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Faculty版 - rebuttal到底起多大作用
proposal 递交以后如果对方给了意见要求rebuttal (转载)Journal rejection appeal
为什么他们需要我重新申请grant时有独立位置呢?paper先submit给Conference A,rebuttal 发回来的review不好,能withdraw再submit给Conference B么?
太欺负人了和 NSF manager negotiate budget
有必要跟 editor argue 么?闹心
话题: ok话题: your话题: ivy话题: ur话题: do
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1012
自己的一个submission前几天得到回应,是个borderline case...
发帖数: 1269

【在 y****e 的大作中提到】
: 自己的一个submission前几天得到回应,是个borderline case...
: 不知道rubuttal写了能有多大的回旋空间~~
: 哎,好郁闷那~~
: PC里面中国人多点就好了……

发帖数: 282

【在 y****e 的大作中提到】
: 自己的一个submission前几天得到回应,是个borderline case...
: 不知道rubuttal写了能有多大的回旋空间~~
: 哎,好郁闷那~~
: PC里面中国人多点就好了……

发帖数: 1875
how many rebuttals did you have?
one out of how many rebuttals?

【在 m****e 的大作中提到】
: 成功过一次,又恢复了审稿,两年后,又两轮修改,发了。
发帖数: 282
不拽你难受啊,还one out of how many? 不会说中文? 您这E文也惨点儿吧。
谁教你说话愣成这样的? 你当你自己谁呀? 让人刺惯了也不用上这来显,不会好好说话
教你个怪,一次rebuttal, 运气好,成了。你那算概率的小心眼就收了吧。

【在 l**1 的大作中提到】
: how many rebuttals did you have?
: one out of how many rebuttals?

发帖数: 751
发帖数: 1875
I think mdmjoe - you have a mental problem.
when I got my tenure, you were not even a phd student yet.
so you must respect senior faculty members here, OK?
son, let me teach you a lesson before you go to wild forest out there, OK?

【在 m****e 的大作中提到】
: 不拽你难受啊,还one out of how many? 不会说中文? 您这E文也惨点儿吧。
: 谁教你说话愣成这样的? 你当你自己谁呀? 让人刺惯了也不用上这来显,不会好好说话
: 就一边凉快去。大人说话你个小东西搭什么茬。
: 教你个怪,一次rebuttal, 运气好,成了。你那算概率的小心眼就收了吧。

发帖数: 282
i think lot1, you have a brain program, when i was a phd student, u were
still working in a restaurant. so I must respect senior waiters here, my bad
, OK.
ur brain suffered serious structural improvements when they smuggled
you here. u can even speak some primitive language now. i am really proud of
u. that tenure from one of the best takeout only restaurants, named 菊花开
落知多少楼,must be quite an achievement for you.

【在 l**1 的大作中提到】
: I think mdmjoe - you have a mental problem.
: when I got my tenure, you were not even a phd student yet.
: so you must respect senior faculty members here, OK?
: son, let me teach you a lesson before you go to wild forest out there, OK?

发帖数: 367
mdmjoe, your english is extremely bad and broken.
get out of here, will you?
shame on you.


【在 m****e 的大作中提到】
: i think lot1, you have a brain program, when i was a phd student, u were
: still working in a restaurant. so I must respect senior waiters here, my bad
: , OK.
: ur brain suffered serious structural improvements when they smuggled
: you here. u can even speak some primitive language now. i am really proud of
: u. that tenure from one of the best takeout only restaurants, named 菊花开
: 落知多少楼,must be quite an achievement for you.

发帖数: 282
oh, yeah, broken and bad, is that all you got? u are such a joke. what kind
of fagots name itself 教师哥哥。 if u have any balls, do not put on an 马甲
and show off your bipolar issue. Go enjoy your homosexual life and stop
ruining every board here, homos belong to your own shit sucking cave. right,
maybe you and lot1 have a lot in common, gross.

【在 j**********e 的大作中提到】
: mdmjoe, your english is extremely bad and broken.
: get out of here, will you?
: shame on you.
: bad
: of

发帖数: 367
your english is broken.
烂校烂专业经济系的货,没有资格跟我说话。等你进了ivy league, 再跟我说英语,



【在 m****e 的大作中提到】
: oh, yeah, broken and bad, is that all you got? u are such a joke. what kind
: of fagots name itself 教师哥哥。 if u have any balls, do not put on an 马甲
: and show off your bipolar issue. Go enjoy your homosexual life and stop
: ruining every board here, homos belong to your own shit sucking cave. right,
: maybe you and lot1 have a lot in common, gross.

发帖数: 282
hey, i was not even talking to you? Do not flatter yourself.
Please, are u even a faculty somewhere? Broken, ok, ok, broken, man, are
you actually trying to atrack me or mocking lot 1 and yourself ? now u made
yourself a joke. Go find a room and do your s**ty business there?
ivy? i am not sure you have ever been to an ivy i attended.Yours has to be
one of the most prestigious fagot schools, is your adviser Dr. she-male?
Wow, you really scared me, you are so up there, i cannot even look at u.
Jesus, what a brassy snob u are. Economics? your whole family is economics.
How weak is your research capability? Are u sure Dr she-male taught u
don't u think showing off schooling background is so immature? one piece of
advice for u, that is a looser. your school takes pride of what u do, not
your being there.
lot1, if you are a she, i apologize. i take everything back. otherwise, this
哥哥 of yours stinks. it ain't got no braincells.

【在 j**********e 的大作中提到】
: your english is broken.
: 烂校烂专业经济系的货,没有资格跟我说话。等你进了ivy league, 再跟我说英语,
: OK?
: kind
: 甲
: right,

发帖数: 367
hey, I am talking to you, the low ranking school low level major stuff:
Your English is broken and bad everywhere.
You are a loser, not "looser", OK??
I hold an Ivy League Phd. if you ever attend Ivy League, then I may look at
you. Otherwise, you go away, OK?


【在 m****e 的大作中提到】
: hey, i was not even talking to you? Do not flatter yourself.
: Please, are u even a faculty somewhere? Broken, ok, ok, broken, man, are
: you actually trying to atrack me or mocking lot 1 and yourself ? now u made
: yourself a joke. Go find a room and do your s**ty business there?
: ivy? i am not sure you have ever been to an ivy i attended.Yours has to be
: one of the most prestigious fagot schools, is your adviser Dr. she-male?
: Wow, you really scared me, you are so up there, i cannot even look at u.
: Jesus, what a brassy snob u are. Economics? your whole family is economics.
: How weak is your research capability? Are u sure Dr she-male taught u
: anything?

发帖数: 282
u gay people thought everyone should pay attention to you regardless of
their sexual preference. in ur case, did u suffer from attention deficiency
when u were young?
u are talking to me? who the f u think u are, u " wood"pecker?
u are talking to me ? let's put the logic straight, u said u would NOT talk
to me, but u keep coming back and show off ur childish replies. if we
define replying as the only way to talk on this site, do help me out, what
exactly are u doing? apparently u are seeking attention here, u horny
bastard, i am sorry to waste your time, but i am straight.
if u can still read, u should drop the ivy issue now. that is unfortunately
our commonality. i am not sure if u graduated, ur symptoms are typical of a
lower level school (in ur words) student that finally made it to a top
school. u guys normally cannot wait to show off your new "achievement".
that is so
shallow and childish, do look up the word brassy please, u fit squarely in.
i wonder if u even know what my field is. 经济 is a 专业, when u say 烂校烂
专业经济系, that is entertainingly silly. is this really the best u can do,
好专业people ? i highly respect 经济 as a field, and u are such an
cheater when u arbitrarily categorize 专业 into binary categories. how can a
trained researcher be so simple and naive that u can only see things purely
. u are the kind that doesn't have the guts to follow ur true interest and
has money make every decision, how are u people different from prostitutes?
At least many of them got no other options, u guys, prostituting ur future
to a filthy materialistic belief can't be more pathetic.
again, do find more words to replace ur broken and ok. aren't u tired of
them? are u a 复读机哥哥?
if u have to bark again, do talk about something new, no ivy anymore, think
about our readers.


【在 j**********e 的大作中提到】
: hey, I am talking to you, the low ranking school low level major stuff:
: Your English is broken and bad everywhere.
: You are a loser, not "looser", OK??
: I hold an Ivy League Phd. if you ever attend Ivy League, then I may look at
: you. Otherwise, you go away, OK?
: made
: .

1 (共1页)
帮同胞grant app的技巧探讨有必要跟 editor argue 么?
proposal 递交以后如果对方给了意见要求rebuttal (转载)Journal rejection appeal
为什么他们需要我重新申请grant时有独立位置呢?paper先submit给Conference A,rebuttal 发回来的review不好,能withdraw再submit给Conference B么?
话题: ok话题: your话题: ivy话题: ur话题: do