

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
JobMarket版 - Opening: web developing leader in washington DC area
Information System Software Developer in Fremont, CAJob Opening: Senior Market Risk Analyst
急聘VB.Net DeveloperInside Sales Opening in CT
SQL Server Developer (contract job)某著名投行招聘Core Java Team leader职位,base上海,薪水最高可达50万,有兴趣者可与我联系。
software developer job opening (转载)Business Developer, Diagnostics (two openings)
Indiana 小地方,小公司 招聘.NET Developer 2人job openings for asp.net web application developer
Colorado University hire IT engineer (permanent) April 8 dlooking for entry level or junior Software developers
Univeristy IT job in coloradoSoftware Developer Job Openings at Yahoo! Silicon Valley
招聘:iOS Developer (Full Time or Intern) in Seattle, WA我们公司(non profit)大概会有java developer opening (转载)
话题: web话题: opening话题: developing话题: dc话题: leader
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 106
We have immediate opening for a web developing leader role.
The company is a small, profitable with high potential.
We are looking for strong candidate to:
1. work with VPs of different departments of the company to gather
2. design and implement web interface and website based on those
The ideal candidate may have:
1. proficient in Java and or Python
2. proficient in the whole flow of web development.
3. strong communication and leadership skill.
4. (optional) Android/iphone apps development skill.
Please send resume to j********[email protected] if interested.
1 (共1页)
我们公司(non profit)大概会有java developer opening (转载)Indiana 小地方,小公司 招聘.NET Developer 2人
Opening for Networking DeveloperColorado University hire IT engineer (permanent) April 8 d
Bidzilla Job Opening (Senior PHP Developer)Univeristy IT job in colorado
job openings at open systems (转载)招聘:iOS Developer (Full Time or Intern) in Seattle, WA
Information System Software Developer in Fremont, CAJob Opening: Senior Market Risk Analyst
急聘VB.Net DeveloperInside Sales Opening in CT
SQL Server Developer (contract job)某著名投行招聘Core Java Team leader职位,base上海,薪水最高可达50万,有兴趣者可与我联系。
software developer job opening (转载)Business Developer, Diagnostics (two openings)
话题: web话题: opening话题: developing话题: dc话题: leader