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GunsAndGears版 - 受到了joe biden的信,战斗才刚刚开始。
Buy Ammo at Walmart可惜了一把SKS
转贴:避免使用180gr .40 S&W俺今天也去枪展溜达了一圈
新人携枪报到[zz_qbq]直升机 7.62 野猪
115gr和124gr区别在哪ZT: Respnse Time in El Paso, Texas, 注:血腥
Glock19 Gen3 的价格是多少?哦,原来这tmd叫刺激!昨天楼下Crime scene (转载)
A Chinese Student Was Shot to Death Today加州网友要负税了
以为进错版了... rush limbaugh的扇子就别来这了吧TPWC Commission Opens Public Comment Period for Allowing Suppressor Use While Hunting
我们的参议员回信了,感觉立场不坚定啊ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose,
话题: president话题: gun话题: congress话题: violence话题: going
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1806

Title:if not now, when?
Hello --
Today President Obama announced a plan to help protect our kids and
communities from gun violence. You're going to hear a lot about it, but I
wanted to make sure you got a chance to get the facts, straight from me.
After hearing from Americans from across the political spectrum, we decided
to focus on some key priorities: closing background check loopholes, banning
military-style assault weapons, making our schools safer, and increasing
access to mental health services.
The ideas we sent to President Obama are straightforward. Each of them
honors the rights of law-abiding, responsible Americans to bear arms. Some
of them will require action from Congress; the President is acting on others
immediately. But they're all commonsense and will help make us a little
Now is the time for all of us to act.
Read about the events that brought us to this point, learn about the plan we
've proposed to help protect our kids, and then add your name in support to
help build momentum for this plan.
Here's what we've put together:
We're calling for requiring background checks for all gun sales and closing
the loopholes that allow dangerous individuals to make their purchase
without going through one of these checks.
We're asking for a new, stronger ban on military-style assault weapons and
high-capacity magazines that allow a shooter to fire dozens of bullets as
quickly as he can pull a trigger. And we're asking Congress to help protect
law enforcement by make it illegal for members of the public to possess
armor-piercing bullets.
We're going to give law enforcement more tools and resources to prevent and
prosecute gun crimes, and we're going to end the freeze on gun violence
research that prevents the Center from Disease Control from looking at the
causes of gun violence.
We're calling on Congress to help make schools safer by putting up to 1,000
school resource officers and mental health professionals in schools and
ensuring they have comprehensive emergency management plans in place.
And we're going to increase coverage so that students and young adults can
get access to the mental health treatment they may need.
We know that no policy we enact or law we enforce can prevent every
senseless act of violence in our country. But if we can save the life of
even one child, we have a deep responsibility to act.
Now is the time to come together to protect our kids. Learn about the plan,
then add your name alongside mine:
Vice President Joe Biden
发帖数: 465
Agree. This is just the beginning of a lengthy war.
He says it well, and I think his opinion worth careful review:

【在 w*****o 的大作中提到】
: 不要掉以轻心啊。说起来不知道为什么我签了一堆反禁枪的petition,却天天收到禁枪
: 派的promotion,难道也是阴谋?
: Title:if not now, when?
: Hello --
: Today President Obama announced a plan to help protect our kids and
: communities from gun violence. You're going to hear a lot about it, but I
: wanted to make sure you got a chance to get the facts, straight from me.
: After hearing from Americans from across the political spectrum, we decided
: to focus on some key priorities: closing background check loopholes, banning

发帖数: 11154
1 (共1页)
ABC News Exclusive: Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose,Glock19 Gen3 的价格是多少?
F1申请CWL,被要求出示有效VISAA Chinese Student Was Shot to Death Today
双城记--拥枪和禁枪的选择以为进错版了... rush limbaugh的扇子就别来这了吧
Buy Ammo at Walmart可惜了一把SKS
转贴:避免使用180gr .40 S&W俺今天也去枪展溜达了一圈
新人携枪报到[zz_qbq]直升机 7.62 野猪
115gr和124gr区别在哪ZT: Respnse Time in El Paso, Texas, 注:血腥
话题: president话题: gun话题: congress话题: violence话题: going