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Faculty版 - weird. please advise.
初来乍到,问几个问题Letter for undergraduate?
一个问题?请教offer 的选择
interview question: how do you bring undergraduate student into research?Can I make a lie to my students?
Community College的学生可以叫undergraduate students吗?how to think like a professor instead of a student?
researchassistantprofessor?Is there a facebook for professors?
search committee里面可能有AP吗?any advice?
上次面试updateadvising student
instructor,lecturer这种工作稳定吗?出去开会, 上课怎么办?
话题: he话题: professor话题: student话题: him话题: weird
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19
a professor emailed one of my students (undergraduate class) to ask for a
copy of my course outline but told him not to mention to me. The student
doesn't want to give it to him because he feels uncomfortable being asked
not to let me know.also the professor could get a copy from the dept
What does the professor want? trying to pick on me? Do you think I should
talk to him (but he didn't want me to know)? or let the dean know because
the student is worried of retaliation if he takes his class. (the student
actually saved the email in his personal account just in case.) it is not
very professional that the professor is doing it this way.
Some info:
1. the professor is senior, might be retiring. may not like me, i am tenured.
2. my classes are popular. he's not so good a teacher. we don't teach the
same classes.
3. just got a new major approved (undergraduate). i might get more students.
he might be opposed to this program.
a very simple issue. but it is kind of annoying. sorry for the long message.
your advice is very much appreciated.
发帖数: 3433

【在 u*****t 的大作中提到】
: a professor emailed one of my students (undergraduate class) to ask for a
: copy of my course outline but told him not to mention to me. The student
: doesn't want to give it to him because he feels uncomfortable being asked
: not to let me know.also the professor could get a copy from the dept
: secretary.
: What does the professor want? trying to pick on me? Do you think I should
: talk to him (but he didn't want me to know)? or let the dean know because
: the student is worried of retaliation if he takes his class. (the student
: actually saved the email in his personal account just in case.) it is not
: very professional that the professor is doing it this way.

发帖数: 19
thanks.he is not able to teach my course, completely different. i am
wondering if he is checking why my classes are so popular, trying to find
something to destroy me. I feel he doesn't like my teaching philosophy,
making him look bad.

【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】
: 他只要outline,对你好象没有什么影响。他是不是想退休后教你这门课?不过不让告诉
: 你挺怪的。

发帖数: 299
So strange. You may want to be a little bit careful. Of course, assume your
syllabus followed the decryption of the catalog ... No need to worry too
much though. There are always some weirdos.
发帖数: 19
sent him an email asking why he's trying to get a copy and also asked to
meet and talk. no response yet.


【在 S******e 的大作中提到】
: So strange. You may want to be a little bit careful. Of course, assume your
: syllabus followed the decryption of the catalog ... No need to worry too
: much though. There are always some weirdos.

发帖数: 3433
By sending an email to him, you may put that undergraduate student in
trouble. I would just ask the student to give him a brief outline and see
what he is doing (the outline is often put on the website and he can get
from other people anyway).

【在 u*****t 的大作中提到】
: sent him an email asking why he's trying to get a copy and also asked to
: meet and talk. no response yet.
: your

发帖数: 53
Why not just let the student send the outline? Maybe the senior faculty is
on some award committee and is gathering third-party material for your

【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】
: By sending an email to him, you may put that undergraduate student in
: trouble. I would just ask the student to give him a brief outline and see
: what he is doing (the outline is often put on the website and he can get
: from other people anyway).

发帖数: 19
the student felt uncomfortable to send it because the professor could get it
from the dept secretary. that's why we both think it is so weird. he's
retiring, not so involved with committees.

【在 c*******8 的大作中提到】
: Why not just let the student send the outline? Maybe the senior faculty is
: on some award committee and is gathering third-party material for your
: benefit.

发帖数: 2426

【在 u*****t 的大作中提到】
: a professor emailed one of my students (undergraduate class) to ask for a
: copy of my course outline but told him not to mention to me. The student
: doesn't want to give it to him because he feels uncomfortable being asked
: not to let me know.also the professor could get a copy from the dept
: secretary.
: What does the professor want? trying to pick on me? Do you think I should
: talk to him (but he didn't want me to know)? or let the dean know because
: the student is worried of retaliation if he takes his class. (the student
: actually saved the email in his personal account just in case.) it is not
: very professional that the professor is doing it this way.

1 (共1页)
出去开会, 上课怎么办?researchassistantprofessor?
来点正能量search committee里面可能有AP吗?
What’s the Point of a Professor?上次面试update
请问将近两个小时的lunch with students需要准备点啥?instructor,lecturer这种工作稳定吗?
初来乍到,问几个问题Letter for undergraduate?
一个问题?请教offer 的选择
interview question: how do you bring undergraduate student into research?Can I make a lie to my students?
Community College的学生可以叫undergraduate students吗?how to think like a professor instead of a student?
话题: he话题: professor话题: student话题: him话题: weird