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Law版 - Who's applying this year?
what is Early Decision?请帮我看一下这几个 LLM 的 Offer
Paul Hastings expands China IP group (ZT律师这行真不是个好的职业选择 (ZZ)
请问有人知道Santa Clara Law School吗?湾区附近有什么法学院 ?
恳请赐教UC Hastings VS EmoryDinner, Karaoke, "San Guo Sha" call.(SF bay area)
医生,药剂师,还有律师UC Davis vs Santa Clara with $
Moody's downgrades HastingForbes advice to fresh college grads: "Don't Go to Law School"
不知道行情 Re: IP job fair at UC HastingsUSC $$ Vs Santa Clara $$$
Re: Paul Hastings expands China IP groupUC Hastings 的法学院院长写了一篇文章抨击 Jimmy Kimmel
话题: who话题: does话题: applying话题: year话题: anyway
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 496
Did you guys send in your application yet? Does Early Decision require you to
make the school your top choice and withdraw all other applications if you are
admitted? (I know Hastings does that and I hate it, but I'm not sure if this
is a universal rule) Anyway, good luck to everyone!
1 (共1页)
UC Hastings 的法学院院长写了一篇文章抨击 Jimmy Kimmel医生,药剂师,还有律师
Re: hide or not to hideMoody's downgrades Hasting
Re: admitted and enrolled不知道行情 Re: IP job fair at UC Hastings
Anybody got admitted in Vanderbilt Law?Re: Paul Hastings expands China IP group
what is Early Decision?请帮我看一下这几个 LLM 的 Offer
Paul Hastings expands China IP group (ZT律师这行真不是个好的职业选择 (ZZ)
请问有人知道Santa Clara Law School吗?湾区附近有什么法学院 ?
恳请赐教UC Hastings VS EmoryDinner, Karaoke, "San Guo Sha" call.(SF bay area)
话题: who话题: does话题: applying话题: year话题: anyway