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JobHunting版 - Postdoc opening
帮我分析一下好吗,在线等,急!uber market dynamic 组何如
Fracture Mechanics Engineer Position (Columbus, OH)讨论个题目吧
我这样的背景适合什么样的工作?yahoo labs scientist position - 需要referral的请看进来
Job opportunity--Mechanical Engineering (转载)大牛推荐本machine learning的基础书吧?
Another Job opportunity (Mechanical Engineer and Material Science)A probabilistic question
Job Opening for Mechanical Engineering PhD or MS (转载)苹果 内推 (数据科学家,服务器工程师,资深搜索工程师
Principal Engineer - Mechanical Analysis (FEA/Dynamics)OPEN salary hiring CV&3D Researcher
话题: research话题: mechanics话题: methods话题: modeling话题: fracture
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9020
Postdoctoral research associate and doctoral student positions are available
at Clarkson University. Interested candidates please send application docum
ents (CV and personal statement) to my e-mail address. If there is a good ma
tch between your background and our research need, I will give you a call or
e-mail. Thanks!
Contact information: y**[email protected]
For doctoral student:
Research interest: fatigue and fracture modeling, solid mechanics, metallic
and composite materials, structural dynamics, probabilistic methods
Background preferred: master degree with knowledge of solid mechanics, mecha
nics of materials, finite element modeling, and statistics
Financial aid: Teaching assistantship or research assistantship + tuition
For postdoctoral research associate:
Research interest: fatigue and fracture modeling, probabilistic methods, str
uctural dynamics, solid mechanics, metallic and composite materials, and com
putational mechanics
Background preferred: substantial experiences and publication record on fati
gue and fracture modeling, damage mechanics, structural dynamics, diagnosis
and prognosis, numerical methods, and finite element methods
1 (共1页)
OPEN salary hiring CV&3D ResearcherJob opportunity--Mechanical Engineering (转载)
处理几本计算机和机器学习相关书Another Job opportunity (Mechanical Engineer and Material Science)
Senior Scientist in AI and ML for Robotics 加州Job Opening for Mechanical Engineering PhD or MS (转载)
自动驾驶Motion Planning Engineer 加州Principal Engineer - Mechanical Analysis (FEA/Dynamics)
帮我分析一下好吗,在线等,急!uber market dynamic 组何如
Fracture Mechanics Engineer Position (Columbus, OH)讨论个题目吧
我这样的背景适合什么样的工作?yahoo labs scientist position - 需要referral的请看进来
话题: research话题: mechanics话题: methods话题: modeling话题: fracture