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Japan版 - 优质男神荣瑞星(さかえ みずとし)
爆料Is Mobile Game Development Worth the Effort?
日本的咨询业怎么样呢?Apple Begins Rejecting Apps That Offer Rewards For Video Views, Social Sharing
一群小角色也出来跟着跳了Breaking Valentine's Day news: Republicans much more romantic than those Democrats
13671109442,假期电话,ppmm,romantic,林冰冰,chat!!!!巴勒斯坦人也割包皮的吗? (转载)
什么是romantically的喜欢?有恋脚癖的说I am proud of ... 吗?
话题: my话题: love话题: she话题: me话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6465
米日中グローカル化コンサルタント KOBAMA同职业?
感觉someone(yamana)也跨文化, 不过没有跨美国, 太遗憾.
荣瑞星さかえ みずとし
发帖数: 6465
发帖数: 6465
To Love and to Be Loved
Written on Dec 2 byRuì Róng
Native of Beijing/Tokyo/San Francisco living on plenty of Mobile Technology,
Tennis, Whiskey, and Romance.
This piece of writing is dedicated to those who I loved, those who loved me,
and those I shared love with. May we all continue our emotional education.
I’ve been called many things when entangled with romance. The gradient has
been great, from “ideal boyfriend,” or “hopeless romantic,” to “callous
asshole,” and “womanizer.” Which one am I, really? I’d like to dive
into my roots with love, twenty years ago.
had my first crush when I was five years old, and I never stopped loving. In
the same year in pre-school, I found out another girl had a crush on me,
and I never stopped loving back.
I started writing love letters when I was in grade one. When I got the reply
to my first letter, it was from two girls, the recipient of my original
letter, and her best friend; they said they both liked me, but they had
decided that the friend liked me more. I couldn’t betray the feelings I had
toward my first elementary school crush, so I taught myself the art of
friendzoning. A semester later, another girl wrote me a letter confessing
her fondness of me. I proceeded to practice initiating the friendzone.
In grade two, a new girl transferred to our school. She was beautiful. I
fell for her the moment our eyes met. She was going to be my first
girlfriend, I just knew it. I stalked her after school and walked behind her
till she was home, until one day I gathered enough courage to give her
flowers I’d picked from the side of the road. She asked me if I lived
nearby, noting that I’d been walking behind her for weeks. I confessed I
was the opposite direction, that I had to walk another 45 minutes back to
get home each day. She asked me why, and I answered because she was new in
town and I wanted to make sure she was safe and didn’t get lost. She smiled
, and thanked me. I helped her cheat on tests in class, and got into fist
fights with guys in school that picked on her. She was my princess, and my
number one priority. We officially became a couple, and stayed together
until she broke my heart three years later. To this day, it’s still my
longest relationship.
Skipping to when I was fifteen, I had a girlfriend who had been my best
friend in the penultimate year. I loved her with all my heart. One summer, I
attended a program that separated us three thousand miles for three weeks.
In those short weeks, I fell for, and kissed another girl. It was my first
time cheating. I was overwhelmed with guilt immediately, and called my
girlfriend to tell her what I’d done. I cried and begged her to forgive me.
It was my first time having that conversation, but it wasn’t to be my last.
Thinking back to those early days, I realized that love has always been my
number one priority. I always hated admitting to others or even myself about
this, fearing that it made me a weaker person, one lacking clear focus on
my education or career. I have always been ambitious about all my endeavors,
and have taken pride in being seen as that guy with the vaunted drive. When
friends teased me about being Romeo or Casanova, I protested I was neither.
What a lie that was. I have played the role of both Romeo Montague and
Giacomo Casanova, over and over again over the years. I cannot lie to myself
any longer. Not only do I get myself into these situations, I actually in
fact seek it actively. My drive to be ambitious stems from being the most
ardent of romantics. Before social media, I’d written dozens of love
letters. Before Tinder or OkCupid, I poked strangers on Facebook. I bask in
creating romantic situations, and indulging in the highs and lows of the
emotional roller coaster that is love.
Of the countless women I’ve been involved with, only few had been for the
sake of the flesh. I love to love, and love to be loved. The sheer emotional
connection and the romanticism that follows trumps actual desire. Of course
, such desire follows, and it only serves to deepen the expectations of such
fervent, yet doomed love. To proclaim that each of these romantic
encounters can possibly lead to a common goal is an quixotic ideal. Yet I
continue to lie to myself, and lead myself and my lovers on.
For me, a traditional one night stand is almost impossible. I am far too
amorous and long to connect with emotions, that even if I’m in bed with a
woman I’d just met hours before in a foreign city during a business trip,
we’re not having a drunken romp, we are making sweet love. And when I’m
single, I’m never truly single, as I maintain lovers in several cities,
with whom I romanticize about getaways to the tropics, ancient cities, or a
simple rendezvous disguised as a business dinner. Sex is secondary to the
titillating planning of such romantic encounters.
Our day-to-day life is bombarded with fortuities or, to be more precise,
with the accidental meetings of people and events we call coincidences. “Co
-incidence” means that two events unexpectedly happen at the same time,
they meet…
-Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
I’ve learned that despite my fondness to be loved, I am truest to myself
when I am actively chasing love. Luck has it that I have been the object of
love far more than I have been the subject. If the last twenty years augurs
anything at all, it’s that I will continue to love, and harness energy from
that to drive me further in life. I truly hope that I can learn to fall in
love with one special girl over and over again, because it seems like the
only way monogamy will ever work for me.
Many of my friends see me as a ladies man, often surrounded by the opposite
sex. But the closest of my friends know me as a ridiculous romantic that
despises “the game,” and all that it stands for. They’ve seen me get way
worked up over a first date, and have heard me announce to them, “seriously
, she is absolutely amazing, she could well be ‘the one!’” They’ve
learned to shrug this proclamation off, hearing it every couple of months,
but I haven’t stopped getting aroused at the thought of finding “the one.”
I believe Romeo would have become Casanova had he lived beyond the fortnight
he was together with Juliet. Afterall, he was enigmatically in love with
Rosaline the afternoon before he laid his eyes on his bride to be. I admit,
and embrace the fact that I am also such a man. To love is the greatest
pleasure and intrinsic motivator I will ever harness in my life. My ever-
hopeful romantic character will perdure for years to come, and I will
continue to touch and to be touched by the most passionate encounters.
发帖数: 44466

【在 f********n 的大作中提到】
: 一看他就觉得他有日本人的气质.
: 自己为什么没有他这么好运,能早点出国留学,学好各种语言呢.
: 米日中グローカル化コンサルタント KOBAMA同职业?
: 感觉someone(yamana)也跨文化, 不过没有跨美国, 太遗憾.
: 荣瑞星さかえ みずとし
: 有三个国家的成长背景,生于北京,少年时代在东京度过,青年时代在美国加州
: 求学,不久前刚刚回国带来日本和硅谷的创业精神。目前,在视频广告推广服务初创公
: 司Vungle担任亚洲区负责人。对于网球比移动互联网还专业,周末常常加入比赛。
: 荣瑞星,25岁,北京人,美国加州大学经济专业本科。从小生活在日本和美国,有着优
: 秀教育背景与工作背景。随着面试的深入,他所要求的年薪与所能为企业带来的价值令

发帖数: 6465
不光成绩好还要体育好的才能被好大学, 优质公司录取.
在国外体育和成绩全面发展,身材好所以才帅, 所以才要早留学.
另外我宣扬留学早的, 是羡慕他们语言能力强, 2-3门都是母语水平.
留学晚的,适应能力差, 口音重, 学习语言没有优势, 而且进入名牌大公司更吃力.

【在 x****u 的大作中提到】
: 长得帅和留学早晚有什么关系?
发帖数: 11095

【在 f********n 的大作中提到】
: 中国是应试教育,体育活动很少,而且不受重视.
: 而日本美国的学生很多都参加体育活动,
: 不光成绩好还要体育好的才能被好大学, 优质公司录取.
: (例如日本工资最高的几大商社,新社员都是体育系的非常多.)
: 在国外体育和成绩全面发展,身材好所以才帅, 所以才要早留学.
: 另外我宣扬留学早的, 是羡慕他们语言能力强, 2-3门都是母语水平.
: 留学晚的,适应能力差, 口音重, 学习语言没有优势, 而且进入名牌大公司更吃力.

发帖数: 6465
留学的话, 还是高中毕业就出来比较好.
另外,你举个马云这个特例, 没有说服力啦.

【在 i***a 的大作中提到】
: 强东,马云都没国外留学过吧
发帖数: 44466

【在 f********n 的大作中提到】
: 中国是应试教育,体育活动很少,而且不受重视.
: 而日本美国的学生很多都参加体育活动,
: 不光成绩好还要体育好的才能被好大学, 优质公司录取.
: (例如日本工资最高的几大商社,新社员都是体育系的非常多.)
: 在国外体育和成绩全面发展,身材好所以才帅, 所以才要早留学.
: 另外我宣扬留学早的, 是羡慕他们语言能力强, 2-3门都是母语水平.
: 留学晚的,适应能力差, 口音重, 学习语言没有优势, 而且进入名牌大公司更吃力.

发帖数: 44466

【在 f********n 的大作中提到】
: 留学的话, 还是高中毕业就出来比较好.
: SOMEONE就后悔出国晚了,本科在美国读就好了.
: 语言比较容易过关接近NATIVE,而且更容易融入当地社会.
: 另外,你举个马云这个特例, 没有说服力啦.
: 可以以你自己的经历这个矛来攻马云事例这个盾啊.

1 (共1页)
有恋脚癖的说I am proud of ... 吗?日本的咨询业怎么样呢?
欧洲花少 casanova一群小角色也出来跟着跳了
Shooting at Raleigh, NC, Mall什么是romantically的喜欢?
爆料Is Mobile Game Development Worth the Effort?
话题: my话题: love话题: she话题: me话题: her