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Faculty版 - 哥大Shames 叫兽必须谢罪-包子伺候-修改稿出台公示 (转载)
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话题: sames话题: sezen话题: mr话题: students话题: he
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发帖数: 151
【 以下文字转载自 Chemistry 讨论区 】
发信人: evans2 (evans), 信区: Chemistry
标 题: 哥大Shames 叫兽必须谢罪-包子伺候-修改稿出台公示
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 24 14:06:10 2011, 美东)
第二版出台 也同时希望中国化学教授能表现出支持的态度,虽然事不关己,看在民族大义份上,务必团结
Should Mr. Sames apologize to these students being ruined by his fraud?
Mr Sames is a tenured Professor in chemistry department of Columbia University, he focused on his study in organic chemistry. During the past 10 years, he is considered by peers as a genius chemist and published a variety of research publications in high impact journals such as JACS and Angew. However, there is a scandal breaking out in 2003 that one of his student Sezen (a female student from Turkey), who has done fraud in several publications and fabricated the research data, which in turn lead to her Phd degree being revoked from university of Columbia, a punish severe enough to an ex-student in graduate school. However, it seems there is no corresponding impact to Mr. Sames, we, a group of Chinese students (hundreds of Phd students and post-docs) in chemistry field hope there is a transparent investigation to clarify the result since there are several Chinese students being involved in this issue and being treated unfairly. Our perspectives toward this issue are very different with university of Columbia’s decision, and we are calling your attention to this issue;
Below analysis regard Sames-Sezen issue is from ChemBark Blog, a neutral public blog for investigation of scientific misconduct
ChemBark Investigations, Lab Management, Sames-Sezen, Scientific Culture, Scientific Misconduct.
There are several reasons this section of the Columbia Report is particularly damning for Sames:
1. Sames appears to punish several innocent students while allowing the guilty one to run wild.
2. The action confirms that Sames knew that Sezen’s work could not be reproduced by several chemists in his own lab.
3. The action suggests that rather than respond to the gravity of the irreproducibility and investigate it, Sames dismissed students from his lab (and in doing so, essentially silenced them).
4. The fact that the Committee explicitly states that they were not charged with deciding whether Sames fired these students because of their inability to reproduce Sezen’s results raises a very important issue: while Sezen’s role in this scandal was investigated, we do not know whether Sames has been investigated. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this investigation was launched as a result of a complaint by Sames against Sezen. Did Sames’ role as Complainant protect him from subsequent investigation?
We know how Sezen has been punished, but what of Sames? Sezen is (rightly) going to lose her Ph.D. because it was based on fabricated data. Can Sames keep his job given his gross record of sustained negligence and the fact that a portion of Sezen’s work almost certainly factored in to Columbia’s decision to award him tenure in 2003?
The answer is yes, apparently, because it has been six years since Sezen was exposed and Sames doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. While we don’t know how Columbia has punished Sames—if at all—we do know several punishments Sames has escaped. He still has his job at Columbia. He still has tenure. He still is allowed to run his own research lab. He still receives federal funding. He is still allowed to publish in JACS and seemingly was never suspended from doing so. Finally, he has evaded the vast majority of the acrimony surrounding the case. Somewhere between 2005 and 2011, the beautiful work of Sames became the horrible work of Sezen. How is it that a professor can be given the lionshare of credit for a body of good work when published, yet escape the lionshare of the blame when the work is proven fraudulent?”
As above comments indicated, Mr Sames’qualification as a professor in a prestigious university is questionable, we Chinese chemistry community completely agree with above comments. In addition to Mr Sames’ behaviour in scientific research, the ethics of Mr Sames’s management of his lab and treatment of the students are also questionable; Indeed, we observed that he fired at least one of Chinese students in his group, maybe more, which bring a very tough time for them, and in turn attracted our Chinese chemists’ attention;
Below is our Chinese chemistry community’s perspective regard to Sames-Sezen issue;
It is a known fact that some professors take advantage of Indian and Chinese grad students and treat them as indentured servitude, just like some employers take advantage of illegal immigrants. It seems Mr. Sames is one of them. Indeed, Mr Sames slaved some of the best students in chemistry, one of the common sense of the characteristics of slavery, though, is the treatment of people as disposable objects, and certainly Sames treated some of his grad students as such.
Mr. Sames hired the students from developing country and used them to explore the hiding landmines in the scientific field in their first two years in graduate school without proper training, then fired some of them, usually the one he dislike, would not flatter him, and being bombed by the random landmines in the scientific research field at their third year!
Now days if a chemist want to work in his "beloved" chemistry field, he has to work like a slave, suck it up and go through it, hopefully with minimal amount of "permanent" damage. These are very true toward the students from developing countries in such an economic recession era. Most of schools realize that chemistry grad students probably are least likely candidates to donate a shining bldg or endow a chair. Compared to science graduate school, MD's, JD's and "know-it-all" MBA's probably have very different grad school experience.
In our perspective Mr Shames is one of the professors who ruined chemistry, in addition to that, he ruined US 's reputation as a leading, decent scientific research country. His behavior in scientific research and his ethic in management of his lab are unacceptable, which annoyed all the chemistry community. His conduct also brings very negative effects to future students majored in chemistry from rest of the world.
There should be an investigation toward Mr Sames’ behavior and a corresponding punishment to his inappropriate deed in Columbia University!
In such a recession time, Chinese chemistry community calls your attention regard this issue, regardless of your identity, either you are a student, being recently laid off or hold a tenure position, to protect our sensitive and fragile chemistry community.
Chinese Chemistry Community in North America(CCCNA)
Mr Shames must apologize to these students being ruined by his fraud and
dirty morality.
Indeed he slaved some of the best students in chemistry, one of the common
sense of the characteristics of slavery, though, is the treatment of people
as disposable objects, and certainly Sames treated some of his grad
students as such.
He hired the students from developing country and used them to explore the
hiding landmines in the scientific field in their first two years in
graduate school, then fired some of them, usually the one he dislike,
without leg to offer and being bombed by the random landmines, at the third
Now days If a chemist want to work in your "beloved" chemistry field, he has
to work like a slave, suck it up and go through it, hopefully with minimal
amount of "permanent" damage. Most of schools realize that chemistry grad
students probably are least likely candidates to donate a shining bldg or
endow a chair. MD's, JD's and "know-it-all" MBA's probably have very
different grad school experience.
Mr Shames is one of the beast professors who ruined chemistry,also, he
ruined US 's reputation as a leading, decent scientific country. What a
BTW 请哥大同学提供一个化学系公共信箱,此信将首先发至哥大化学系,以观后效
1 (共1页)
请教: 二次申请, 二次面试 for same department, same position
any suggestion?
[合集] 什么消息都没有的来求个祝福。。谢谢大家了.:)
话题: sames话题: sezen话题: mr话题: students话题: he