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Immigration版 - NOID Response 要点总结
求助!TSC EB1A+PP NOIDEB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?
NSC NOID response交了, 求祝福NSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002
令人堵心的正月十五:EB1A non-pp TSC NOID 求助140 NOID后通过,罗哩罗嗦个人经历和一点经验
I140 approved after NOID by IO0106吐血 EB1A 追加PP第七天被NOID, 求大家支招!!!!
继续关于TX211(director in TX)的NOIDEB1a 140 NSC PP approved
Eb1A 140 NOID from TSC OI 144 大家帮忙看看啊,谢谢【update】denied; NSC EB1A NOID 0242
补充材料邮出 回答NOID 求Bless如何证明top percentage
准备REF问题:审稿能证明sustained international acclaim?EB1a RFE 律师说不能用新的证据
话题: acclaim话题: articles话题: xxx话题: response
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1166
全程DIY,non pp TSC
case上。NOID是逐条回复的,下面是我的NOID 的问题和response 要点总结,希望对大
Dear xxx,
谢谢review, 下面提供证据。The additional evidence includes:
a. 4 additional recommendation letters;
b. 3 additional reviewer selection criteria letters;
c. 1 additional session chair verification letter;
d. 52 additional citations of my publications, increase 20% since
original submission(所有还都是以前的中文文章引用);
e. 10 additional review activities, increase 42% since original
f. 1 additional published original research article, 2 additional
original research paper drafts submitted for publishing.
Please note Exhibits N1 to N10 are the additional evidence in this response
and Exhibits 1 to 13 are the documentary evidence in original submittal.
Part One: Analysis of Criteria:
1. Evidence of your participation, either individually or on a panel, as
a judge of the work of others in the same or an allied field of
specialization for which classification is sought
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
2. Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic,
or business-related contributions of major significance in the field
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
3. Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or major trade publications or other major media
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
Response: Thank you for evaluating that I have met three criteria in Part
One: Analysis of Criteria.
Part Two: Final Merits Determination
Conclusion 1:
The record shows that you published several articles between 2002 and 2007.
During this period you were a Masters or Doctoral candidate. Nine of the
articles listed in Part 1 were published in while you were a student in
China. These articles were cited numerous times within China which shows you
attained national acclaim. However, since that time you have co-authored 3
articles which have been cited 4 times. This low citation record for your
publications since 2007 does not show you have sustained any national or
international acclaim you may have obtained based on your earlier work.
Response 1: 谢谢承认以前national acclaim。现在提供证据 I have sustained
national or international acclaim.
1.1. My publications before 2007 still receive sustained national
acclaim until now.
列表每年的 number of citations, 以前的文章现在还有大量引用。
1.2. The reasons of relatively low citations of my publications since 2007.
1) 以前的文章领域是application,现在主要是methodology development.
2) 整个领域citation is low. 例如,top杂志xxx 5-year impact factor多少,我
3) 从递交到发表 takes several months to even several years, 这个有证据. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_review
1.3. My recent publications have received great attention from scientific
1.3.1 My recent articles published in the leading journals in the field of
列表杂志的排名,5-year impact factor,和杂志的介绍。
1.3.2 My recent articles and presentations received great attention from
independent scientists in the field
列表推荐人情况 All independent references knew about me from recent
publications or international conferences and highly evaluated my recent
work and publications in their letters. For example, xxx;xxx; xxx;
Furthermore, I presented my novel methodology development of “xxx
” at the session “xxx” xxx. Only ten scientists gave their talks about
the future perspective in xxx in this session. The speakers are all
scientists with international/national acclaim including Dr. xxx, xxx,xxx
1.3.3 I have been invited to submit papers, to attend the conferences and
asked for requests for reprints of my recent publications from countries of
Germany, Austria, Japan, China, Argentina, Israel, and India.
1.4. I have sustained national/international acclaim from other aspects
1.4.1. I have been invited to review the research articles from 18 editors
including 14 independent editors in 8 countries for 14 journals in various
scientific areas.
Review 5个方面:量大,好杂志,独立牛editor,reviewed article作者牛人,
Table 4 to Table 7 list the information of the reviewed journals, invited
editors, and reviewed articles authors. The journals I was invited as judge of the work of others are all
prestigious international peer-reviewed journals.
列表杂志的信息,例如,xxx Journal, top The editors who invited me to review the articles are independent
international well-known professors and scientists from 8 countries around
the world.
列表editors 信息。例如,xxx,大牛 The authors of articles I reviewed are international recognized
scientists from 11 countries.
列表 authors 信息,例如,xxx,大牛 I was invited as a reviewer due to my international reputation of
excellence in my field testified by the editors of leading journals.
1.4.2. I was invited to serve as session chairs of poster and oral technical
sessions during xxx Meeting
推荐信证明,牛人才能成为 session chair
1.4.3. I have been elected as a committee member of xxx technical committee
推荐信证明,牛人才能成为 committee member
Conclusion 2:
Publication of one’s findings in inherent to all researchers. The mere
publication of scholarly articles or research findings does not demonstrate
national or international acclaim. The evidence does not indicate that your
most recent published materials have garnered national or international
attention, for example by being widely cited by independent researchers.
Response 2: 看Response 1, 提一下要点
Conclusion 3:
Your co-authorship of published articles may demonstrate that your research
efforts yielded some useful and valid results. However, it is apparent that
any article, in order to be accepted in a scientific journal for publication
, must offer new and useful information to the pool of knowledge. It does
not follow that every scientist whose scholarly research is accepted for
publication has made a major contribution to his field.
Response 3: 以前laoda 的帖子,讲的很仔细。但很多不适合我,我只列了推荐人的话
。看到一个帖子很受启发:contribution 不要讲的太专业,没人看得懂,简单几个要
Conclusion 4:
For classification as an alien of extraordinary ability you must show
that you have sustained national or international acclaim and that you are
one of the very few have reached to top of the field of endeavor. The record
does not show you have sustained national or international acclaim.
Response 4:
4.1. I am superior to my peers in the areas I published articles.
4.2. I am superior to my peers in the areas I reviewed the articles,
severed as session chair and committee member in the distinguished society.
总结了review的5个方面;列出证据x %人能成为session chair and committee member
4.3 I am one of the very few have reached to the top of the field of xxx
recognized by independent scientists around the world
Conclusion 5:
In an occupation where judging the work of others is an inherent duty of the
occupation, such as an instructor, teacher, teaching assistant or professor
, simply performing one’s job related duties demonstrates competency, and
is not evidence of national or international acclaim.
It must be demonstrated that your sustained national or international
acclaim resulted in your selection to serve as a judge of the work of others
in the field. The judging must be on a national or international level and
involve other accomplished professionals in the field.
Without evidence that sets you apart from others in his field, such as
evidence that you have reviewed an unusually large number of articles,
received independent requests from a substantial number of journals, or
served in an editorial position for distinguished journals, we cannot
conclude that you meet this criterion.
We note that judging the work of one’s students is inherent to the position
of teacher and coach. It cannot be concluded that every teacher and coach
has sustained national or international acclaim.
The record does not show that you have reviewed an unusually large number of
material as compared to others in the field, that you have served in an
editorial position or that your sustained national or international acclaim
resulted in your selection to judge the work of others in the field.
Response 5: 看Response 1.4.1
Conclusion 6:
USCIS has evaluated the evidence on an individual basis and determined
that you have not met at least three of the ten criteria found at 8 C.F.R.
§ 204.5(h)(3). USCIS has then examined the record in its totality, and made
a final merits determination.
Response 6: 总结上面的要点,谢谢part one 满足三项。(IO应该数错数了,没满足
最后,I am the one of the very top scientists who is able to address the
American’s future challenge issues in “Investing in America’s Future:
Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s Plan for Science and Innovation”.找找和自己相
发帖数: 201
赞LZ, 又一篇好文.
发帖数: 13640
Zan. 两个包子
发帖数: 287
发帖数: 287
发帖数: 1202

【在 R******n 的大作中提到】
: 全程DIY,non pp TSC
: 背景和具体参考以前的帖子
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/31894283.html
: 特别感谢老婆在推荐信和PL上的辛勤付出。
: 长期在这个板上泡着,学到了很多东西,有几个特别好的总结。每人的case都不一样,
: 前人的经验不一定适用于自己,但会有很大的启发,灵活的应用前人的经验在自己的
: case上。NOID是逐条回复的,下面是我的NOID 的问题和response 要点总结,希望对大
: 家能有所帮助。
: 如有觉得有用,给发两个包子,急缺包子感谢以前有帮忙的ID。
: Dear xxx,

发帖数: 2439
发帖数: 725
发帖数: 804
thanks a lot for sharing!
cong again!

【在 R******n 的大作中提到】
: 全程DIY,non pp TSC
: 背景和具体参考以前的帖子
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/31894283.html
: 特别感谢老婆在推荐信和PL上的辛勤付出。
: 长期在这个板上泡着,学到了很多东西,有几个特别好的总结。每人的case都不一样,
: 前人的经验不一定适用于自己,但会有很大的启发,灵活的应用前人的经验在自己的
: case上。NOID是逐条回复的,下面是我的NOID 的问题和response 要点总结,希望对大
: 家能有所帮助。
: 如有觉得有用,给发两个包子,急缺包子感谢以前有帮忙的ID。
: Dear xxx,

发帖数: 1166
Eb1A 140 NOID from TSC OI 144 大家帮忙看看啊,谢谢EB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?
补充材料邮出 回答NOID 求BlessNSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002
准备REF问题:审稿能证明sustained international acclaim?140 NOID后通过,罗哩罗嗦个人经历和一点经验
发帖数: 155

【在 R******n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢各位的包子,特别是leosunic
发帖数: 776
发帖数: 198
thanks for sharing
发帖数: 706
thank you for sharing and mark!

【在 R******n 的大作中提到】
: 全程DIY,non pp TSC
: 背景和具体参考以前的帖子
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Immigration/31894283.html
: 特别感谢老婆在推荐信和PL上的辛勤付出。
: 长期在这个板上泡着,学到了很多东西,有几个特别好的总结。每人的case都不一样,
: 前人的经验不一定适用于自己,但会有很大的启发,灵活的应用前人的经验在自己的
: case上。NOID是逐条回复的,下面是我的NOID 的问题和response 要点总结,希望对大
: 家能有所帮助。
: 如有觉得有用,给发两个包子,急缺包子感谢以前有帮忙的ID。
: Dear xxx,

发帖数: 2243

发信人: RogerPan (Roger), 信区: Immigration
标 题: NOID Response 要点总结
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 4 22:55:04 2011, 美东)
全程DIY,non pp TSC
case上。NOID是逐条回复的,下面是我的NOID 的问题和response 要点总结,希望对大
Dear xxx,
谢谢review, 下面提供证据。The additional evidence includes:
a. 4 additional recommendation letters;
b. 3 additional reviewer selection criteria letters;
c. 1 additional session chair verification letter;
d. 52 additional citations of my publications, increase 20% since
original submission(所有还都是以前的中文文章引用);
e. 10 additional review activities, increase 42% since original
f. 1 additional published original research article, 2 additional
original research paper drafts submitted for publishing.
Please note Exhibits N1 to N10 are the additional evidence in this response
and Exhibits 1 to 13 are the documentary evidence in original submittal.
Part One: Analysis of Criteria:
1. Evidence of your participation, either individually or on a panel, as
a judge of the work of others in the same or an allied field of
specialization for which classification is sought
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
2. Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic,
or business-related contributions of major significance in the field
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
3. Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or major trade publications or other major media
The plain language of this criterion has been met.
Response: Thank you for evaluating that I have met three criteria in Part
One: Analysis of Criteria.
Part Two: Final Merits Determination
Conclusion 1:
The record shows that you published several articles between 2002 and 2007.
During this period you were a Masters or Doctoral candidate. Nine of the
articles listed in Part 1 were published in while you were a student in
China. These articles were cited numerous times within China which shows you
attained national acclaim. However, since that time you have co-authored 3
articles which have been cited 4 times. This low citation record for your
publications since 2007 does not show you have sustained any national or
international acclaim you may have obtained based on your earlier work.
Response 1: 谢谢承认以前national acclaim。现在提供证据 I have sustained
national or international acclaim.
1.1. My publications before 2007 still receive sustained national
acclaim until now.
列表每年的 number of citations, 以前的文章现在还有大量引用。
1.2. The reasons of relatively low citations of my publications since 2007.
1) 以前的文章领域是application,现在主要是methodology development.
2) 整个领域citation is low. 例如,top杂志xxx 5-year impact factor多少,我
3) 从递交到发表 takes several months to even several years, 这个有证据. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_review
1.3. My recent publications have received great attention from scientific
1.3.1 My recent articles published in the leading journals in the field of
列表杂志的排名,5-year impact factor,和杂志的介绍。
1.3.2 My recent articles and presentations received great attention from
independent scientists in the field
列表推荐人情况 All independent references knew about me from recent
publications or international conferences and highly evaluated my recent
work and publications in their letters. For example, xxx;xxx; xxx;
Furthermore, I presented my novel methodology development of “xxx
” at the session “xxx” xxx. Only ten scientists gave their talks about
the future perspective in xxx in this session. The speakers are all
scientists with international/national acclaim including Dr. xxx, xxx,xxx
1.3.3 I have been invited to submit papers, to attend the conferences and
asked for requests for reprints of my recent publications from countries of
Germany, Austria, Japan, China, Argentina, Israel, and India.
1.4. I have sustained national/international acclaim from other aspects
1.4.1. I have been invited to review the research articles from 18 editors
including 14 independent editors in 8 countries for 14 journals in various
scientific areas.
Review 5个方面:量大,好杂志,独立牛editor,reviewed article作者牛人,
Table 4 to Table 7 list the information of the reviewed journals, invited
editors, and reviewed articles authors. The journals I was invited as judge of the work of others are all
prestigious international peer-reviewed journals.
列表杂志的信息,例如,xxx Journal, top The editors who invited me to review the articles are independent
international well-known professors and scientists from 8 countries around
the world.
列表editors 信息。例如,xxx,大牛 The authors of articles I reviewed are international recognized
scientists from 11 countries.
列表 authors 信息,例如,xxx,大牛 I was invited as a reviewer due to my international reputation of
excellence in my field testified by the editors of leading journals.
1.4.2. I was invited to serve as session chairs of poster and oral technical
sessions during xxx Meeting
推荐信证明,牛人才能成为 session chair
1.4.3. I have been elected as a committee member of xxx technical committee
推荐信证明,牛人才能成为 committee member
Conclusion 2:
Publication of one’s findings in inherent to all researchers. The mere
publication of scholarly articles or research findings does not demonstrate
national or international acclaim. The evidence does not indicate that your
most recent published materials have garnered national or international
attention, for example by being widely cited by independent researchers.
Response 2: 看Response 1, 提一下要点
Conclusion 3:
Your co-authorship of published articles may demonstrate that your research
efforts yielded some useful and valid results. However, it is apparent that
any article, in order to be accepted in a scientific journal for publication
, must offer new and useful information to the pool of knowledge. It does
not follow that every scientist whose scholarly research is accepted for
publication has made a major contribution to his field.
Response 3: 以前laoda 的帖子,讲的很仔细。但很多不适合我,我只列了推荐人的话
。看到一个帖子很受启发:contribution 不要讲的太专业,没人看得懂,简单几个要
Conclusion 4:
For classification as an alien of extraordinary ability you must show
that you have sustained national or international acclaim and that you are
one of the very few have reached to top of the field of endeavor. The record
does not show you have sustained national or international acclaim.
Response 4:
4.1. I am superior to my peers in the areas I published articles.
4.2. I am superior to my peers in the areas I reviewed the articles,
severed as session chair and committee member in the distinguished society.
总结了review的5个方面;列出证据x %人能成为session chair and committee member
4.3 I am one of the very few have reached to the top of the field of xxx
recognized by independent scientists around the world
Conclusion 5:
In an occupation where judging the work of others is an inherent duty of the
occupation, such as an instructor, teacher, teaching assistant or professor
, simply performing one’s job related duties demonstrates competency, and
is not evidence of national or international acclaim.
It must be demonstrated that your sustained national or international
acclaim resulted in your selection to serve as a judge of the work of others
in the field. The judging must be on a national or international level and
involve other accomplished professionals in the field.
Without evidence that sets you apart from others in his field, such as
evidence that you have reviewed an unusually large number of articles,
received independent requests from a substantial number of journals, or
served in an editorial position for distinguished journals, we cannot
conclude that you meet this criterion.
We note that judging the work of one’s students is inherent to the position
of teacher and coach. It cannot be concluded that every teacher and coach
has sustained national or international acclaim.
The record does not show that you have reviewed an unusually large number of
material as compared to others in the field, that you have served in an
editorial position or that your sustained national or international acclaim
resulted in your selection to judge the work of others in the field.
Response 5: 看Response 1.4.1
Conclusion 6:
USCIS has evaluated the evidence on an individual basis and determined
that you have not met at least three of the ten criteria found at 8 C.F.R.
§ 204.5(h)(3). USCIS has then examined the record in its totality, and made
a final merits determination.
Response 6: 总结上面的要点,谢谢part one 满足三项。(IO应该数错数了,没满足
最后,I am the one of the very top scientists who is able to address the
American’s future challenge issues in “Investing in America’s Future:
Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s Plan for Science and Innovation”.找找和自己相

【在 R******n 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢各位的包子,特别是leosunic
发帖数: 1017
发帖数: 1542
赞!好文 !
发帖数: 336
baozi plz
发帖数: 785
good good reference
发帖数: 1301
吐血 EB1A 追加PP第七天被NOID, 求大家支招!!!!如何证明top percentage
EB1a 140 NSC PP approvedEB1a RFE 律师说不能用新的证据
【update】denied; NSC EB1A NOID 0242总结:TSC 1a, DIY,pp, 小妹100 RFE,approved!
发帖数: 1791
发帖数: 76
发帖数: 4894
Very good and thank you!
发帖数: 588
发帖数: 1619
发帖数: 620
发帖数: 2533
发帖数: 1017
发帖数: 1889
发帖数: 6338
TSC Eb1a weak case gets RFE, looking for helpNSC NOID response交了, 求祝福
NSC 0002 NOID Response Approved令人堵心的正月十五:EB1A non-pp TSC NOID 求助
求助!TSC EB1A+PP NOIDI140 approved after NOID by IO0106
发帖数: 1889
发帖数: 226
1 (共1页)
EB1a RFE 律师说不能用新的证据继续关于TX211(director in TX)的NOID
总结:TSC 1a, DIY,pp, 小妹100 RFE,approved!Eb1A 140 NOID from TSC OI 144 大家帮忙看看啊,谢谢
TSC Eb1a weak case gets RFE, looking for help补充材料邮出 回答NOID 求Bless
NSC 0002 NOID Response Approved准备REF问题:审稿能证明sustained international acclaim?
求助!TSC EB1A+PP NOIDEB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?
NSC NOID response交了, 求祝福NSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002
令人堵心的正月十五:EB1A non-pp TSC NOID 求助140 NOID后通过,罗哩罗嗦个人经历和一点经验
I140 approved after NOID by IO0106吐血 EB1A 追加PP第七天被NOID, 求大家支招!!!!
话题: acclaim话题: articles话题: xxx话题: response