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JobHunting版 - 果果Books,movies在中国被禁了
面试前可以把烙印面试官换掉么?icpc 的编程题把锤子讽刺得够呛啊
Amazon 二面 被烙印据别盯着大公司了,startup是王道
小米在印度被禁了 (转载)对国内有工作经验码工想过来的说句大实话
感觉被老板歧视了而且还想让我背黑锅怎么办? (转载)Lintcode和Leetcode啥关系?
India's startup bubble has already burstUber 又圈了1B
看到大家情绪起伏不停,来説几句Uber is raising another $2 billion at a $62.5 billion valuation
话题: apple话题: china话题: pay话题: its话题: also
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8232
BEIJING — China has blocked the sale of iBooks and iTunes movies less than
seven months after Apple launched its service in the country.
The New York Times reported Thursday that Apple's online movie and book
stores initially received government approval but were blocked last week on
orders from the broadcasting regulator, the State Administration of Press,
Publication, Radio, Film and Television.
SEE ALSO: Apple Pay comes to Singapore
Apple said in an emailed statement that it hoped the services could resume "
as soon as possible," but offered no details about the shutdown.
Apple Music and Apple Pay are reportedly still working.
The broadcasting regulator has been stretching its authority to online
content, which is also regulated by other government agencies and ministries
. Calls to the administration's media office rang unanswered Friday.
China is Apple's second largest market after the U.S. and a key driver of
its sales growth, with stylish stores selling Apple products now a feature
of almost all major cities. In February, the tech giant launched its
smartphone-based payment system, Apple Pay, in China, making it the fifth
country where the service is offered.
Chinese regulators have been cracking down on a wide range of online content
, including blocking popular overseas news, entertainment, and social media
platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. That's partly to maintain the ruling
Communist Party's strict control over media, but also to provide space for
Chinese competitors such as search engine baidu, micro-blogging site Weibo
and messaging app Weixin.
China is also eager to promote homegrown phone makers such as Huawei and
Xiaomi, and foreign equipment suppliers such as IBM and Cisco have seen some
decline in sales because of increased competition from local brands.
President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the
importance of China maintaining its "cyberspace sovereignty" by blocking the
free flow of information from outside the country.
1 (共1页)
Uber is raising another $2 billion at a $62.5 billion valuationIndia's startup bubble has already burst
Huami华米科技(小米生态链)湾区招android dev (contractor or国内独角巨兽招聘海归型技术专家两位
面试前可以把烙印面试官换掉么?icpc 的编程题把锤子讽刺得够呛啊
Amazon 二面 被烙印据别盯着大公司了,startup是王道
小米在印度被禁了 (转载)对国内有工作经验码工想过来的说句大实话
感觉被老板歧视了而且还想让我背黑锅怎么办? (转载)Lintcode和Leetcode啥关系?
话题: apple话题: china话题: pay话题: its话题: also