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EnglishChat版 - My English Teacher
My cousin's English teacher
It's normal...
English is realy veeeeeeeeeery important!
Re: hehe, the teacher mm is a K*****
[转载] Re: English water le
English Reading Link (1). :-)
Re: who know some English mp3 sites?
Re: online dictionary??
Shouting English
Re: How to study English in US
话题: my话题: english话题: said话题: she话题: physics
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14
It was on Monday. My American Oral English said that
she came to church on Sunday and she met a physics
professor. She said that the physics professor's talk
was excellent and the professor is so funny and his
ideas were brilliant... I said that I did agree with
her that physics guys are so incredible smart, their
way of thinking is miracle and they are humous....blah,
blah... Then I mentioned Einstain. I said that I read a
lot of books about him and I saw the movie IQ. I said
that I like Eins
1 (共1页)
Re: How to study English in US
How to say ~ in English yah?
Re: Suggestions for Englishchat!!!
Re: 想发音象老外吗:A tip
Re: 请问斑竹的英文怎么样?
Re: any good english-english dictionary for palm?
a small comment to comers here
Re: okay, the first doubt i wanna inquire the experts here...
[转载] recommend a good site to learn english
话题: my话题: english话题: said话题: she话题: physics