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Game版 - 1.03 stealth nerf list
终于我也有1000+dps的武器了,wahaha, 射射射!!!法师1.04 preview
发个自己录的法师dps视频吧,杀的是inferno act4的iskatu5职业‘buff’preview感想
Archon无脑过Inferno Iskatu 久违的爽感!1.05DH翅膀时间增强5秒,老那套正好全部回复啊
有人很自恨啊,官方论坛有人报告Iskatu发现冰法10w dps是个槛
这个游戏活该被差评其实吧,这个108 还真是不错的改动
风筝法师能去彩虹关吗?从act1一刀死到mf act3/4——后能量甲时代wiz 转载
话题: nerfed话题: now话题: elite话题: act话题: nerf
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 432
刚过了 iskatu (a4 1st boss), 结果只掉了一堆钱,什么东西,连白色的,都没有。
上网一查,看到这个,不过不知道真是 stealth nerf, 还是改别的loot table 把这个
Whimsyshire Pony Bottleneck was fixed
Act 1 Cultist Ritual easy Champ kill nerfed
Zombie bears now bugged
Command per second lowered and disconnecting people for spamming
commands too fast
Monster walls now correctly block certain abilities like Evasive fire/
Archon beam/piercing orb/etc. EDIT: Archon still shoots through. Piercing
orb never did. Evasive patched.
Elite mob that used to spawn to right of Dahlgur Oasis is now purple
monster that does not grant NV.
Magic weapon no longer duplicates its effect on your character sheet
display (it used to stack double)
Elite mobs often regen to full health if kited just outside of your view
on the screen
Elite mob reset timer lowered
Clouds in Whimsyshire fall under the same chests/destructible objects
loot nerf (could be deemed as expected from patch notes, but left here to
let people know anyways).
IAS is nerfed more than 50%. 50% nerf is the best case scenario. For
most items its around 60% and for weapons it is higher (as high as 75%).
IAS items did a re-roll on stats in their category. You could have a
high roll in the range of the original category that re-rolls low on the new
category range.
Act 2 nagas before waterlogged passage replaced with a single named
Dank Cellar Sarkoth now fights
Event in Festing Woods changes spawn locations now, and sometimes won't
even appear
Belial powerleveling patched
Goblins gained immunity to barbaian's hook when portaling away
Mythic potions drops nerfed? Could be related to destructible items
You can no longer force the same instance of a map by reloading a game.
It will randomly pick a map every time. If you want the same map you'll have
to load up several games.
Whimsyshire staff plans changed from 1 gold cost to 50k gold for hell.
100k for inferno. nightmare =15k
Certain popular crafting recipes ninja nerfed to higher costs. Such as
Seven Sins and all pieces in Sage's set.
Dank Cellar goblin runs nerfed
Gold spammers muted/banned better
Act 3 pop-up mines no longer do 400k damage to enemies. They now do
about 50k.
Monk spirit regen has changed to a cap of 6.18, probably in an attempt
to stop people from doing things like unlimited spirit rush builds.
Diablo didn't used to spawn a shadow in Phase 2 for any dead players.
Now it spawns a shadow regardless of whether they are alive or not.
Iskatu loot nerfed even more. Now he might drop nothing or a single
Smoke screen no longer usable while frozen despite other skills being
enabled. Conflicting reports. Some say yes, some say no.
Cemetery elite changed to purple mob (no NV)
Half price potion vendor in Act 1 removed from game
ctrl + r bugs and only shows 0 framerate
发帖数: 561
发帖数: 3592
发帖数: 225
evasive fire不能穿墙了是另一个重大但低调的DH nerf。。。
1 (共1页)
从act1一刀死到mf act3/4——后能量甲时代wiz 转载有人很自恨啊,官方论坛有人报告Iskatu
求估价, 这个amulet值多少这个游戏活该被差评
终于我也有1000+dps的武器了,wahaha, 射射射!!!法师1.04 preview
发个自己录的法师dps视频吧,杀的是inferno act4的iskatu5职业‘buff’preview感想
Archon无脑过Inferno Iskatu 久违的爽感!1.05DH翅膀时间增强5秒,老那套正好全部回复啊
话题: nerfed话题: now话题: elite话题: act话题: nerf