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Education版 - More High School Math And Science, More Dropouts
Arkansas State posts proposed guidelines for math围棋与原始的 Algebraic Thinking(图)
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话题: more话题: math话题: science话题: courses话题: school
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发帖数: 19398
More High School Math And Science Requirements, More Dropouts
Adding more math and science courses to high school graduation requirements
made students more likely to drop out, according to a recently published stu
dy by Washington University researchers.
The study compared course requirement changes between 1980 and 1999. Florida
was among a group of states with the most required math and science courses
— six. Proponents argue that requiring tougher courses — rigor, in edubuz
zspeak — better prepares all students for college or a post high school car
But the Washington University researchers found no rising tide.
“We observed no evidence of broad benefit related to increases in mathemati
cs and science [high school course graduation requirements],” the researche
rs wrote.
Some demographic groups showed some benefits. Black women and Hispanic men w
ere less likely to start college in states which increased the number of req
uired courses, researchers found. But, black women and Hispanic men who did
enroll in college were more likely to earn a degree.
Florida is among the states which has added math and science courses to high
school graduation requirements over the past decade. Those included Algebra
1, Algebra 2, biology and other advanced math and science classes.
Students must complete four math and three science courses to earn a high sc
hool diploma
But state lawmakers have backed off some of those requirements recently. Alg
ebra 2 is no longer required. And students no longer have to pass final exam
s for some classes. Instead, the final exam counts as 30 percent of their gr
State law now allow students to swap career training courses for some of the
required math and science courses.
Florida’s graduation rate has improved consistently over the past decade, b
ut the state still has the sixth-lowest rate in the country. Supporters of F
lorida’s education policies say the graduation rate would improve if Florid
a got rid of exit exams, but that students wouldn’t be ready for life after
high school.
1 (共1页)
请问有学math education 的吗? 帮忙!我的几个学生
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咨询:如果学校不给外国学生student teaching,纯文科背景想教数学
Arkansas State posts proposed guidelines for math围棋与原始的 Algebraic Thinking(图)
Q. & A. With Liping Ma围棋数学提交給全美数学老师协会NCTM
Affirmative Action in College Admission数学家教
话题: more话题: math话题: science话题: courses话题: school