

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
JobHunting版 - 敬请大家帮助分析:
小公司的boss要面试环境咨询职位,面经(a bit long)
please help for an Unix shell problemSuggestions on GE group interview and Onsite?
Bay CA area offer, how to negotiate? Wait on lineSuggestion to get a potential offer
刚接到call,问还intersted or notHow to design google search suggestion?
HELP! I think I do something wrong in job search,Can I negotiate this offer? (转载)
正式OFFER要等多久?Is it normal HR told me 7-10 days make decision after on site interview (big company)
找工作的 reimbursementHR says my Visa is expired, how to tell her it is OK
Please give me suggestion: I changed my mind after signing an offer letteron-site
话题: hr话题: boss话题: her话题: she话题: told
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 391
I applied for a researcher position at a school district and specified
online that I need H1B. I had an oral offer from them on July 11th.
The boss told us (me and an American girl) to call HR. She did. HR told
her about her salary, etc. When I called, HR told me to wait. I waited for a
while. At the suggestion of the girl, I contacted the boss and she proposed
a salary much higher than what was in the ad.
On 22nd, we both got welcome message from the team. asking us to mail
them the official transcripts, the last step to get things done at HR. We
both did. On 24th, the boss asked me to give her the tel # of one professor
that she could call that day. Again, she said, that was the last step.
The girl had her finger print taken on 27th this month. Upon her
suggestion, I called the boss. The boss emailed me and told me not to give
up on them.
Today, HR called and found out H1B issue. Then the boss said SORRY.
老板有以下几个特点:(1)易激动(2)粗中有细 (3)你离她远时,反而激发她的
发帖数: 5245

move on吧,学区的工作基本上都不sponsor H-1B的,你不是第一个,也不会是最后一

【在 G**7 的大作中提到】
: I applied for a researcher position at a school district and specified
: online that I need H1B. I had an oral offer from them on July 11th.
: The boss told us (me and an American girl) to call HR. She did. HR told
: her about her salary, etc. When I called, HR told me to wait. I waited for a
: while. At the suggestion of the girl, I contacted the boss and she proposed
: a salary much higher than what was in the ad.
: On 22nd, we both got welcome message from the team. asking us to mail
: them the official transcripts, the last step to get things done at HR. We
: both did. On 24th, the boss asked me to give her the tel # of one professor
: that she could call that day. Again, she said, that was the last step.

1 (共1页)
on-siteHELP! I think I do something wrong in job search,
HM 只联系了1个reference, 还有戏吗?正式OFFER要等多久?
non pp adv California, anyone still waiting ?找工作的 reimbursement
after interview, they told me to fill in pre-employment applicationPlease give me suggestion: I changed my mind after signing an offer letter
小公司的boss要面试环境咨询职位,面经(a bit long)
please help for an Unix shell problemSuggestions on GE group interview and Onsite?
Bay CA area offer, how to negotiate? Wait on lineSuggestion to get a potential offer
刚接到call,问还intersted or notHow to design google search suggestion?
话题: hr话题: boss话题: her话题: she话题: told