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Law版 - 药剂师还是律师
Ph.D 在读F-1可以考patent bar吧?Re: patent bar: 8creditsInChemistryOrPhy
patent bar报名的身份问题Register for Patent Bar Exam
贴两个patent law方面的招人信息申请patent bar考试难道要把140/485的所有材料都附上吗?
请推荐几本准备bar exam的书想考 Patent Bar 的 F1 基本没戏
关于在美国申请专利一问请问J1能参加USPTO的patent bar exam 吗?
eligible to patent exam?ask some questions on Patent Agent!
新手求助,有关patent bar的问题patent bar exam需要的transcript
大家说说我该不该接受UW law school offer拜问:F1 能考patent bar exam吗?
话题: link话题: patent话题: 8226话题: experience话题: years
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 216
PHD 毕业了,但是还是不喜欢每天作实验. 绿卡可能明年能拿到.
现在这种情况, 老公想让我去当药剂师,但是自己觉得律师可能社会地位高,发展潜力大
一些. 而且以后可能可以作制药方面的IP LAW
我们城市里有一个TIER 2的法学院,有PART-TIME的课程.
不知道我是不是应该找一个INTERN 先开始, 然后再考虑上LAW SCHOOL
发帖数: 216

【在 u****1 的大作中提到】
: PHD 毕业了,但是还是不喜欢每天作实验. 绿卡可能明年能拿到.
: 现在这种情况, 老公想让我去当药剂师,但是自己觉得律师可能社会地位高,发展潜力大
: 一些. 而且以后可能可以作制药方面的IP LAW
: 我们城市里有一个TIER 2的法学院,有PART-TIME的课程.
: 不知道我是不是应该找一个INTERN 先开始, 然后再考虑上LAW SCHOOL

发帖数: 84
•Baker & Hostetler is seeking a patent attorney with 5-8 years of
experience. [Link]
•Hewlett-Packard Company is searching for a patent counsel with a
degree in EE, CE, Physics, or CE and 0-6 years of experience. [Link]
•Hiscock & Barclay is looking for a patent attorney/agent with 3-5
years of experience. [Link]
•Pramudji Law Group is seeking a patent attorney/agent with at least 2
years of experience and a degree in EE or physics. [Link]
•Thompson Hine is searching for an associate with 3-5 years of
experience and a degree in engineering or physics. [Link]
•Abel IP is looking for a patent attorney with 4+ years of experience
and a background in chemical and/or ceramic materials. [Link]
•Oblon Spivak is seeking associates with 3-7 years of experience and a
background in electrical or mechanical arts. [Link]
•Shumaker & Sieffert is searching for patent attorneys with 2-5 years
of experience and a background in EE, CE, CS, or physics. [Link]
•Patent GC is looking for a trademark attorney and a patent attorney
with an EE or CS background and 10+ years of experience in each case. [Link]
•Mannava & King is looking for an electrical engineering patent
attorney/agent and at least 2 years of experience. [Link]
•Kacvinsky is seeking lateral associates with 4+ years of patent
preparation experience and a degree in EE, CE, or CS. [Link]
•Shuffle Master Inc. is looking for IP counsel with a minimum of 5
years of experience and an engineering background. [Link]
•Myers Wolin is seeking a patent attorney with 3-5 years of experience
and a degree in electrical engineering. [Link]
•Cantor Colburn is seeking an associate patent attorney with 3-5 years
of experience and a degree in electrical engineering. [Link]
•Toler Law Group is searching for patent attorneys with a degree in EE
, CE, or CS. [Link]
•Cesari and McKenna is looking for patent attorney with 2-4 years of
experience and a degree in EE, CS, or related area of technology. [Link]
•Sandia National Laboratories is searching for patent assistants with
experience working with USPTO rules. [Link]
•Baker & Daniels is seeking a patent agent with a degree in EE or CS
and patent experience to work in their Chicago office. [Link]
•The Storella Law Group is searching for a contract patent attorney or
agent with a background in biotechnology. [Link]
•DIRECTV is seeking a senior patent analysis counsel with 6 or more
years of experience in patent law. [Link]
•Wells St. John PS is looking for a patent attorney with 4+ years of
experience in all aspects of IP. [Link]
•Harrity & Harrity is seeking a patent attorney with 2+ years of
experience as a patent associate, agent, or examiner. [Link]
•Baker & Daniels is searching for an IP associate with 2-4 years of
experience and a degree in EE or CS to work in their Indianapolis office. [
•Skiermont Puckett is seeking 1 or more attorneys with 3 or more years
of experience in a technical degree. [Link]
•Guntin Meles & Gust is searching for patent attorneys with 2+ years
of experience and a degree in EE or CE. [Link]
发帖数: 216
我身边的朋友越来越多去读LAW,而且我有一个很好的朋友,PHD 毕业,去了一个一般的
LAW SCHOOL.当时还听见他说找工作很难,毕业也找到了工作,而且还不只一个OFFER.

【在 y****h 的大作中提到】
: 有小孩吗?想要小孩吗?想要几个小孩吗?想要多陪陪小孩吗?
: 另外,现身说法,生物背景的JD,特别是刚毕业没经验的找专利相关的工作,不容易的
: 。举个例子好了。下面是最近patentlyo上的招聘信息,你可以数数生物方向的有几个
: 坑:
: •Baker & Hostetler is seeking a patent attorney with 5-8 years of
: experience. [Link]
: •Hewlett-Packard Company is searching for a patent counsel with a
: degree in EE, CE, Physics, or CE and 0-6 years of experience. [Link]
: •Hiscock & Barclay is looking for a patent attorney/agent with 3-5
: years of experience. [Link]

发帖数: 1022
exactly because 我身边的朋友越来越多去读LAW, now it is very hard to find a
decent job, and it will be even harder a couple of years later

【在 u****1 的大作中提到】
: 多谢
: 我身边的朋友越来越多去读LAW,而且我有一个很好的朋友,PHD 毕业,去了一个一般的
: LAW SCHOOL.当时还听见他说找工作很难,毕业也找到了工作,而且还不只一个OFFER.

发帖数: 3483
发帖数: 216
我们本地有一个法学院, 可以part-time上课。

【在 p****l 的大作中提到】
: ..
发帖数: 9094
If your English is not good, you REALLY need to work on it. Did you take an
LSAT PrepTest? If not, take one, come back, and report your score. Then
people can tell what are you options.

【在 u****1 的大作中提到】
: 我们本地有一个法学院, 可以part-time上课。
: 但是我的英语不是很好,不知到要做什么准备

1 (共1页)
拜问:F1 能考patent bar exam吗?关于在美国申请专利一问
新手问题:关于patent agenteligible to patent exam?
Patent attorney新手求助,有关patent bar的问题
patent bar考试资格一问,大家说说我该不该接受UW law school offer
Ph.D 在读F-1可以考patent bar吧?Re: patent bar: 8creditsInChemistryOrPhy
patent bar报名的身份问题Register for Patent Bar Exam
贴两个patent law方面的招人信息申请patent bar考试难道要把140/485的所有材料都附上吗?
请推荐几本准备bar exam的书想考 Patent Bar 的 F1 基本没戏
话题: link话题: patent话题: 8226话题: experience话题: years