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Golf版 - 新手练习后第二天早上左手三个手指痛
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1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3463
发现每次在driving range 打一筐球之后,第二天早上左手三个手指(中指到小指)痛
发帖数: 4031

【在 B*****s 的大作中提到】
: 发现每次在driving range 打一筐球之后,第二天早上左手三个手指(中指到小指)痛
: ,这个是正常的,还是握杆有问题?

发帖数: 276
Reasons could be:
1. tight gripping;
2. too many mis-hits;
3. hit on the mats;
4. susceptible to trigger finger problem which you can google.

【在 B*****s 的大作中提到】
: 发现每次在driving range 打一筐球之后,第二天早上左手三个手指(中指到小指)痛
: ,这个是正常的,还是握杆有问题?

发帖数: 112
我也是, 学打高尔夫才两个月。现在双手都不正常,早起,有点严重。最可能是肌腱

【在 B*****s 的大作中提到】
: 发现每次在driving range 打一筐球之后,第二天早上左手三个手指(中指到小指)痛
: ,这个是正常的,还是握杆有问题?

发帖数: 1656
I had similar issues before and i still have a little so I can share what I
Most likely causes:
1. grip too tight (as others mentioned)
2. swing with hands and arms
3. incorrect grip -- I had to read Ben Hogan's 5 lessons book many many
times to correct my grip
4. grip too loose and moves during swing

【在 r***i 的大作中提到】
: 我也是, 学打高尔夫才两个月。现在双手都不正常,早起,有点严重。最可能是肌腱
: 炎。真倒霉,有可能要放弃打高尔夫了。

发帖数: 112
谢谢,我的毛病是 用力过紧。加上手上肌肉不强。我现在得休息一段时间,以免发展


【在 t*******t 的大作中提到】
: I had similar issues before and i still have a little so I can share what I
: learned.
: Most likely causes:
: 1. grip too tight (as others mentioned)
: 2. swing with hands and arms
: 3. incorrect grip -- I had to read Ben Hogan's 5 lessons book many many
: times to correct my grip
: 4. grip too loose and moves during swing

发帖数: 3463
多谢, 我估计是窝杆偏紧,第一周用教练杆,左手,和右手拇指起水泡了。
1) 因为用的是旧杆,我下周问问教练
mis-hits 现在不多了, 不过hit on the mats 可能每筐球会偶尔/最多发生一次

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: Reasons could be:
: 1. tight gripping;
: 2. too many mis-hits;
: 3. hit on the mats;
: 4. susceptible to trigger finger problem which you can google.

发帖数: 276
I am susceptible to the trigger finger problem. I have to make certain
gripping adjustments. Here are the ways I used. In case anyone of you has
the same issue, I hope some of the information can be helpful.
(1) Use 10-finger gripping method (baseball grip method);
(2) For left hand, use palm to grip the club (yes, the club is gripped in
my left hand palm area!!) & standard right hand gripping;
(3) Use a mechanic glove with palm padding, or an anti-vibration glove
for my left hand;
(4) Grip the club gently;
(5) Use soft balls such as Pro V1 ( it also bites the green so well!);
(6) Use forged club heads with graphite shafts or steel shaft with
sensicore. They are good for shock reduction. I used graphite shafts for
one year. I just ordered a set of clubs (MP 53) with steel shafts and
sensicore last week. I hope the sensicore works.
(7) Do not practice on hard-mats, at least, no irons on hard-mats.
(8) For iron shots, take a divot & let the club loft do the job. Hitting
on the sweet spot certainly minimizes the impact to the fingers;
I know both (2) and (3) are very unusual. They work for me. My fingers are
fine as long as I play no more than 2 rounds per week.
When I started to learn this game, I worked too hard in the first month. I
had the finger problems. I was frustrated that I had to stop playing and
sell my one-month-old clubs!
Last year, someone here posted a video showing a man plays golf without
hands. It is very inspiring video. It was that time I decided to resume
learning this game again, and to make some adjustments (1,2,3,,4,6,7,8) so
that I could play.
This is a game I like so much. I am playing at 80s. Now I do wish I could
practice more so that I may break 80.
Some other experience I would like to share
(1) Ben Hogan's book is certainly great; however, his gripping method may
not work for ordinary people. I have enjoyed Harvey Penick’s book series;
(2) A good golf teaching pro is very helpful, but also may be hard to find.

【在 B*****s 的大作中提到】
: 多谢, 我估计是窝杆偏紧,第一周用教练杆,左手,和右手拇指起水泡了。
: 1) 因为用的是旧杆,我下周问问教练
: mis-hits 现在不多了, 不过hit on the mats 可能每筐球会偶尔/最多发生一次
: 戴手套会不会好一些呢?

发帖数: 3463


【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: I am susceptible to the trigger finger problem. I have to make certain
: gripping adjustments. Here are the ways I used. In case anyone of you has
: the same issue, I hope some of the information can be helpful.
: (1) Use 10-finger gripping method (baseball grip method);
: (2) For left hand, use palm to grip the club (yes, the club is gripped in
: my left hand palm area!!) & standard right hand gripping;
: (3) Use a mechanic glove with palm padding, or an anti-vibration glove
: for my left hand;
: (4) Grip the club gently;
: (5) Use soft balls such as Pro V1 ( it also bites the green so well!);

1 (共1页)
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