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JobMarket版 - Seeking people experienced at e-Commerce (B2C)
looking for someone who has on-line sales experienceE-Commerce Sales
Senior/Principal Machine Learning Scientist for e- Commerce (转载)Seeking Account Executive & Sales Assistant ( Chino, California )
Seeking Online Marketing/Selling Team playerSeeking Account Executive & Sales Assistant ( Chino, California )
Seeking TalentBoston company seeking Support Engineer/Sales Engineers
Seeking Experienced Front End Engineer in the Bay AreaBiotech company NJ is seeking a Sales Manager
招聘销售人员【招聘】Search Engine Evaluator (限美国地区)
seek helper on website design and construction【招聘】Search Engine Evaluator (限加拿大地区)
Job positions in Atlanta for Sales / marketing staff正规公司+急聘:兼职人员(9月份有效)
话题: commerce话题: sales话题: your话题: seeking话题: b2c
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
We're looking for someone who has on-line sales experience to help increase
sales on our e-stores.
5 reasons this may be an ideal job for you:
1. Most Items are in stock and ready to ship. You don't have to spend a
penny to purchase the items first before you can sell them.
2. You can manage the e-store on your own time and work from your own home.
3. No shipping to do on your part. Just bring in the orders for us, and we'
ll take care of the rest!
4. We already have e-stores setup on Amazon, eBay, and other websites. Put
your e-commerce skills to work that will produce orders and increase sales.
5. We will pay commission for all sales that have been produced as a result
of your good hard work to go along with a $500 monthly base pay.
Anyone who has successful experience in running e-store is welcome to
contact us at [email protected] ; Please present a resume as well as the record
of your online sales experience for us to evaluate.
1 (共1页)
正规公司+急聘:兼职人员(9月份有效)Seeking Experienced Front End Engineer in the Bay Area
Los Angeles Area Office Executive Needed.seek helper on website design and construction
该如何答复?Job positions in Atlanta for Sales / marketing staff
looking for someone who has on-line sales experienceE-Commerce Sales
Senior/Principal Machine Learning Scientist for e- Commerce (转载)Seeking Account Executive & Sales Assistant ( Chino, California )
Seeking Online Marketing/Selling Team playerSeeking Account Executive & Sales Assistant ( Chino, California )
Seeking TalentBoston company seeking Support Engineer/Sales Engineers
话题: commerce话题: sales话题: your话题: seeking话题: b2c