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Law版 - 上学需要什么样的电脑?
career change advice收到一封律师寄来的勒索信,大家帮帮忙 (转载)
Question on recommendation letterNew MPEP for sale
Some question about Barbridocument review pay
中国专利法修改对照简单总结 USC 102; 请大侠指正
在一个Tier 4 part-time读,maintain top 33%难吗?Law School Laptop
Law school is just like high school【上图】AFFS X61s 和 X41 thinkpads经典
话题: netbook话题: laptop话题: x41话题: r50话题: too
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29
请问大家都用什么配置的呢?一般的NETBOOK 够不够用?
发帖数: 275
It would be enough if it can run MS office and Adobe Acrobat. I have seen
all kinds of notebooks in class. And I have seen all kinds of games being
played in class as well. You definitely need one though, at least for exams.
And in most cases, we type faster than we write.
发帖数: 461
netbook is only good for keeping notes and typing up documents. if you run a
few programs, it will slow down a lot. but the biggest problem is its
screen. it's just too small. the keyboard also too cramped. remember you're
going to use this thing many hours a day. better get a regular laptop that
is better on the eyes and hands. You can handle a few extra pounds, can't
发帖数: 77
Good point. I bought a Thinkpad X41 right before school started,
thinking it would be good for at least three years of law school. I had
to replace it with a R50 after the first semester, for exactly the
reasons ncode mentioned below (even though X41 supposedly has a near-
fullsize keyboard). The 15-inch R50 was great to use but at 7 lbs was a
beast to haul around, so into my 2L year I had to switch again, this
time to a T60. And then I was happy.
So if you like thinkpads, might want to give

【在 n***e 的大作中提到】
: netbook is only good for keeping notes and typing up documents. if you run a
: few programs, it will slow down a lot. but the biggest problem is its
: screen. it's just too small. the keyboard also too cramped. remember you're
: going to use this thing many hours a day. better get a regular laptop that
: is better on the eyes and hands. You can handle a few extra pounds, can't
: you?

发帖数: 275
Oh. Did not see the netbook part. That is too small.
Nowadays the most popular notebook in my class is the 13'' macbook. I feel
it is a little bit too small.

【在 f******g 的大作中提到】
: 请问大家都用什么配置的呢?一般的NETBOOK 够不够用?
: 大家上课都用Laptop记笔记吗?

1 (共1页)
【上图】AFFS X61s 和 X41 thinkpads经典关于自己开律师事务所的问题,请教这里的朋友。
Ordered Thinkpad X201中国专利法修改对照
Thinkpad T400 $573在一个Tier 4 part-time读,maintain top 33%难吗?
T400真厚。Law school is just like high school
career change advice收到一封律师寄来的勒索信,大家帮帮忙 (转载)
Question on recommendation letterNew MPEP for sale
Some question about Barbridocument review pay
话题: netbook话题: laptop话题: x41话题: r50话题: too