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Java版 - Java Swing Application都用哪些Framework
eclipse 做gui问题EJB 3 的前途怎么样?
netbean and eclipseHow about Swing?
netbeans 6.9了应该站哪条队:.NET 还是 Java/J2EE?
Java 6和Java 8的问题which IDE for GUI ?
Spring 工作机会好象不多啊!Java Swing的UI开发很落后啊
any good j2ee book?Java GUI 有很强的Package么
wicket in action到手了新手求助applet问题
Pretty good writeup comparing EJB3 and Spring请教大家一些问题
话题: swing话题: java话题: framework话题: spring
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 662
Hibernate, Spring?
发帖数: 34805
There ain't popular swing frameworks as far as I know.
Swing programming is probably simpler than web programming
with well defined swing components. Generally you should stick to
MVC pattern and you'll be fine.

【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: Hibernate, Spring?
: 谢谢指教。

发帖数: 662
就像你说的,frond end应该没什么特别的framework吧。 java我不是很熟,core java

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: There ain't popular swing frameworks as far as I know.
: Swing programming is probably simpler than web programming
: with well defined swing components. Generally you should stick to
: MVC pattern and you'll be fine.

发帖数: 34805
If you just need an ORM on client side, you can use hibernate directly
or use spring to hook up hibernate, both should be fine.


【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: 多谢。用hibernate在database方面应该是比较符合project的要求。
: 就像你说的,frond end应该没什么特别的framework吧。 java我不是很熟,core java
: 用过两年。

发帖数: 662

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: If you just need an ORM on client side, you can use hibernate directly
: or use spring to hook up hibernate, both should be fine.
: java

发帖数: 62
In Swing, everything is bean, spring can be a perfect fit for you to
organize and write loosely coupled code...
Swing itself is a UI framework. you do not need any other frameworks on top
of it. But you do need some third party libraies for layout, Jtable, Jtree..
. if you work on a nontivial project and do not want to write everything by
发帖数: 3271
NetBeans + Hibernate.

【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: Hibernate, Spring?
: 谢谢指教。

发帖数: 34098
why NetBeans? thanks

【在 F****n 的大作中提到】
: NetBeans + Hibernate.
发帖数: 3271

【在 B*****g 的大作中提到】
: why NetBeans? thanks
发帖数: 662
because of Netbean Gui builder?

【在 F****n 的大作中提到】
: framework
any good j2ee book?EJB 3 的前途怎么样?
wicket in action到手了How about Swing?
Pretty good writeup comparing EJB3 and Spring应该站哪条队:.NET 还是 Java/J2EE?
发帖数: 1879
hehe, another opportunity for self-promotion :)
CookSwing - Xml -> Swing GUI

【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: Hibernate, Spring?
: 谢谢指教。

发帖数: 662
This really depends on how mature this product is. Since commercial software
needs mature framework.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: hehe, another opportunity for self-promotion :)
: CookSwing - Xml -> Swing GUI
: http://cookxml.yuanheng.org/cookswing/

发帖数: 1879
Define mature product :P


【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: This really depends on how mature this product is. Since commercial software
: needs mature framework.

发帖数: 3271
framework != GUI builder. Have you heard anybody use Spring because there is
a "Spring GUI builder"?
If not for Swing, I would say use eclipse.

【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: because of Netbean Gui builder?
发帖数: 662
只不过说Gui builder 是不是用它的一个优点。。


【在 F****n 的大作中提到】
: framework != GUI builder. Have you heard anybody use Spring because there is
: a "Spring GUI builder"?
: If not for Swing, I would say use eclipse.

发帖数: 4260
What's the benefit of using Spring in this case?

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: If you just need an ORM on client side, you can use hibernate directly
: or use spring to hook up hibernate, both should be fine.
: java

发帖数: 34805
There are quite some reasons you may want to use spring container
in a thick client. Below are just a few
1. IoC, if you are talking to a server, you may find this handy,
inject services to your client is cleaner than passing the references
everywhere or use a hand-write factory.
2. persistence access helper, spring provides some ORM helper and JDBC
helper which can remove some boilerplate code and help you configure
transaction boundaries.
3. Access to other 3rd party api. If you use ldap, web

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: What's the benefit of using Spring in this case?
发帖数: 4260
Thanks for taking the time to explain.
I find that things in Java tends to be so complicated that
you really need a lot of knowledge to do just anything :)
While in some other languages, virtually none of that knowledge
is required to get things done :)

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: There are quite some reasons you may want to use spring container
: in a thick client. Below are just a few
: 1. IoC, if you are talking to a server, you may find this handy,
: inject services to your client is cleaner than passing the references
: everywhere or use a hand-write factory.
: 2. persistence access helper, spring provides some ORM helper and JDBC
: helper which can remove some boilerplate code and help you configure
: transaction boundaries.
: 3. Access to other 3rd party api. If you use ldap, web

发帖数: 34805
There are complicate for a reason, and certainly is not for
every project.

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for taking the time to explain.
: I find that things in Java tends to be so complicated that
: you really need a lot of knowledge to do just anything :)
: While in some other languages, virtually none of that knowledge
: is required to get things done :)

发帖数: 4260
I'm sure they have a reason. But people have more reasons
to dump them :) (example: EJB and a whole lot of infrastructure
components around it, and that the dynamic languages replacing
java in a lot of web projects, if not most of them)
So far I appreciate the elegance and reliability of the core
language but not too much of the enterprise frameworks.
Of course this certainly has a lot to do with my ignorance...

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: There are complicate for a reason, and certainly is not for
: every project.

which IDE for GUI ?新手求助applet问题
Java Swing的UI开发很落后啊请教大家一些问题
Java GUI 有很强的Package么现在还有用Swing的吗?
发帖数: 34805
Overall, if you are working on a serious project that
should be maintained for a number of years down the road.
And you want the flexibility, it's worth it. EJB3 has been
pretty thin and there ain't much to simplify. Java learns
a lot from convention over configuration from RoR and I
dont' think the productivity will be much different.

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: I'm sure they have a reason. But people have more reasons
: to dump them :) (example: EJB and a whole lot of infrastructure
: components around it, and that the dynamic languages replacing
: java in a lot of web projects, if not most of them)
: So far I appreciate the elegance and reliability of the core
: language but not too much of the enterprise frameworks.
: Of course this certainly has a lot to do with my ignorance...

发帖数: 4260
That's true. However, things are changing at a much
faster pace, these days, which isn't particularly
good news for languages such as Java, which often
means longer dev cycles.
We (the company I'm working for) have a Swing project
that suffers a lot, because it's so difficult to
change things, once things have been put in place.
People miss a lightweight web interface written in
Python a lot but it's not easy to go a different
direction because we have invested in the current
swing app a lot. Ho

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: Overall, if you are working on a serious project that
: should be maintained for a number of years down the road.
: And you want the flexibility, it's worth it. EJB3 has been
: pretty thin and there ain't much to simplify. Java learns
: a lot from convention over configuration from RoR and I
: dont' think the productivity will be much different.

发帖数: 1879
No being able to change... Was that due to politics, lacking of
the person to do the change, or api being fixed?

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: That's true. However, things are changing at a much
: faster pace, these days, which isn't particularly
: good news for languages such as Java, which often
: means longer dev cycles.
: We (the company I'm working for) have a Swing project
: that suffers a lot, because it's so difficult to
: change things, once things have been put in place.
: People miss a lightweight web interface written in
: Python a lot but it's not easy to go a different
: direction because we have invested in the current

发帖数: 4260
I wouldn't say it's politics. It's just harder to change when
you have tons of code, and the huge framework-y-ness of the java
code kind of tie you up. We also have API limitations. Any major
changes will involve both front-end (the swing app) and back-end
(EJB server) changes ...

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: No being able to change... Was that due to politics, lacking of
: the person to do the change, or api being fixed?

发帖数: 662
.NET seems much easier to implement and maintain on Desktop Applications.
Anyhow, Java is so popular, we probably will start a large Swing Application

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: I wouldn't say it's politics. It's just harder to change when
: you have tons of code, and the huge framework-y-ness of the java
: code kind of tie you up. We also have API limitations. Any major
: changes will involve both front-end (the swing app) and back-end
: (EJB server) changes ...

发帖数: 4260
I haven't used it in a web project myself but I heard it's
super easy to create websites with it, along with all the
back-end goodies M$ provides. Some friends use it and they
seem to be extremely happy about the tools.
One could argue that Java is more large enterprise-oriented
but last time I saw an article saying that Fortune 50 companies
actually use 70% Windows servers and 30% Unix.


【在 h**k 的大作中提到】
: .NET seems much easier to implement and maintain on Desktop Applications.
: Anyhow, Java is so popular, we probably will start a large Swing Application
: soon...

1 (共1页)
请教大家一些问题Spring 工作机会好象不多啊!
现在还有用Swing的吗?any good j2ee book?
any clone of netbeans of look&feel?wicket in action到手了
[转载] 有人在用NetBeans IDE么?Pretty good writeup comparing EJB3 and Spring
eclipse 做gui问题EJB 3 的前途怎么样?
netbean and eclipseHow about Swing?
netbeans 6.9了应该站哪条队:.NET 还是 Java/J2EE?
Java 6和Java 8的问题which IDE for GUI ?
话题: swing话题: java话题: framework话题: spring