' degrees as well as
: doctoral recipients, and the definition of which fields should be eligible

发帖数: 1430
Another EB法案: HR 3146 introduced in the House

【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: Link:
: http://goo.gl/d7QBo
: "He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
: happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
: introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
: 'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
: Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
: bill for vote by the end of the year?

发帖数: 226
Chairman Smith: When it comes to STEM fields – science, technology,
engineering and math – American universities truly set the gold standard.
STEM graduates of our universities are behind many of the innovations and
new businesses that are part of our present and future economic growth.
Talented students from around the world contribute to the graduate STEM
programs of our universities. In 2009, foreign students received nearly 4
out of every 10 master’s degrees awarded in STEM fields and about the same
percentage of all doctorates.
These students have the potential to come up with an invention that could
save thousands of lives or jump-start a whole new industry. They also have
the ability to start a company that could provide jobs to tens of thousands
of American workers.
But what happens to these foreign students after they graduate? They are
in great demand by the universities themselves and by American industry.
That is why more than 6 out of every 10 science and engineering doctoral
graduates from 2002 were still here in 2007.
However, our immigration system does not always put American interests first
. We have the most generous level of legal immigration in the world. Yet
we select only 5% of our immigrants based on the skills and education they
bring to America.
Many people make a compelling argument: Why don’t we simply offer a green
card to any foreign student who graduates from a U.S. university with an
advanced STEM degree and wants to stay in the U.S.? After all, why would we
want to educate scientists and engineers here and then send them home to
work for our competitors?
But we should keep several points in mind. First, all graduate degrees are
not the same. It takes an average of over seven years in graduate school
for STEM students to receive a doctorate. A master’s can be earned in two
And when it comes to the proportion of persons who have applied for patents,
those with doctorates far outpace those with bachelor’s and master’s
degrees. Sixteen percent of scientists and engineers with doctorates
working in STEM fields have applied for patents, compared to only two
percent with bachelor’s degrees and five percent with master’s degrees.
Second, a visa “pot of gold” could create an incentive for schools to aim
solely to attract tuition-paying foreign students with the lure of a green
As the former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services at the State
Department has warned, “A school in the United States can be found for even
the poorest academic achiever … Unfortunately, schools that actively
recruit foreign students for primarily economic reasons, and without regard
to their qualifications or intentions, may encourage such high-risk
underachievers to seek student visa status as a ticket into the United
And the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings warns against “
inducing the enrollment of poor-quality foreign students in U.S. higher
education institutions simply to obtain green cards …”
This is not just a hypothetic concern. Australia’s experience should be
instructive. One study found that: “The reformers did not anticipate the
alacrity with which Australia’s universities . . . would set up courses
designed to attract international students looking for the cheapest and
easiest ways to obtain qualifications in occupations that could lead to
permanent residence . . . [C]oncerns about the quality of instruction in
universities . . . and about the extent to which students were basing their
choice of educational provider on the likely permanent residence outcomes,
spread into the mainstream media. The result was a popular image that the
industry was about selling education for visas. This perception was
shredding its credibility.”
However, the choice between sending all graduates home and automatically
issuing visas to students are not the only options available.
In 2009, foreign students earned about 11,000 doctorate degrees in STEM
fields from U.S. universities. With tweaks to our immigration system, we
can accommodate those graduates whom American universities and businesses
most desire and who are most able to contribute to our economy.

【在 q****x 的大作中提到】
: 这家伙不是前两天说的主要阻力吗?老印又做工作了?
发帖数: 7404

【在 f*******8 的大作中提到】
: Another EB法案: HR 3146 introduced in the House
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/EB23/31450423_3.html

发帖数: 1339
发帖数: 1430
With tweaks to our immigration system, we
can accommodate those graduates whom American universities and businesses
most desire and who are most able to contribute to our economy.
他用了"tweaks"这个词。这个词是slight change的意思。就是微小的改变。他认为只


【在 z**x 的大作中提到】
: 上次hearing上,就不觉得他是阻力,只不过提了一些问题值得大家注意。大方向他还
: 是支持的。
: http://judiciary.house.gov/news/Statement%20STEM.html
: Chairman Smith: When it comes to STEM fields – science, technology,
: engineering and math – American universities truly set the gold standard.
: STEM graduates of our universities are behind many of the innovations and
: new businesses that are part of our present and future economic growth.
: Talented students from around the world contribute to the graduate STEM
: programs of our universities. In 2009, foreign students received nearly 4
: out of every 10 master’s degrees awarded in STEM fields and about the same

交485时发现缺一份I-20要紧吗STEM summary
现在职业绿卡要几年?STEM degree list
发帖数: 2829
"He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
bill for vote by the end of the year?
发帖数: 1098
发帖数: 7404

【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: Link:
: http://goo.gl/d7QBo
: "He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
: happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
: introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
: 'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
: Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
: bill for vote by the end of the year?

发帖数: 2829
看文章呀。 一直是阻力, 所以没有什么STEM相关的BILL能PASS. 但是最近的这个BILL
Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is chair of the House Judiciary
Committee, has been the main stumbling block to any major reform affecting
STEM professionals. Despite White House support for the idea, reform bills
introduced this year by both Democrats and Republicans have languished
because of his opposition. Smith appears most concerned about the unintended
consequences of expanding the pool of legal immigrants. He has questioned
whether the benefits should extend to those with masters' degrees as well as
doctoral recipients, and the definition of which fields should be eligible
for such favored treatment. He also worries about opening the door to fly-by
-night institutions enrolling students who are more interested in obtaining
a green card than pursuing a career as a scientist or engineer.
But Smith is said to be close to resolving his concerns. At the 5 October
hearing he asked the four witnesses for yes or no answers to five pointed
questions relating to these issues. Despite their different perspectives on
the value of more STEM-trained immigrants, all favored some version of the
reforms being debated. And those in attendance are guessing that the answers
Smith received will eventually be folded into legislation.

【在 q****x 的大作中提到】
: 这家伙不是前两天说的主要阻力吗?老印又做工作了?
发帖数: 7404


【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: 看文章呀。 一直是阻力, 所以没有什么STEM相关的BILL能PASS. 但是最近的这个BILL
: 对于他的那些我认为很合理的CONCERN没有什么影响。
: Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is chair of the House Judiciary
: Committee, has been the main stumbling block to any major reform affecting
: STEM professionals. Despite White House support for the idea, reform bills
: introduced this year by both Democrats and Republicans have languished
: because of his opposition. Smith appears most concerned about the unintended
: consequences of expanding the pool of legal immigrants. He has questioned
: whether the benefits should extend to those with masters' degrees as well as
: doctoral recipients, and the definition of which fields should be eligible

发帖数: 1430
Another EB法案: HR 3146 introduced in the House

【在 b***k 的大作中提到】
: Link:
: http://goo.gl/d7QBo
: "He has expressed support for a STEM bill, and told us that it could
: happen this year," says a lobbyist for IEEE-USA. "If he
: introduces his own bill, the odds of its passage would be very good."
: 'He' refers to Rep.Smith.
: Based on the speed of the legislation, is it possible to introduce the
: bill for vote by the end of the year?

发帖数: 226
Chairman Smith: When it comes to STEM fields – science, technology,
engineering and math – American universities truly set the gold standard.
STEM graduates of our universities are behind many of the innovations and
new businesses that are part of our present and future economic growth.
Talented students from around the world contribute to the graduate STEM
programs of our universities. In 2009, foreign students received nearly 4
out of every 10 master’s degrees awarded in STEM fields and about the same
percentage of all doctorates.
These students have the potential to come up with an invention that could
save thousands of lives or jump-start a whole new industry. They also have
the ability to start a company that could provide jobs to tens of thousands
of American workers.
But what happens to these foreign students after they graduate? They are
in great demand by the universities themselves and by American industry.
That is why more than 6 out of every 10 science and engineering doctoral
graduates from 2002 were still here in 2007.
However, our immigration system does not always put American interests first
. We have the most generous level of legal immigration in the world. Yet
we select only 5% of our immigrants based on the skills and education they
bring to America.
Many people make a compelling argument: Why don’t we simply offer a green
card to any foreign student who graduates from a U.S. university with an
advanced STEM degree and wants to stay in the U.S.? After all, why would we
want to educate scientists and engineers here and then send them home to
work for our competitors?
But we should keep several points in mind. First, all graduate degrees are
not the same. It takes an average of over seven years in graduate school
for STEM students to receive a doctorate. A master’s can be earned in two
And when it comes to the proportion of persons who have applied for patents,
those with doctorates far outpace those with bachelor’s and master’s
degrees. Sixteen percent of scientists and engineers with doctorates
working in STEM fields have applied for patents, compared to only two
percent with bachelor’s degrees and five percent with master’s degrees.
Second, a visa “pot of gold” could create an incentive for schools to aim
solely to attract tuition-paying foreign students with the lure of a green
As the former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services at the State
Department has warned, “A school in the United States can be found for even
the poorest academic achiever … Unfortunately, schools that actively
recruit foreign students for primarily economic reasons, and without regard
to their qualifications or intentions, may encourage such high-risk
underachievers to seek student visa status as a ticket into the United
And the Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings warns against “
inducing the enrollment of poor-quality foreign students in U.S. higher
education institutions simply to obtain green cards …”
This is not just a hypothetic concern. Australia’s experience should be
instructive. One study found that: “The reformers did not anticipate the
alacrity with which Australia’s universities . . . would set up courses
designed to attract international students looking for the cheapest and
easiest ways to obtain qualifications in occupations that could lead to
permanent residence . . . [C]oncerns about the quality of instruction in
universities . . . and about the extent to which students were basing their
choice of educational provider on the likely permanent residence outcomes,
spread into the mainstream media. The result was a popular image that the
industry was about selling education for visas. This perception was
shredding its credibility.”
However, the choice between sending all graduates home and automatically
issuing visas to students are not the only options available.
In 2009, foreign students earned about 11,000 doctorate degrees in STEM
fields from U.S. universities. With tweaks to our immigration system, we
can accommodate those graduates whom American universities and businesses
most desire and who are most able to contribute to our economy.

【在 q****x 的大作中提到】
: 这家伙不是前两天说的主要阻力吗?老印又做工作了?
发帖数: 7404

【在 f*******8 的大作中提到】
: Another EB法案: HR 3146 introduced in the House
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/EB23/31450423_3.html

发帖数: 1339
发帖数: 1430
With tweaks to our immigration system, we
can accommodate those graduates whom American universities and businesses
most desire and who are most able to contribute to our economy.
他用了"tweaks"这个词。这个词是slight change的意思。就是微小的改变。他认为只


【在 z**x 的大作中提到】
: 上次hearing上,就不觉得他是阻力,只不过提了一些问题值得大家注意。大方向他还
: 是支持的。
: http://judiciary.house.gov/news/Statement%20STEM.html
: Chairman Smith: When it comes to STEM fields – science, technology,
: engineering and math – American universities truly set the gold standard.
: STEM graduates of our universities are behind many of the innovations and
: new businesses that are part of our present and future economic growth.
: Talented students from around the world contribute to the graduate STEM
: programs of our universities. In 2009, foreign students received nearly 4
: out of every 10 master’s degrees awarded in STEM fields and about the same

发帖数: 355
1 (共1页)
Stem限定专业还是工作性质?92% Chinese Ph.D. stay in US after graduation
STEM bill is just a bad show put by GOP.WSJ:1万个签证给美国大学主修工程信息自然科学博士
细节的理解:* Exempting US advanced degree STEM graduates from employment-based green card quotas交485时发现缺一份I-20要紧吗
Hearing Release又开始要拿STEM忽悠人了
新墨西哥州:企业雇佣STEM毕业生给税务优惠STEM summary
CIR里的STEM是不是只算美国学位的?STEM degree list
话题: stem话题: students话题: american话题: he