

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
JobHunting版 - Apple is recruiting data scientist and data analyst
大牛们帮忙解释解释,JAVA, 简单的问题三星samsung创新部门招大数据工程师
Job Openings, Backend Data Engineers intern四个个软工职位内推
sf downtown中型startup招人Cloudera Solution Architect onsite被涮--- 顺求大神推荐职位
System design这东西弯曲学习互助小组Hadoop event 找志同道合者。这周末
请科普一下Web service的架构! 谢谢data engineer位置推荐(at a very early stage startup)
要建立一个20个node的cluster 需要zookeeper吗求tango.me内推
Tango.me扩招 (转载)Pinterest陶涛:三个教训和三个发展选择 (转载)
湾区startup Hortonworks招聘信息Facebook Intern 选组求挂靠
话题: apple话题: data话题: people话题: recruiting话题: analyst
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
Apple has immediate opening for people with following skill set:
(1) data mining, machine learning, statistics
(2) larges-cale data processing (hadoop, hive, hbase)
(3) Java, R, Python, Perl programming
We prefer people with industry experience but are open to new graduates.
Please send your Resume to me if interested. People who past initial
screening will be contacted by our HR.
发帖数: 153
Hi This position sounds very interesting. Is it still available?

【在 n******2 的大作中提到】
: Apple has immediate opening for people with following skill set:
: (1) data mining, machine learning, statistics
: (2) larges-cale data processing (hadoop, hive, hbase)
: (3) Java, R, Python, Perl programming
: We prefer people with industry experience but are open to new graduates.
: Please send your Resume to me if interested. People who past initial
: screening will be contacted by our HR.

发帖数: 9628

How to send you resume?

【在 n******2 的大作中提到】
: Apple has immediate opening for people with following skill set:
: (1) data mining, machine learning, statistics
: (2) larges-cale data processing (hadoop, hive, hbase)
: (3) Java, R, Python, Perl programming
: We prefer people with industry experience but are open to new graduates.
: Please send your Resume to me if interested. People who past initial
: screening will be contacted by our HR.

发帖数: 165
Apply Apple jobs:

【在 n******2 的大作中提到】
: Apple has immediate opening for people with following skill set:
: (1) data mining, machine learning, statistics
: (2) larges-cale data processing (hadoop, hive, hbase)
: (3) Java, R, Python, Perl programming
: We prefer people with industry experience but are open to new graduates.
: Please send your Resume to me if interested. People who past initial
: screening will be contacted by our HR.

1 (共1页)
Facebook Intern 选组求挂靠请科普一下Web service的架构! 谢谢
Pinterest Software Engineer position for Data/Hadoop要建立一个20个node的cluster 需要zookeeper吗
提供Yahoo!内推Tango.me扩招 (转载)
国内科技现在发展太快了,蚂蚁金服旗下芝麻信用分可办理申根签证湾区startup Hortonworks招聘信息
大牛们帮忙解释解释,JAVA, 简单的问题三星samsung创新部门招大数据工程师
Job Openings, Backend Data Engineers intern四个个软工职位内推
sf downtown中型startup招人Cloudera Solution Architect onsite被涮--- 顺求大神推荐职位
System design这东西弯曲学习互助小组Hadoop event 找志同道合者。这周末
话题: apple话题: data话题: people话题: recruiting话题: analyst