x****e 发帖数: 55 | 1 最近碰上个烦人的事情。有个注册在欧洲的open access杂志邀请我审稿,感觉是一帮
我事了。不知道大家有什么建议? | e********r 发帖数: 2352 | 2 据啊,这次手软了,下次还会找你,对质量控制严一点,要么编辑觉得还好,帮助了提
【在 x****e 的大作中提到】 : 最近碰上个烦人的事情。有个注册在欧洲的open access杂志邀请我审稿,感觉是一帮 : 在中国的中国人运营的。我也没太在意,帮忙审个稿,国内本领域某山头的文章,英文 : 写的还凑合,但是内容本身问题很大,基本上可以认为这个研究没有任何意义,类似于 : 增加一个茴香豆的茴字写法,我就给拒稿了。 : 结果没几个星期返回来了,明显第一个人审稿人建议无修改的接受,我建议拒稿。文章 : 本身修改不大,只是给我的RESPONSE写了很多,也都是废话,没有任何改进。Editor只 : 给3天时间审稿,明摆着内定要接受这篇稿子,赚稿费。如果我再次拒绝了,八成 : EDITOR还是会接受,还得罪人,因为中国就没有不透风的墙。如果建议接受,心里过不 : 去,实在是不行的文章,情商不高啊。再不行就等三天以后他们愿意接受就接受,不关 : 我事了。不知道大家有什么建议?
| s*******8 发帖数: 64 | | B*********e 发帖数: 86 | 4 (2020-04-22#1904)
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22#0152-0309__1903-.docx
(2020-04-22#0153 - 1934)
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22#0152-.docx
(2020-04-22#0157 – 1940..)
xiaoge (xiaoge) 前辈老师同学,和,。。前辈老师同学(们??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。。
(当然,只是。。霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲法盲
诗词盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺自己的赶脚、感觉、feelings。。????
,索性躺下来了,等着群体免疫啥的。。。@@[email protected]@。。:((555。。
要胖揍偶老爸(内个霉脸。。:((555。。)之前的前奏。。@@[email protected]@。。:((555。。
内仨大妈,要,eh~~,又要:(((555霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的
弱智文盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。的。。节奏???
~~~啊???!!![email protected]@[email protected]@:(((555。。。
(2020-04-22#0207 - 1941)
xiaoge (xiaoge) 前辈老师同学,,和,。。前辈老师同学(们??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。
不得不说不得不承认,如果是,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文
盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺现在处在这样的情况。。:(
现在,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲。。
各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺估计在做的,估计,定定。。。。。。。。。【:((
(555。。。Microsoft Offfice Word autocorrect功能又不好用了。。:(((555。
现在,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲。。
各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒。。俺估计在做的,估计,多半大概几乎确定一定肯定笃定定
能不能,宽限些时日,譬如说,7-14天,也就是,1个星期-2个星期,也就是,1 week
to 2 weeks,左右。。??[email protected]@[email protected]@。。:((555。。
这一次,感到收到了,eh~~,受到了。。教育。。@@[email protected]@。。
一次传销。。(fz xj.. gyc ch.x..)。。@@[email protected]@。。:))。。,欧布,俺怎么把这
。。给说出来了???~~~啊???[email protected]@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。。------重新机械
一下,eh~~,重新记写一下,应该是。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。------
能在党和人民给的宝贵机会里,好好地帮着。。带小孩儿(们??~~)。。@@[email protected]@。。
(2020-03-31#2058 – 2020-04-22#0221b)
想到什么,再跟贴、回贴、写帖子、添加什么的吧~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))... …
祝好!![email protected]@[email protected]@。。:))。。
王天舒/Tianshu WANG
#2020-04-22#0222 BST.
#2020-04-22#1909 BST.
帖子 to be posted #2020-04-22#2101 BST 在mitbbs 发考题版原贴楼里面
PS 1)
下面,是,霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲
。。各种盲 俺。。TSW王天舒,在记写俺们家的流水账,records and notes (Rs&Ns)
,跟俺们家的内仨熊瞎子内仨牢头狱霸内仨大妈,报到、汇报、biao zhong xin的时候
,如,见。。@@[email protected]@。。---------
BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC News live__2020-04-21__161456__刚刚查看了新手机,#
1332,再次又收到来自应用宝的通知---{{{【一张图片】 您有1条新消息__有人@你,
给你发了听雨声App【立即查看】}}}__长按之后显示__{{{【应用宝 标志】应用宝 (i)
2020-04-21__161456__1617,#1332 BST,当时,你们家的王天舒,刚刚,再次在#1331
。,如,见。。@@[email protected]@。。:)))。。---__1618
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(mitbbs.
com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04月20日
151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复 - 副本__#1618
2020-04-21__161456__1622,这个截屏文件,是#1535的bbc news channel视频的截屏
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(mitbbs.
com)__to 3
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(mitbbs.
未名空间__2020-04-21__133009__未名空间__xiaoge(xiaoge)个人资料 [补充文件名
Re Tenured (小结) - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)__to 52
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(mitbbs.
com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04月20日
151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复
见下面记写的。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。
南京大学新闻网-吕建:以改革推进内涵式发展 用实干促进高质量提升(br)——在中共
南京大学新闻网-吕建:以改革推进内涵式发展 用实干促进高质量提升(br)——在中共
21__234916__2350,#2347-2348,刚刚查看了老小米手机,看到,应该是在1700 BST之
BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC News live__2020-04-21__234926__#2328的视频。。。
BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC News live__2020-04-21__235103__
BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC News live__2020-04-21__235112__
标志】【月亮 上弦月 仰躺 45度角面对右上角 标志】 20-4-21 今晚,我还会梦见你
注1 (PS 1):########,为有编辑,eh~~,就是,跟俺们家的内仨熊瞎子内仨牢头狱霸
内仨大妈,搁那儿,biao zhong xin的地方。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。。。。
(2020-04-22#0302 - 1925)
BTW 1 (PS 1)
关于上面的,#2020-04-21#1332 BST,等等,的时候的情况,-------
懒一下,在这儿,拷贝粘贴曾经在做作业、考试、记写帖子草稿、。。…… (
assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework? And/or exam?.. etc...)。。
BTW 1 (另外)
在那儿。。。@@[email protected]@。。。。。。。。
霉脸垃圾灾星瘟神 厚颜无耻+臭不要脸+。。的弱智文盲电脑盲法盲诗词盲音乐盲画盲
拍照盲电影盲。。各种盲 。。TSW王天舒。。俺。。
(2020-04-22#0305 – 1941b)
PS 2)
xiaoge (xiaoge) 前辈老师同学,,和,。。前辈老师同学(们??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。
茴香豆的茴字儿。。的写法,都有哪些个??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。。-----能列举一下、记
写一下么??~~。。啊??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。。
先谢谢了[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。。
PS 3)
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22#0152-0309.docx
。。@@[email protected]@。。:)))。。--------
发考题(Faculty)版同主题模式 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)__2020-04-22#0324
发考题(Faculty)版同主题模式 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)__2020-04-22__032443__0327
BBC iPlayer - Watch BBC News live__2020-04-22__032621__0326,在#0324的时候,
2020-04-22__032443__0328,通知---{{{【圆盘蓝底白色向上箭头 标志】 上网加速
升级 【下载】 下载搜狗浏览器,上网加速升级9..}}}__长按之后显示__{{{【搜狗
拼音输入法 标志】Sogou Keyboard ( ! ) 03:24}}} 。。。:)))。。。__
有,在#0145 BST,有再次收到,来自应用宝的通知---{{{【_0330
2020-04-22__032443__0330,在#0145 BST,有再次收到,来自应用宝的通知---{{{【
YOO 黑底荧光黄绿色字体 标志】游戏达人狂秀操作__老伯操控22部手机狂抓宝可梦
【立刻查看】}}}__长按之后显示__{{{【应用宝 标志】应用宝 (i) 01:45 }}}。。。
2020-04-22__032443__0333,刚刚查看了,在#0145 BST的时候,你们家的王天舒,刚
。@@[email protected]@。。:)))。。########_0334
注1 (PS 3):########,为有编辑,eh~~,就是,跟俺们家的内仨熊瞎子内仨牢头狱霸
内仨大妈,搁那儿,biao zhong xin的地方。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。。。。
PS 3.1)
。:)))。。。)。。@@[email protected]@。。:)))。。。
在#2020-04-22#0749 BST。。,一醒来。。。,就。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。
然后,然后,然后,。。。????~~~~。。等等等等~~~~。。,@@[email protected]@。。-----
加到这个回帖的草稿里面???~~~啊???~~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。。
-----结果,一直,搞到刚才,#2020-04-22#1830 BST左右,才告一段落。。。@@[email protected]@。
(2020-04-22#1921-1924… -1939)
BTW 1 (PS 3)
参见上面的。。。BTW 1 (PS 1)。。。
。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:(((555。。。,
。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。
(2020-03-31#2124 – 2020-04-22#0303 – 1922-1941c)
xiaoge (xiaoge) 前辈老师同学,,和,。。前辈老师同学(们??[email protected]@[email protected]@:))。
想到什么,再跟贴、回贴、写帖子、添加什么的吧~~。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:))... …
祝好!![email protected]@[email protected]@。。:))。。
王天舒/Tianshu WANG
#2020-04-22#0303-0309 BST.
#2020-04-22#1945 BST.
帖子 to be posted #2020-04-22#2101 BST 在mitbbs 发考题版原贴楼里面
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议
[版面:发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04月20日15:11:41 ,846次阅读,2次回复
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[举报] [ 1 ]
发信人: xiaoge (xiaoge), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 20 15:11:41 2020, 美东)
最近碰上个烦人的事情。有个注册在欧洲的open access杂志邀请我审稿,感觉是一帮
我事了。不知道大家有什么建议? | l*****g 发帖数: 996 | 5 你可以跟editor说你上次已经拒了,那是个final decision,不合适继续审。
【在 x****e 的大作中提到】 : 最近碰上个烦人的事情。有个注册在欧洲的open access杂志邀请我审稿,感觉是一帮 : 在中国的中国人运营的。我也没太在意,帮忙审个稿,国内本领域某山头的文章,英文 : 写的还凑合,但是内容本身问题很大,基本上可以认为这个研究没有任何意义,类似于 : 增加一个茴香豆的茴字写法,我就给拒稿了。 : 结果没几个星期返回来了,明显第一个人审稿人建议无修改的接受,我建议拒稿。文章 : 本身修改不大,只是给我的RESPONSE写了很多,也都是废话,没有任何改进。Editor只 : 给3天时间审稿,明摆着内定要接受这篇稿子,赚稿费。如果我再次拒绝了,八成 : EDITOR还是会接受,还得罪人,因为中国就没有不透风的墙。如果建议接受,心里过不 : 去,实在是不行的文章,情商不高啊。再不行就等三天以后他们愿意接受就接受,不关 : 我事了。不知道大家有什么建议?
| B*********e 发帖数: 86 | 6 (2020-04-29#2347b)
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22__04-29#2004-2017__2345-2347-.docx
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22__04-28#2231-2331__04-29#2004-.docx
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22__04-28#0017-0158__2231-.docx
回帖__[帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(
mitbbs.com)__2020-04-21__133117__ [版面发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04
月20日151141 ,749次阅读,2次回复]__04-22#0152-0309__04-28#0017-.docx
(2020-04-29#2345 - c#2348)
这个帖子及其草稿等等会上传到百度网盘和box.com的两个共享文件夹里面。。。@@[email protected]@
(2020-04-29#2346 – c#2348)
xiaoge (xiaoge) 前辈老师同学,和,。。前辈们老师们同学们,
帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议 - 未名空间(mitbbs.
[版面:发考题][首篇作者:xiaoge] , 2020年04月20日15:11:41 ,1209次阅读,4次回复
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[举报] [ 4 ]
发信人: BiggeyIssue (出大事儿了..(可算)出大事儿了...), 信区: Faculty
标 题: Re: 帮一个中国相关的open access杂志审稿,有点难搞,想听建议
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Apr 22 16:01:02 2020, 美东)
里面的。。PS 3)。。部分的。。
有,在#0145 BST,有再次收到,来自应用宝的通知---{{{【_0330
2020-04-22__032443__0330,在#0145 BST,有再次收到,来自应用宝的通知---{{{【
YOO 黑底荧光黄绿色字体 标志】游戏达人狂秀操作__老伯操控22部手机狂抓宝可梦
【立刻查看】}}}__长按之后显示__{{{【应用宝 标志】应用宝 (i) 01:45 }}}。。。
2020-04-22__032443__0333,刚刚查看了,在#0145 BST的时候,你们家的王天舒,刚
。@@[email protected]@。。:)))。。########_0334
注1 (PS 3):########,为有编辑,eh~~,就是,跟俺们家的内仨熊瞎子内仨牢头狱霸
内仨大妈,搁那儿,biao zhong xin的地方。。。@@[email protected]@。。。:)))。。。。。。
。。的。。宝可梦。。Pokemon。。????~~~~。。等等等等~~~~。。@@[email protected]@。。----
---曾经在若干。。记写作业、交作业的时候,有记写过。。,如,见。。@@[email protected]@。。:
PS 22.1.1)
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----- on evening of 2016-07-15, just as in the previous days (for sometime??
~~..), I am doing my physical exercises by walking from our home in Penkhull
, Stoke to Hanley, and back…,
That evening, I go out a bit late, and have not come back home (######,
Penkhull, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ######, U.K.) until sometime around
mid-night 2016-07-15#2400=2016-07-16#0000 …@@[email protected]@........
Then, I come to the computer, and on bbc news website and seeing that there
is ........ in Turkey, then, I get on to the BBC News channel on the
computer to see and watch …
And there, I see that there are two lady presenters/hostesses (at least one
lady’s cloth is red??~~…) at the table in the broadcasting room in the bbc
news channel,
During the broadcasting, soon it seems that via some satellite and/or
internet connections and/or live media …, they can get to some people in
Turkey, and somehow, one of the people they have connected to, is a lady
political professor and/or professor in politics and/or political sciences
etc in one of the universities in Turkey,
and the lady professor tells that it happens that when she (and some others?
?..) are crossing one of the key bridges etc in … in Turkey, it is also the
time when those tanks etc of the …….. start to be on the bridge and …….
. it …@@[email protected]@........
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----then, later in the year, I also read from one of the news on the website
Nanjing University of Hu1 You, Hu1 You literally means Bragging, Boasting X
No Kidding (BBXNK, where, X= you, u, and, a, i, I, or, o, et al, e, times
etc…), oh NO, Nanjing University, NJU,
…that one of the works and books etc by Professor ZHANG Yibin, one of the
professors in politics and/or political sciences, and/or philosophy etc, who
is also the Chancellor of
Nanjing University of Hu1 You, Hu1 You literally means Bragging, Boasting X
No Kidding (BBXNK, where, X= you, u, and, a, i, I, or, o, et al, e, times
etc…), oh NO, Nanjing University, NJU,
…has just been translated into Turkish and published in Turkey…@@[email protected]@......
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----then, somehow, for reasons I do not know why …:((…, I do feel and/or
think (if I can …:((…) that it seems,
from my point of views etc, and
from my very limited experiences and/or observations etc
that the year of 2016, is quite a difficult and/or ……. year, for quite a
lot people, including professors in politics and/or political sciences and/
or philosophy et al etc …@@[email protected]@...:((……..
-----since, by then, in year of 2016 alone, I have somewhat seen, in various
news, at least for three times, that there are at least three professors in
politics and/or political sciences etc and/or philosophy etc, in different
countries and different universities etc, are …….., and somehow, are all
related and/or relevant to Turkey ??~~…@@[email protected]@........
-----which is very rare, and in fact, I have never seen things like this/
these before, at all..!!~~ …@@[email protected]@........
-----counting them, they are -----
-----this one lady political professor and/or professor in politics and/or
political sciences etc in one of the universities in Turkey, during the
evening of 2019-07-15, …….. (as in section ‘PS 22.1.1)’;
----Professor ZHANG Yibin, , one of the professors in politics and/or
political sciences, and/or philosophy etc, who is also the Chancellor of
Nanjing University, whose works and books etc have just been translated into
Turkish and published in Turkey in 2016..;
----and, early in the year of 2016, I think (if I can…:((…) that seeing it
in the news that ----
---there is also one of the professors in politics and/or political sciences
, and/or philosophy etc in one of the universities in Egypt (The German
University in Cairo, Egypt??~~…) has done …..... and has the whole
passenger plane flying to C[2333…2334] Cyprus (The part of Cyprus …….. to
Turkey??~~…) simply just want to have his prison officer, eh~~, his dear
wife and children back!!~~… @@[email protected]@........
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----now, can I say to the professor with something like ---
---- BRAVO!!
---- …etc etc etc……..
…??~~…@@[email protected]@...:))…:((…:))……..
-----especially, after at the time of #2019-06-22#2333 BST, when writing to
the part of …….. in the above section ‘PS’, somehow, for
reasons I do not know why …:((…, I hear first a sound of didi … from my
Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to this
computer, I kind of thinking that it is me somehow, have misskeyed some keys
, but when repeat what I have keyed, nothing happens,
then after a while, many seconds later could be, at about time of #2019-06-
22#2333 (later part of 2333)-2334 BST, somehow, for reasons I do not know
why …:((…, there is another sound of didi…@@[email protected]@........
(2019-06-22#2349 – 2019-06-23#0010)
-----then, somehow, for reasons I do not know why …:((…, suddenly realize
what I am writing at the time of #2019-06-22#2333-2334 BST, and
and, the last time, such things etc happens to my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth
wireless portable speaker connected to this computer while I am writing …,
e.g. please see in some previous sections written on 2019-06-21 …[email protected]@[email protected]@...
BTW 1 (BTW 1 (BTW 2.5 (PS 20.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----at the time of #2019-06-21#0211 BST, while writing …….., notice that
the sound in the speaker (Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless speaker)
become muted (??~~…), then I go to see the webpage I am playing the music
video on the background …….. ----
Bruno Mars-Young Girls (Victorias Secret Fashion Show 2012)FULL HD 1080p
(as can be seen in sections ‘BTW 2.4.1 (PS 20.1.1)’ and ‘BTW 1 (BTW 2.4.1
(PS 20.1.1))’…@@[email protected]@...:))……..)
…and see that though the sound is not there, the video is still playing …
@@[email protected]@........
(2019-06-21#03001-1515 – 2019-06-22#2357)
…so I do the screenshot of the webpage, and start to do the records and
notes (Rs&Ns) about it in the title of the saved screenshot,
then, while doing it, hearing that there are two di..di.. sounds, comes from
the wireless speaker, and this sounds like indicating the Bluetooth speaker
is disconnect and/or connect with the computer, again…@@[email protected]@........
…then, when during writing the records and notes (Rs&Ns) about…, and go to
the webpage see about what time is it in the music video stopping giving
the sounds, and see that it seems that the music video has somehow, stop
moving and/or there is a round sign cylcling itseld in the middle of the
music video at about the time and/or place of 1:41 of 3:48 …@@[email protected]@........
Then, when click it back to sometime around 1:35 of 3:48, the music video
play itself again, and the sound etc are there in the Bluetooth speaker,
again…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 1.1 (BTW 1 (BTW 2.5 (PS 20.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----at the time of #2019-06-21#0211 BST, when noticing that the sound in the
speaker (Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless speaker) become muted (??~~…)
, I think (if I can…:((…) that the lyrics of the song etc is/are just
being sung to the point of … come back …….. come back …..…[email protected]@[email protected]@...:((.
BTW 1.1 (BTW 1 (BTW 2.5 (PS 20.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----from my very limited experiences and/or observations etc, usually, when
things etc like this (at time of #2019-06-21#0211 BST) happening, as said
before -----
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----from my very limited experiences and/or observations etc, usually, when
such things and/or situations occur, usually, it is
The other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~.
..:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…
(and…??~~..)… is (are) on …….. here and/or there??~~…@@[email protected]@...:((……..
-----of course, No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a
hopeless (one of the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the
shameless shameful shames?), I must admit that ---
----I could be very very very wrong, again, about this…:((……..
BTW 1.2 (BTW 1 (BTW 2.5 (PS 20.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----currently, I am in my sulking mode,
(one of the modus of operandi of mine, which is one of the only very few
things I can do and/or I do best…:((…)
The other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~.
..:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…
…since the date of 2019-06-04 (04th June 2019, June the 4th, 2019) … @@[email protected]@
BTW 1.2.1 (BTW 1 (BTW 2.5 (PS 20.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----- this time, I am just so sulking with her,
(The other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated,
literally means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not
bully!!~~...:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…,
…of course…:((……..)
…@@[email protected]@...:((…….. ----- I am still in my sulking mode, sulking!!~~…of
course …@@[email protected]@...:((……..
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----In any case, anyway, if what has happened at the time of #2019-06-22#
2333-2334 BST to
my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to this
is indeed due to her,
the other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~.
..:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…
…of course……..,
…and…….., I am going to continue my sulking mode with her, definitely!!~~
... @@[email protected]@...:((……..
does she know that time is very precious (precious!!~~ my precious!!~~…:((
…:))…) for me, right now right here (??~~…:))…:((…:))…), since now is
the date of 2019-06-23, and
there is very limited time left before the end of 2019-06-24, by which time,
I need to submit this …… (assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework
? And/or exam?.. etc...)…, and
there are still a few things I need to write and/or do in this ……… (
assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework? And/or exam?.. etc...)…:(
-----In any case, anyway, if it is indeed her and …….., I am going to
continue my sulking mode with her, [email protected]@[email protected]@...:((……..
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----the very first time I have heard of and know that there is The German
University in Cairo, Egypt, is probably sometime in 2004 and/or in 2005,
during the breath conferences organized by Professor ###### and Mr ######
and members of their group(s) and colleagues and friends at al etc at
Innsbruck Medical University and …….. etc …@@[email protected]@........
--- Internatioanl Conference “Breath Gas Analysis for Medical Diagnostics",
Dornbirn (Austria), Sept 22 - 26, 2004;
--- International Conference on “Breath Gas Analysis for Clinical Diagnosis
and Therapeutic Monitoring" and Foundation of the International Association
for Breath Research (IABR), Innsbruck/Vienna, Austria, May 2005
-----since in at least one of these two conferences, I have seen that there
are at least one of the speakers is one of the …….. (staffs?? And/or
doctors?? And/or professors??...) from The German University in Cairo, Egypt
, so I think that there are people from this university ----- The German
University in Cairo, Egypt …@@[email protected]@...:))……..
-----No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (
one of the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless
shameful shames?), I must admit that ---
-----due to my very limited knowledge and narrow mind etc at the time (and
till now…:((…), once I see that, it does give me quite a big surprise that
there is this university ----- The German University in Cairo, Egypt …@@[email protected]
BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----I think (if I can…:((…) that it is on the second day or the third day
of the conference in Dornbirn, Austria in Sep 22-26, 2004,
have just search it, it is on 2004-09-24, in one of the computer rooms in
one of the buildings in the University of Applied Sciences in Dornbirn,
where the majority of the conference is held, after the conference prorammes
during the day, and in the evening, I go there to check my emails
(those are the times that emails access is not that easy when travel away,
even if you have a laptop with you, of course, I do not have one at the time
…and see that in my yahoo email inbox, there is one email from MR Professor
######, who is one of the editors of one of the journals in China,
(Chinese pinyin: Fen Xi Hua Xue, Fen Xi = analysis, analytical, Hua Xue=
English title of the journal is --- Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
…has just sent (on 2004-09-24) to me comments of the reviewers et al about
the manuscript that I have sent to the journal, and about their decisions on
my manuscript …@@[email protected]@........
-----the comments from the reviewers et al about the manuscript is very
concise and quite critical, and straight in the middle between my eyes kind
of …@@[email protected]@...:((……..------it is more or less kind of a one-liner ---
---that my Chinese is not upto standard now, so needs to improve the Chinese
in my manuscript …@@[email protected]@...:((……..
The editorial decision is that the manuscript is accepted, and I need to
improve the Chinese in my manuscript as the general comments from the
reviewers et al and also need to shorten the manuscript a bit to fit into
the page limit etc of the requirement of the journal …(those are the times
that the journals are still published in paper and printing forms etc …)
BTW 2.1.1 (PS
Nevertheless, this is generally a good news, and after have checked my email
and browsing the websites I go to often, and before that computer room is
closed (it is in the evening already…),
Later, either in that evening, or the next morning, I have told the old
bastard, eh~~, the old bugger of our group, eh~~, my professor and my
academic elder brother in the group et al, about the news of my manuscript…
@@[email protected]@........
In any case, after we have come back to Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, U.K.
from the conference, I have done as required and instructed ………, and
finally that paper is published as -----
Wang, TS. “The Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry, SIFT-MS, and Its
Applications to On-Line Real Time Trace Gas Analysis”, Chinese Journal of
Analytical Chemistry (FENXIHUAXUE), 2005; 33: 887-893.
BTW 2.1.2 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----when hear from the email that it is said that my Chinese is not upto
standard now (as of 2004), it is quite a blow to me ------since my Chinese
has been quite good since the schools days, and I am even exempted from the
Chinese Classes in University, eh~~, while I am an undergraduate in
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Laundering, oh NO, School of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Hu1 You, Hu1 You
literally means Bragging, Boasting X No Kidding (BBXNK, where, X= you, u,
and, a, i, I, or, o, et al, e, times etc…), oh NO, Nanjing University, NJU
…because I have scored more than 80 points (84 I think (if I can…:((…) of
a total 120 in the subject of Chinese Language and Literature in the gao1
kao3 (equivalent to A-Levels in the U.K., is the entrance examinations to
Higher Education (after senior schools) of Universities and Colleges etc…)
In any case, anyway, in 2009, we have come across issues etc about languages
etc in one of the manuscripts etc, again, and this time, it happens that I
am in the position of one of the reviewers, so I take the chance and
opportunity to whine, eh~~, to cry, eh~~, to write about it, from my very
limited experiences and/or observations etc, though…:((…….. ----- e.g.
please see -----
Reviewer report_######_13July2009__z#2019-06-23#0125.rar
…@@[email protected]@...:((…:))……..
BTW 1 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----I think (if I can…:((…) that one of the main reasons that I have
written in Chinese the manuscript of a review about SIFT-MS is that since I
have come to Stoke-on-Trent and Keele University,
the old bastard, eh~~, the old bugger of our group, eh~~, my professor, have
urged me, (“Times = “many!””??~~… and/or …for sometime….) …. to
write a review about SIFT-MS in Chinese and introduce the works etc to …….
. in China…@@[email protected]@........
So probably, it is sometime in 2002 and/or 2003, I start to write this
manuscript in Chinese of a review of SIFT-MS, and send it to the journal
FENXI HUAXUE (Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry), either in sometime
of late 2003, or sometime in early 2004??~~……..
BTW 1.1 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----however, it seems that the process of reviewing this manuscript in the
journal FENXI HUAXUE (Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry) is taking a
bit long, and
after receiving the initial acknowledgement of receiving my manuscript, for
a few months, I have not heard anything from MR Professor ######, one of the
editors of the journal who gives the initial acknowledgement and/or anyone
from the editor office of the journal …@@[email protected]@........
----so, after the old bastard, eh~~, the old bugger of our group, eh~~, my
professor, has asked me about how it is going, (for a couple of times after
a few months…), then, sometime in 2004 (mid 2004??..), I make some effort
to make enquiry about it to the editorial office of the journal FENXI HUAXUE
(Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry) …@@[email protected]@........
Probably first is enquiry via email(s), then when hear nothing back, I
decide to make a international telephone call to the journal FENXI HUAXUE (
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry), which is based in The Institute of
Applied Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin
Province, P.R. China …@@[email protected]@........
BTW 1.1.1 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----so, one day in sometime around mid 2004, I go to the office of our
Centre for Science and Technology in Medicine (CSTM), Postgraduate School in
Medicine (latterly Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine (ISTM),
Medical School), Keele University, Thornburrow Drive, Hartshill, Stoke-on-
Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7QB, U.K.)
…and in the office, after entering the door,
(2019-06-23#1601 – 2019-06-24#1715)
…and in the office, after entering the door, I must have first asked ######
(Mrs ######) and/or ###### (Mrs ######) et al,
who are in charge of our department, eh~~, who are the secetaries et al of
our department, and that is also their office where they are based ……..
…whether I can use the telephone to make a international telephone call for
…….., and have had their permissions and/or approvals etc…
(those are the days that direct international telephone calls via landlines
are very costly…:((… ---- though that time, I might use my phone card
being bought from the shops etc using pins and specific telephone numbers
for international telephone calls etc, which might be much cheaper for calls
to china, as we telephone our families in china weekly and have the
experiences etc…:))…)
…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
(2019-06-23#0154b-1610b – 2019-06-24#1716)
…and in the office, after entering the door, along the longer wall on the
right (perpendicular to the wall where the door is located…), there are
some wooden cabinets and metal cabinets etc, and
on top of one of the wooden cabinets in the middle (which is lower than the
metal cabinets on its right, if face it…), there are the telephone and fax
machine that can make the international calls and faxes etc, then
I pick up the telephone, and dial the numbers of the journal FENXI HUAXUE (
Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry), which is based in The Institute of
Applied Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun, Jilin
Province, P.R. China … then,
…then, either is while waiting the line is connected, and/or during the
chat with one of the teachers and staffs (one of the gentlemen…) at the
journal FENXI HUAXUE (Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry), which is
based in The Institute of Applied Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
, Changchun, Jilin Province, P.R. China …,
(2019-06-23#0159 – 2019-06-24#1716b)
Somehow, for reasons I do not know why …:((…, I notice that in front of me
on the wall, (the wall on the back of the telephone and fax machine…)
there is a A4 paper, and it looks like that it is kind of some consortium(s)
etc of some groups in various universities in various countries etc, which
In which, probably some group(s) etc are part of such a consortium of group(
s) etc in such research and development programmes and/or projects etc,
…and I think that it is nearly the end of list of groups in various
universities in various countries etc on that A4 paper, I notice that there
is (at least??~~..) one group is in one of the universities in Turkey, and
And, this is the very first time, that I know that there is/are some
academic link(s) etc from some people in some group(s) in some universities
etc in Turkey, that have academic links etc with some people and/or in some
groups etc this close to me (as least could be some people I know??..),
such as just within our department (and/or any previous departments and/or
universities and/or places etc …. that I have been studying and/or working
…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
(2019-06-23#0207-0210 – 2019-06-24#1718)
BTW 2 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----at time of #2019-06-23#0033 BST, after having written section ‘BTW 2 (
PS’ and about to start writing section ‘BTW 2.1 (PS
)’, somehow, for reasons I do not know why …:((…, feel that now the
writing sequences etc about what I want to write about,
e.g. from section ‘BTW 2 (PS’ to section ‘BTW 1.1.1. (BTW 2 (
are quite clear and are, probably, in more logical orders etc, and cost less
writings etc than what I initially have planned to write… ??~~…@@[email protected]@...:(
-----it is not in this order in my mind, before the time of 2019-06-22#2333-
2334 BST, when I hear twice the sound of didi… (i.e. …one didi…., then
some seconds later, another …didi…) from my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth
wireless portable speaker connected to this computer…@@[email protected]@...:((…:))……..
BTW 3 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----it is at sometime between #2019-06-22#1410-1420 BST, while at the big
dinner table in the kitchent about to
have the second half of brunch…:))…, some ‘simply porridge oats’ and
jumbo oats triple chocolate (White’s …since 1841…) and semi-skimmed milk
in the bowl, and about to put it in the microwave (a Whirlpool Philips VIP20
one ……….)…:))……..
…and when thinking about …….., somehow, for reasons I do not know why …:
((…, suddenly, the memory and thought etc about the contents in section ‘
BTW 2.1 (PS’, comes along, again …@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 3.1 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
At the time of #2019-06-22#1410-1420 BST, there is also music playing in my
Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker that I have taken
downstairs into the kitchen placed on the dinner table,
at the time, I have my laptop computer on, and use the QQ film and music
player, on single continuous replaying mode, playing the music video ----
[at the turn of 1633-1634]
Bruno Mars-Young Girls (Victorias Secret Fashion Show 2012)_热歌2个_mitbbs雷
版silvercarp (carp)_01-02may2015_ldy应该在4__c#2019-06-21#1342.mp4
which is downloaded from
Bruno Mars-Young Girls (Victorias Secret Fashion Show 2012)FULL HD 1080p
(as can be seen in sections ‘BTW 2.4.1 (PS 20.1.1)’ and ‘BTW 1 (BTW 2.4.1
(PS 20.1.1))’…@@[email protected]@...:))……..)
BTW 3.2 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----At the time of #2019-06-22#1606b-1610 BST writing our family’s records
and notes (Rs&Ns), I have also bragged about and boasted about (about myself
, on the way…, of course…), eh~~, reported to
The two Bear Blindies, the two lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~..
.:((…), the three big moms of the family
…, very briefly, about what thought and/or memory etc have come across my
mind at the time of #2019-06-22#1410-1420 BST ----- as now in section ‘BTW
2.1 (PS’ … @@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 3.3 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----At the two separate times of
#2019-06-23#1626-1626b BST, just after I am writing to the point of ……… (
as can be seen above …), and,
#2019-06-23#1633-1634 BST (at the turn of #1633-1634 BST), while I am in my
music file folder on my laptop computer find the music video mp4 file of …
……, and about to copy and paste its title to this file (as can be seen
-----at each time (i.e. at #2019-06-23#1626-1626b BST, and, #2019-06-23#1633
-1634 BST), just as have happened at time of #2019-06-23#0037 BST, -----
there are another twice sounds of didi
(this time it is first one sound of didi, then soon after (one or two
seconds later) there is the second sound of didi …:))…)
from my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to
this computer, again …@@[email protected]@...:((…:))……..
…, again, and, again!!~~…@@[email protected]@...:((…:))…:((…:))……..
BTW 1 (BTW 3.3 (BTW 2.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----In any case, anyway, if what has happened at the two times of #2019-06-
23#1626-1626b BST and #2019-06-23#1633-1634 BST (at the turn of #1633-1634
BST) to
my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to this
is indeed due to her,
the other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~.
..:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…
…of course……..,
… and …….., I am going to continue my sulking mode with her, definitely!!
~~... @@[email protected]@...:((…:))…:((……..
does she know that time is very precious (precious!!~~ my precious!!~~…:((
…:))…) for me, right now right here (??~~…:))…:((…:))…), since now is
the date of 2019-06-23, and
there is very limited time left before the end of 2019-06-24, by which time,
I need to submit this …… (assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework
? And/or exam?.. etc...)…, and
there are still a few things I need to write and/or do in this ……… (
assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework? And/or exam?.. etc...)…:(
-----In any case, anyway, if it is indeed her and …….., I am going to
continue my sulking mode with her, [email protected]@[email protected]@...:((…:))…:((…
BTW1 (BTW 2.1.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----at time of #2019-06-23#0037 BST, when writing in section ‘BTW 2.1.1 (
PS’, going into my yahoo email box to check on which date
during the time of 22-26 Sep 2004, that I have received the email from MR
Professor ######, one of the editor of FENXI HUAXUE (Chinese Journal of
Analytical Chemistry)…, and
and, just start to do the search using the search function in my yahoo email
box, about put in the search criteria of the dates as ‘2004/09/22 to 2004/
09/26’, when just key in the first 2004, there are another twice sounds of
(this time it is first one sound of didi, then soon after (one or two
seconds later) there is the second sound of didi …:))…)
from my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to
this computer, again …@@[email protected]@...:((…:))……..
BTW 1 (BTW1 (BTW 2.1.1 (PS
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----In any case, anyway, if what has happened at the time of #2019-06-23#
0037 BST to
my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth wireless portable speaker connected to this
is indeed due to her,
the other Bear Blindy, the other lao2 tou2 yu4 ba4 (if translated, literally
means prison/cell head (and/or) cell/prison lord/warlord (NB not bully!!~~.
..:((…), the other big mom of the three big moms of the family…
…of course……..,
… and …….., I am going to continue my sulking mode with her, definitely!!
~~... @@[email protected]@...:((…:))…:((……..
does she know that time is very precious (precious!!~~ my precious!!~~…:((
…:))…) for me, right now right here (??~~…:))…:((…:))…), since now is
the date of 2019-06-23, and
there is very limited time left before the end of 2019-06-24, by which time,
I need to submit this …… (assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework
? And/or exam?.. etc...)…, and
there are still a few things I need to write and/or do in this ……… (
assignment? And/or course work? And/or homework? And/or exam?.. etc...)…:(
-----In any case, anyway, if it is indeed her and …….., I am going to
continue my sulking mode with her, [email protected]@[email protected]@...:((…:))…:((…
(c#2019-06-23#0008-0012-0012b – 2019-06-23#0241..)
BTW 1 (PS 22.1.1))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----- I think (if I can…:((…) that those few evenings on the days around
and on evening of 2016-07-15, when I am doing my physical exercises by
walking from our home in Penkhull, Stoke to Hanley, and back…,
…in Hanley (and/or along the way of my walking etc??~~…), I do have seen
that there are quite some people, quite excited, using their mobile phones
and/or ipad and/or some computer pads, searching and looking around, using
one of the lastest released games and/or apps etc, which is looking for
hidden Pokemons etc in some places (all over the world??~~ at that time??~~
…:))…) …@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 1.1 (PS 22.1.1))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
----- once I see that, and notice it in the news, somehow, for reasons I do
not know why …:((…, one of the first thoughts is that ---
--- what is/are going on here and/or there??~~…@@[email protected]@........ ---
---this is not something come back at me? Being bounced back at me?
Backfires on me? Again?...or is it??~~…@@[email protected]@...:((…:))……..
----- since I do have, at least once, written about Pokemon, before …@@[email protected]@.
BTW 1.1.1 (PS 22.1.1))
I think (if I can…:((…) that it is during one of the GCSE English language
and/or GCSE English literature exams at the end of 2010-2011 academic year,
after I have attended the GCSE English and GCSE Science classes during the
academic year fo 2010-2011 in Stoke on Trent College…,
..one of the questions in one of the papers is write about some and/or one
of the leisure time activities that one has experienced and done …@@[email protected]@...:
So, I decided to write about the experiences that I have in playing
Badminton during the time around 1998-2001, when I am in The University of
Sheffield…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW (PS 22.1.1))
At the time about 1998-2001, slowly, me and me mates starts to play
badminton as one of the major weekly physical excercises and activities etc,
We, go to order the court session times in one of the sports halls in the
Goodwin Sports Centre of the University of Sheffield, playing once or twice
and in one session on a Saturday morning, there is one dad brings his son
along to play, and after playing, we chat a little bit, and somehow, for
reasons I do not know why …:((…, I take out a set of pokemon cards from my
pocket, and give them to the dad and his boy…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
----and the dad and the boy are very happy with it, and say that they are
some very rare collection of Pokemon cards (and/or some which is rare and/or
difficult to collect…)…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
----so, the kid must have some nice things to show and bragg about and
boaste about the next Monday while in school while meeting his mates and
classmates et al??~~…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1)))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----I have that set of Pokemon cards, is because in the previous week, on
date of 2001-04-01 (april fool’s day that year 2001…), one of my mates (
one of my roommates and classmates in senior school...), Mr ###### (Mr #####
#) comes to Birmingham, U.K. on a business trip and stays in one of the
hotels in Birmingham for a couple of days,
And before his travel, ###### informs me, via email, and asks whether I
would like to meet up, so I …..…
BTW 1.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1)))
Then, on the day of 2001-04-01, during the day, ######
(who is based at one of the headquarters of Unileverin Rotterdam, The
is having business meeting with his colleagues et al (main from the U.K. and
…??...) in the conference room of the hotel in Birmingham where we stay,
and I am kind of hooked to the sky news and/or cable news
(those are the times that 24 hours news are only available on satellite news
channels and/or cable channels…)
….then I see that there are news all over the places etc about one of the
…….., e.g. ----
The Hainan Island incident occurred on April 1, 2001, when a United States
Navy EP-3E ARIES II signals intelligence aircraft and a People's Liberation
Army Navy (PLAN) J-8II interceptor fighter jet collided in mid-air,
resulting in an international dispute between the United States of America
and the People's Republic of China (PRC).
BTW 1 (BTW 1.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1))))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----later, see there are various reports etc and analysis and even
suggestions etc about how to deal with the …, since the whole EP-3E ARIES
II signals intelligence aircraft and it fully boarded team on board are
landed in one of the airport in Hainan Island …,
----I notice in one of the newspapers in the UK, in one of the pieces, the
author(s) … (suggests??..) that one of the solutions is to dissect the
whole plane (not the personnels though…:((..) and send them back in
packages etc, just like what the USSR has once done in similar ……… with
the USA …@@[email protected]@........
BTW 1 (BTW 1 (BTW 1.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1)))))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
---- sometime yesterday morning (morning of 2019-06-22), when thinking about
such dissections etc, is it kind of like doing one of the …… (assignment?
And/or course work? And/or homework? And/or exam?.. etc...??~~…@@[email protected]@...:)
BTW 1.1 (BTW 1.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1))))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----later, do have seen, sometime later, when this …… has been resolved
and ……., in some posts somewhere on internet, there are (leaks etc??...)
are saying that through this …….., somehow, it has greatly helped China to
make the similar aircraft and/or technology and …… etc etc etc, ----
----to the degree of shortening the time to be able have own such ……..by
sometime like in the order of 20 +/- 10 years kind of??~~…@@[email protected]@........
BTW 2 (BTW 1.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1))))
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
-----sometime this year 2019 or last year 2018, on one of the discussion
boards on mitbbs, the mitbbs military board, I see that there are some
jiang1 jun1 (‘general(s)’) et al are posting some posts and threads et al,
asking whether the pilot of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) J-8II
interceptor fighter jet, Lt. Cdr. Wang Wei has …….. or not …….., since
BTW 2 (BTW (PS 22.1.1)))
Then in the evening of the second day or the third day, after me mate, #####
#, has done his meetings and conferences with his colleagues,
###### takes me to the restaurant of a club and/or leisure resort somewhere
on the outside area of Birmingham, there, two gentlemen businessman (a
senior gentleman and his young associate and/or colleague??..) from Japan
whom ###### knows via their works and ###### and I have had a very nice
dinner in that nice and busy restaurant…@@[email protected]@...:))……..
BTW 2.1 (BTW (PS 22.1.1)))
When we meet, , two gentlemen businessman (a senior gentleman and his young
associate and/or colleague??..) from Japan are just so polite -------just as
I have seen many times in the films and televisions and from readings etc!!
~~…:))…….., and,
….and they give ###### and I, each a packet of Pokemon and another gift (
sorry, now, I can not remember it, exactly, sorry, i am really sorry, isuck,
i am really sorry..:((…:))…)
No offence and no disrespect to any one and any body, as a hopeless (one of
the hopelesses?) and shameless shameful shame (one of the shameless shameful
shames?), I must admit that ---
…at the time, in one day or two days after 2001-04-01 (April Fool’s day of
2001), I just have no idea about how rare, and precious !!~~... those
Pokemon cards are and/or could be!!~~…@@[email protected]@...:((……..
Otherwise, it just will not be that easy that I will give those Pokemon
cards to the kid and his dad the next week’s Saturday morning after we have
played badminton session in one of the courts in the Goodwin Sports Centre
of The University of Sheffield, NO WAY, in ANYWAY…!!~~…@@[email protected]@...:((…….. - |