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Go版 - Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
McCormick Elementary Students Learn Go (And Math)Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
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Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach mathANPI up 20%
话题: elementary话题: dots话题: bulletin话题: uses话题: math
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19398
Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
Second-grade students at Priceville Elementary School in Alabama have writte
n on a hallway bulletin board more than 20 ways to combine numbers that add
up to four. The assignment is part of the OnGoing Assessment Project, which
uses math teaching techniques, such as having students count dots or jump up
and down before answering questions. "This is analyzing and this is what [c
]ommon [c]ore is requiring us to do. Our students are not only giving answer
s, they are explaining their thought process," second-grade teacher Deedee H
endrix said.
1 (共1页)
ANPI up 20%1,920 CPU and 280 GPU
【EB2 2015年七月第36绿】NSC 12/09 EB2-3-2 报绿Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
Re: 你说你要走Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
About parameter query in MS AccessElementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
McCormick Elementary Students Learn Go (And Math)Elementary school uses dots, bulletin boards to teach math
文化节围棋展示招志愿者—6/3周四Belding International Night内行给你讲讲:UA是按什么规则把人扔下飞机的?
suggest this board关于妈妈在美居留期的问题。
感谢大家支持!!AGA昨天公布了Board选举结果denial boarding书面投诉还是电话投诉?
话题: elementary话题: dots话题: bulletin话题: uses话题: math