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EnglishChat版 - faint!!!
black friday blue是什么意思啊?
faint和pass out
language :)
this afternoon
Re: starving...
Merry Christmas, 奔一个
cuban food
话题: she话题: fung话题: sui话题: water话题: blah
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 492
an old auntie just came to visit my home. immigrating from hongkong 20
years ago, she has been living in the state of california ever since. now
her daughter has just given birth to a baby girl, she came to take care of
them. she is a friend of the family so she stopped by. but she is soooo
superstitious. she said my living room has bad fung sui(wind water), i
should move the bookshelf and desk to make it better, also i should buy a
aquarium to make the water flow, blah blah blah...i cannot
发帖数: 492

people from HK always trust fung sui man. there is an apartment
building in shallow water bay. it was built by water, on the foot
of a mountain. before construction, the designer didn't consult a
fung sui man. later a fung sui man said there was a horse running
from the top of the mountain every night to drink water. if the
building blocked its way, it will destroy the building eventually
because of anger. under his direction, the building was finally
finished with a hole in it, so that t
发帖数: 1700
There was a guy wanted to get in our company, but when he was about
to be rejected, he made some bad comments of the fenshui...
1. our room number is #24-11, so 24-11=13, bad luck; if you pronouce
#24-11 in cantonese means "easy to die, definitely die one by one" ,
in Mandarin means "hungry & starved to death for sure, one by one"
2. The telephone number 3244292 in cantonese means "business failure
for sure, the easy road to failure"
Then he was rejected immediately :P
We were offerred unit 14-1

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: an old auntie just came to visit my home. immigrating from hongkong 20
: years ago, she has been living in the state of california ever since. now
: her daughter has just given birth to a baby girl, she came to take care of
: them. she is a friend of the family so she stopped by. but she is soooo
: superstitious. she said my living room has bad fung sui(wind water), i
: should move the bookshelf and desk to make it better, also i should buy a
: aquarium to make the water flow, blah blah blah...i cannot

1 (共1页)
cuban food
Re: 怎么说"综合考虑"?
Ever Ever
求助:Invitation letter for House warming party
how to answer this? "what's up"
话题: she话题: fung话题: sui话题: water话题: blah