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Faculty版 - ZZ: PhD/postdoc positions at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
奇怪的事情EPFL的教授职位ON SITE面试值得去么?
Senior Scientist position at at ETH Zurich大家都申请了多少个学校?
世界第一名的大学: 牛京大学欧洲申请问题
有没有人愿意收我做半年到一年的博士后…… (转载)看看人家Caltech,啧啧
Physical Chemistry Postdoc Research Opportunity at Boston University看看人家Caltech,啧啧 (转载)
Assistant Professor of Computational Chemistry , Department (转载)起个话题:大家都没考虑过欧洲的faculty吗
话题: phd话题: eth话题: zurich话题: attosecond话题: positions
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1299
One freind of mine who just became a Assistant Professor at ETH (Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich is looking for PhD
students/post-docs for his research group in the field of attosecond
science. He is very young (<30), very smart (the most intellegient
yound sciendtest I've ever met) and employees at ETH are very well
paid (~40-50K USD for PhD students and 70-100K for post-docs). See
below for details:
PhD and postdoc positions in attosecond molecular science are
available at the Laboratory of physical chemistry of ETH Zurich. The
successful candidates will develop new experimental methods to probe
the dynamics of molecules on the shortest currently accessible time
scales using state-of-the-art ultrafast laser systems. The projects
include the measurement of the evolving electronic structure of a
molecule undergoing a chemical reaction, the observation of electron
circulation in molecular systems and the imaging of attosecond
electronic wave packets in molecules.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a MSc/PhD degree in
physical chemistry or AMO physics. Experience with the operation of
lasers and vacuum systems is an advantage.
The positions are available immediately, the closing date is November
30th 2010. Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, a
curriculum vitae, names and addresses of two referees and a grade
record of their Master’s examination (for PhD candidates).
For additional information please contact: Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner
Phone number: +41 44 6334412, email: w*****[email protected]
发帖数: 96

【在 o****u 的大作中提到】
: One freind of mine who just became a Assistant Professor at ETH (Swiss
: Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich is looking for PhD
: students/post-docs for his research group in the field of attosecond
: science. He is very young (<30), very smart (the most intellegient
: yound sciendtest I've ever met) and employees at ETH are very well
: paid (~40-50K USD for PhD students and 70-100K for post-docs). See
: below for details:
: PhD and postdoc positions in attosecond molecular science are
: available at the Laboratory of physical chemistry of ETH Zurich. The
: successful candidates will develop new experimental methods to probe

发帖数: 739
是tenure track吗?

【在 o****u 的大作中提到】
: One freind of mine who just became a Assistant Professor at ETH (Swiss
: Federal Institute of Technology) Zurich is looking for PhD
: students/post-docs for his research group in the field of attosecond
: science. He is very young (<30), very smart (the most intellegient
: yound sciendtest I've ever met) and employees at ETH are very well
: paid (~40-50K USD for PhD students and 70-100K for post-docs). See
: below for details:
: PhD and postdoc positions in attosecond molecular science are
: available at the Laboratory of physical chemistry of ETH Zurich. The
: successful candidates will develop new experimental methods to probe

发帖数: 1299
I was 95% when I joined chemistry, eth and it increased to 100% two
years after.

【在 g**n 的大作中提到】
: 很多系不是100%工资的(博士)。化学系估计就60%。
发帖数: 1299

【在 p*f 的大作中提到】
: 他也ap了?
: 是tenure track吗?
: 又是近亲繁殖。

1 (共1页)
现在找ap真难呀有没有人愿意收我做半年到一年的博士后…… (转载)
看到大家讨论工资Physical Chemistry Postdoc Research Opportunity at Boston University
名校博士后 VS 200名学校tenure-track APAssistant Professor of Computational Chemistry , Department (转载)
奇怪的事情EPFL的教授职位ON SITE面试值得去么?
Senior Scientist position at at ETH Zurich大家都申请了多少个学校?
世界第一名的大学: 牛京大学欧洲申请问题
话题: phd话题: eth话题: zurich话题: attosecond话题: positions