

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
LES版 - 小说 My name is Anna 全集完
女同也看色情文学吗?Cindy Sherman at MOMA
小小说, 微黄, reader discretion advised 纯属虚构德智体全面发展
Black Swan首映,Natalia Portman上演拉拉性爱片段love letters
发个Natalie Portman的老视频复习一下情人节新年快乐啊
宁静发个养眼的butch, Jenny Shimizu,不喜勿入~
Damage Love有没有人在看the real L word啊?
话题: she话题: my话题: her话题: had话题: me
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 677
Part I:
When I was little I thought I’d grow up to be someone special, a life-
saving doctor, a kick-ass lawyer or maybe a crime fighting vigilante.
I’m going to be 35 tomorrow but still a nobody except that I was once
falsely referred to in the newspaper as “a local woman who tried to jump
off the bridge over lesbian love”, which, together with the trail of
girls with broken hearts and a couple of guys with broken noses I have
behind me, pretty much summaries my life so far.
My friends always s
发帖数: 677
part II
Bunny and Yuki were two of the loveliest women I had ever encountered in
my life. I had a special affinity with Yuki the moment I saw her. It may
be because she was also Asian or because she reminded me much of my
mother. They had a house close to campus. The basement had been vacant
since their daughter moved to Japan to accompany her dying biological
father. I was sure they would have just let me stay for free but I
insisted on paying the rent and helping around the house. I felt like
发帖数: 677
part II cont.
I had got into the habit of running. The soaking wet and exhaustion
after a good workout always gave me a lot of satisfaction. It had also
been a quiet time for me to meditate. That was until George found out my
little ritual and invited himself despite my protest.
The first several days were unbearable. He just would not shut up. The
thought of duct taping his mouth occurred to me on numerous occasions.
But eventually I got used to it by ignoring him completely. George
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morning of early fall
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I woke up with a sharp pain in my right leg. “Errrr…” I cried.
“She’s awake.” I heard the familiar voice of Yuri’s.
In the next a few days, I was totally overwhelmed.
First I learned that I had broken my leg falling down the bridge. Then I
went through an operation during which they screwed my knee cap and
plated my fibula. Later I was interviewed by two cops and found out that
Natalie was under the influence of some antidepressants and had been
hallucinating (in fact she couldn’t recall a thin
发帖数: 677
Not surprisingly, when they finally released me from the hospital I heard
myself singing halleluiah.
Although I was still tied to the wheelchair I was ecstatic with my partially
recovered freedom. Although it still took me forever to use the bathroom I
was saved from the embarrassment of having to pee into a urine basin. I
still didn’t have much appetite but Yuri’s cooking was tens of hundreds
times better than the hospital food. I was home at last.
On the second day after my release from the
发帖数: 677
Naturally, we got along very well. In a couple of days, we had passed
the stage of superficial greetings. Soon I learned that she had been
married for five years, her husband was Vietnamese American and that
they had two girls, one was two and the other one four. I told her about
my accident, my research at the university and how I was raised up by a
single mother until she passed away from breast cancer when I was
sixteen. I made an effort to divert questions on my love life because I
发帖数: 677
She did not say anything after I finished my story. I assumed that was too
much information for her to absorb in such a short time. I thought she
would bring this up again after she had more time to digest it. But one
day passed, two, then three… she just never did.
In the week after, she did not make any reference to what I had told her
about my past nor did she appear to be distant in any ways. It seemed as
if the conversation we had simply never happened.
I was surprised at first and then ann
发帖数: 677
发帖数: 1842

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: 我去买点葡萄,回来再写哈!
创意不错,不过……Cindy Sherman at MOMA
Damage Love德智体全面发展
开心死我了(发包自庆祝)love letters
发帖数: 2073

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: 我去买点葡萄,回来再写哈!
发帖数: 19713

【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: 终于有新的了,继续继续
发帖数: 677
Then it came the first day when I was allowed to switch to crutches. I
had been anxious ever since Emma informed me two days ago. I had
googled the whole thing about walking with crutches the night before and
came across some horrible stories, albeit the expectation of being able
to move more freely around the house eventually overcame the fear.
When I saw Emma walking in with a pair of polished crutches I was
excited like a toddler who had just discovered how much tastier
chocolate shake was
发帖数: 677
on crutches
发帖数: 677
“Are you okay?” I asked as gently as I could. “I’m so sorry to scare you
like that,” I felt utterly ashamed.
Still Emma didn’t say a word. She buried her head deeper in my hair. Then
I felt her lips on my neck.
发帖数: 677
I was stunned beyond belief. For a moment I was convinced I was just
hallucinating. I had been attracted to Emma ever since I laid my eyes on
her but this was something I had never imagined even in my wildest
“She must have confused me for her husband,” I conjured. I considered
pushing her away to wake her up but was worried it might embarrass her.
So I just stood, too afraid to move.
Her kiss was long and sweet. The warmth of her lips stirred up the
desire in me. I was so tempted to ki
发帖数: 677
发帖数: 168
囧 你写这么长,怎么还叫小小说?
发帖数: 677


【在 t*****u 的大作中提到】
: 囧 你写这么长,怎么还叫小小说?
发帖数: 9
Keep going.
情人节新年快乐啊有没有人在看the real L word啊?
发个养眼的butch, Jenny Shimizu,不喜勿入~又一季烟花正盛
到底有没有p呢?Yes or No 确实好看,刚看完,比大家慢半拍啊
发帖数: 677
I wasn’t able to sleep that night. I thought hard about what had just
happened until my head hurt. "What should I say to her? Should I confess
my feelings to her? Should I act like nothing had happened? Should I
acknowledge the kiss but try to talk her back to her senses?" I tumbled
over and over in bed, unable to make a decision.
When Emma didn’t show up the next day I was almost relieved...that was
until her replacement told me this arrangement was not temporary but
permanent. Immediately, I
发帖数: 4739
有部情色电影叫All About Anna,名字的灵感莫不是来源于这个吧


【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: I wasn’t able to sleep that night. I thought hard about what had just
: happened until my head hurt. "What should I say to her? Should I confess
: my feelings to her? Should I act like nothing had happened? Should I
: acknowledge the kiss but try to talk her back to her senses?" I tumbled
: over and over in bed, unable to make a decision.
: When Emma didn’t show up the next day I was almost relieved...that was
: until her replacement told me this arrangement was not temporary but
: permanent. Immediately, I

发帖数: 677
i cant read chinese in this computer but i assume you're talking about the
movie all about Anna. yes, i've seen it and i love it :D

【在 i*i 的大作中提到】
: 有部情色电影叫All About Anna,名字的灵感莫不是来源于这个吧
: my
: acknowdge
: in
: myself

发帖数: 677
OMG, i just searched all about anna. no, no, no, i got it wrong. i was
thinking the truth about jane. never watched all about anna.
发帖数: 677
Two weeks went by. There was no word from Emma. Then one afternoon, Yuki
knocked on my door, "Anna, I have a visitor for you."
"Emma?" I called out without thinking. Slowly, a tall and slender figure
appeared behind Yuki. "It was NOT Emma," I heard my heart sunk.
It was Natalie, holding a bouquet of pink carnations, lavender and yellow
daisy pompons.
I looked at her face, not sure what to say or what to do. She seemed
different from what I had remembered. She was cold and distant in my mind,
发帖数: 677
I wanted to say it was okay but my tongue got stuck. I wanted to yell at
her but my heart was too weak.
My slience worried her. She walked closer, kneeling down on one knee by
the side of my wheelchair. She placed the flowers on my lap and closed my
hands in hers.
"I am truly sorry. Please forgive me," she pleaded.
I felt a knot in my throat.
"I am ready to let go of the past," I finally said. It was more to myself
than to her.
发帖数: 677
Three months after the accident I fully recovered at last. Together with
the ability to walk and run freely again I gained an unlikely friend,
Natalie. She had been coming to the house everday since her first visit.
We grew closer than I thought we ever could. Although I sometimes had the
feeling that someting from her past was standing in between us, it did not
bother me much. The truth is I would have been content with any companion
back then, let alone a pretty one.
发帖数: 677
I asked Natalie why she was on antidepressants. Every time she'd answer
with mumbled words too obscure to make sense. I let it go without
pushing hard but brought the same question up whenever I could. Finally
one day she told me it was to help her sleep.
“Is it the stress from work?” I asked.
“No. I just don’t feel safe at night,” She explained.
“But you live in one of the best neighborhood in town. The crime rate is
close to nil. What’s there to be afraid of?” I murmured, unable to
发帖数: 677
Wo er le...gotta go get some dinner now.
发帖数: 177
Mark. You certainly have a way with words.

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: Wo er le...gotta go get some dinner now.
The L Word里大家各自都喜欢谁来着?小小说, 微黄, reader discretion advised 纯属虚构
明天会更好-周末来娱乐Black Swan首映,Natalia Portman上演拉拉性爱片段
女同也看色情文学吗?发个Natalie Portman的老视频复习一下
发帖数: 677
“Is it for real? Wow, you scored big, Man!” George couldn’t believe it
when I told him Natalie and I were going to be roommates.
“Well, didn’t you let everyone know I jumped off the bridge over lesbian
love? I’d better not dissappoint the world, right?” I wasn’t ready to
let George forget his jerk-some little act.
“Man, I totally wish it had been me,” he roared with regrets, “I was
this close to get to the bridge first!”
“Don’t think so,” I laughed with satisfaction.
I made plans to move out of
发帖数: 677
Half awake I tried hard to figure out what was going on. When I finally
realized the sound could come from nowhere but Natalie’s I ran to her room
as fast as I could.
She was sitting by the bedside. Her body, barely visiable under dim
moonlight, all curled up. She was shivering violently. I wrapped my arms
around her tight.
It must have hours before the shaking gradually stopped. I laid her down
in bed gently. Her face was still pale and dreamy. I pulled out a chair
and sat down quietly by the b
发帖数: 677
When I got up the next morning Natalie was making breakfast in the
kitchen. She looked tired with black cirlces under her eyes but her spirit
seemed high and fresh. I restrained myself from mentioning the episode
from the previous night. I thought whatever triggered it had to be
something horrible. I didn’t have the heart to reopen the scar and watch
it bleed all over again.
Just like that I became some sorta night nurse. In the first couple of
days I remained in my room but stayed vigilant for
发帖数: 677
Another year passed. I had just passed the comprehensive exam. My
advisor called me to his office one day. He asked me to think about
joining a research project in Japan for a year. I was elated. I had been
busy contemplating a topic for my disseration and this opportunity was
perfect timing. Not to mention Japan was THE place to go for anyone
studying robotics. But as I walked out of his office I realized I could
not go because I could NOT leave Natalie alone.
I was unusually quiet during dinne
发帖数: 677
Part III
“Anna?” a cheerful voice came from behind.
I turned around. A young girl stood in front of me. She looked just like
Yuki only 30 years younger.
“Yes, you’re. Mom is right. You look even cuter than in the picture.”
She looked me up and down and smiled.
I blushed to my neck. It embarrased me especially after realizing the
compliment was from a girl of only 19, six-year my junior.
“Jenny. Right?” I smiled back, “Thanks a lot for picking me up from the
“The pleasure is all mine."
发帖数: 677
Tokyo turned out to be exactly what I had imagined except for the
annoyingly large number of drunken men wandering through the flaring
street after dark. I didn’t care much for the hustle and bustle of the
city and avoided confronting it as much as I could manage.
The university provided me with a dorm-like studio, smaller than the
kitchen Natalie and I had. It didn’t bother me much though because I was
exceedingly satisfied with the top notch research facilities at the
university. I found mysel
发帖数: 1333
发帖数: 8758

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: Tokyo turned out to be exactly what I had imagined except for the
: annoyingly large number of drunken men wandering through the flaring
: street after dark. I didn’t care much for the hustle and bustle of the
: city and avoided confronting it as much as I could manage.
: The university provided me with a dorm-like studio, smaller than the
: kitchen Natalie and I had. It didn’t bother me much though because I was
: exceedingly satisfied with the top notch research facilities at the
: university. I found mysel

发帖数: 677
We arrived just before noon. I was immediately struck by the stunning
natural setting of the complex. It sat in a forested valley surrounded
by lush green scenery with hot springs settling in perfectly. Jenny
picked the women-only onsen that overlooked the Takara river. It was my
first time soaking in an open-air bath but the soothing water soon
helped me get over the awkwardness.
It was a quiet day. Besides Jenny and I, there were only three other
women in the bath. My eyes were caught by one
发帖数: 677
Jenny had always been a little sister to me. I had thought of her nothing
more than just a kid. But that everning at dinner I found myself examining
her carefully for the first time --- her curly hair, her innocent eyes,
her rouge lips, the way she ate...
“What the hell are you doing?” a voice in my head stopped me from the
nonsense timely.
发个Natalie Portman的老视频复习一下Damage Love
创意不错,不过……Cindy Sherman at MOMA
发帖数: 677
I became more self-conscious about my demeanour around Jenny. I restrained
myself from any intimate behaviors beyond the social norms allowed. I
even insisted on calling her “little sis” instead of “Jenny” as a constant
reminder to myself, which Jenny objected with a passion initially but
eventually gave in. We still held hands occasionaly but only after Jenny
threatened to desert me on a small alley packed with non-English speaking
Japaness. I obliged with resistence but serectly appreciated h
发帖数: 677
Time in Tokyo flew faster than I had realized. Soon it was almost a
year. My research project turned out to be more successful than one
could ever have hoped. The week before I was about to return to the
states, the whole group threw me a farewell party. We went to a trendy
karaoke bar downtown and drank like there was no tomorrow. I was barely
sober when the cab driver dropped me in front of the building. I vaguely
remembered climbing up the stairs before falling asleep in front of the
发帖数: 677
I stood under the shower for a little longer hoping it would help with
the headache. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how I got back to
my room. Suddenly I heard someone breathing behind me. Then a hand
started to glide along the curve on my back, so very gently. I felt a
tingle running through my body.
“What are you doing, Jenny?” I heard my own weak voice.
She didn’t answer but came closer. I could feel the heat of her body. “I
know you like me,” her voice almost sounded playful, “I want
发帖数: 677
Jenny came to see me off on the day of my departure. She waited until I
said good-bye to everyone else. We stood there without a word for the
longest minute of my life.
“Not even a hug?” she finally said with a smile. I felt like a weight had
just been lifted off my shoulders. I opened up my arms wide.
“I wish I were brave like you and mom,” she whispered to my ear as we
hugged. Her words left me dumbfounded. Noticing my surprised look, she
chuckled and gave me a peck on the cheek. “You will alw
发帖数: 677
With the results from the Tokyo project and some hardwork I enjoyed a
smooth last two years in school. I even found time to go on a
few blind dates set up by Bunny and Yuki.
By the time I graduated I had landed a tenue position at a small private
college in town and had been in a stable relationship for over a year.
I heard Cindy’s voice before I met her in person. She called to let me
know she was caught in traffic while I was waiting in the restaurant. Her
voice sounded so much like Sophie’s
发帖数: 677
A year into work my financial situation got much better. I managed to
get a townhouse so Cindy and I could live better. Cindy had been
teaching math at a local middle school. I had heard her complaining
about the job so much that one day I suggested she should quit her job
to pursue her photographer dreams. “Are you sure?” she was elated beyond
belief. “Yeah. Why not? I earn enough to support both of us.” I was glad
to see her happy. So she became sorta semi housewife semi freelance
发帖数: 677
I was utterly surprised when Alex told me she wanted to switch to finance by
the end of her sophomore year.
“You realize finance is not a science major, right?” I tried to talk her
out of it partly because I worried she would lose the scholarship, partly
because I never liked the madness and greedy prevalent in the financial
“I was hoping you could lend me some money. I will pay you back as soon as
I find a job.” She sounded determined.
I hesitated and said I would think about it. That ni
发帖数: 677
May 9th 2005 was our four-year anniversary. Weeks before the big day I
had prepared Cindy and myself a gift: two tickets for the Alaska cruise.
I could hardly conceal my excitement the night before the surprise. I
could barely put on a straight face as I told Cindy I was going out of
town for a conference the next day. I was so proud of my acting,
convinced that Cindy didn't have a clue what I was really up to.
I got up earlier before everyone else in the house did. I drove to a
little coffee sh
发帖数: 1333
Ooo la la.. dramatic
发帖数: 677
I was determined to not talk to either of them ever again but Cindy kept
calling. For weeks I ignored every effort she made to reach me. Finally
though, I decided to pick up her phone. I supposed I just wanted to hear
what the fuck she had to say. I was just curious what kinda shit she was
gonna pull out for my forgiveness.
“I’m so sorry, Anna. I’m so sorry. I was too stupid. It will never
happen again. Please forgive me.”
I hardly paid attention as she rumbled on.
“You are the love of my life,
德智体全面发展发个养眼的butch, Jenny Shimizu,不喜勿入~
love letters到底有没有p呢?
情人节新年快乐啊有没有人在看the real L word啊?
发帖数: 677
I decided to take a sabbatical year. I wanted to get away from the city.
It had too many sad memories. But more I needed time to heal. I took a
visiting position in a small midwestern town and moved there as soon as I
sold the townhouse.
I had thought of rural life dull and spirtless but it turned out to be
nothing but. There was always something going on, a jazz performance, a
county fair or a book reading. I even joined the tennis club. As days
turned into months I found myself enjoying this n
发帖数: 677
On Halloween night I waited eagerly with a basket full of assorted candy
bars. The spiderman stopped by first. He was followed by the snowwhite,
two astronauts and the dark knight. Then there came two of the cutest
girls, one dressed as Cinderella and the other as the catwoman.
“Trick or treat?” the pair declared with crystal voices.
“You can each pick two, sweeties.” I handed the girls the candies. They
shuffled through the basket excitedly.
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice calling my
发帖数: 677
I recognized Emma immediately. Her warm and loving look did not change a
bit after so many years.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes first.” She was still in shock. “How did you
end up here?” she asked.
“That’s a long story. I will bore you with it some other time.” I
smiled. “You left me heartbroken, dissappearing like that.” I couldn't
help but teased.
Emma’s face turned red. “I was mad at you for a while. But then I
started thinking my life over. I realized how unhappy I had been for all
those years
发帖数: 677
Year 2010.
Today is my 35th birthday. I am still a nobody to the world but everything
to my loving wife and my two girls. I love them more than anything else.
"What was your wish, hon?" Emma asks as I blow out the candles on my
birthday cake.
I look at her full of love. Her face is glowing with happiness. I kiss
the little dimple on the corner of her mouth and whisper to her ear, "It's
actually the love spell I stole from Yuki and Bunny!"
发帖数: 677
发帖数: 182
nice nice~~
happy ending~~

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: 写完了,好鸡冻鸭!
发帖数: 1333
发帖数: 2073
reading it has been a big pleasure until I saw my name appearing in your
story, and omfg she ends up a cheater. *pouting face and stomping the floor* Then
the belittling thought about my profession. *wielding the protesting board* >.<
发帖数: 623
发帖数: 677
Yes or No 确实好看,刚看完,比大家慢半拍啊女同也看色情文学吗?
The L Word里大家各自都喜欢谁来着?小小说, 微黄, reader discretion advised 纯属虚构
发帖数: 677

floor* Then
board* >.<
your name is Alex and you study finance? how funny ;)

【在 c*****e 的大作中提到】
: congrtz!!
: reading it has been a big pleasure until I saw my name appearing in your
: story, and omfg she ends up a cheater. *pouting face and stomping the floor* Then
: the belittling thought about my profession. *wielding the protesting board* >.<

发帖数: 677
yeah, i'm a total sucker for happy endings ;)
发帖数: 1333
发帖数: 677
安娜和爱马不会有drama,只会幸福平淡的过日子哈, 写出来就像流水帐了赫赫
发帖数: 1333
moral of the story: 不怕小三不怕做小三,人不风流枉少年,到了35自然老婆孩子热
发帖数: 2073
you're half right ~.^

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: 安娜和爱马不会有drama,只会幸福平淡的过日子哈, 写出来就像流水帐了赫赫
发帖数: 677
you name is Cindy and you study finance?
发帖数: 677


【在 l*****n 的大作中提到】
: moral of the story: 不怕小三不怕做小三,人不风流枉少年,到了35自然老婆孩子热
: 炕头。对不?

发帖数: 1333
发帖数: 677

不是啦,think of it this way: wouldn't it have been better if Anna didn't
have to endure the humiliation of cheating and being cheated? it's too
late for her because she didn't know better. In this sense, the purpose of
this story is to inform so ppl could avoid making the same mistake.

【在 l*****n 的大作中提到】
: 那个,不是我乱总结。。你自己回去把情节复习一遍:)
小小说, 微黄, reader discretion advised 纯属虚构宁静
Black Swan首映,Natalia Portman上演拉拉性爱片段创意不错,不过……
发个Natalie Portman的老视频复习一下Damage Love
发帖数: 1333
1 (共1页)
Yes or No 确实好看,刚看完,比大家慢半拍啊创意不错,不过……
The L Word里大家各自都喜欢谁来着?Damage Love
女同也看色情文学吗?Cindy Sherman at MOMA
小小说, 微黄, reader discretion advised 纯属虚构德智体全面发展
Black Swan首映,Natalia Portman上演拉拉性爱片段love letters
发个Natalie Portman的老视频复习一下情人节新年快乐啊
话题: she话题: my话题: her话题: had话题: me