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Living版 - Can I fire my agent? Urgent, Please help!
请教关于cash offerClosing cost 是多少?
dual agent有什么好处和坏处?Help: Offer 一个房子, then Seller disclosure : crawl space 积水
Urgent question about short saleNo closing cost refinancing - release fee
多出5000多的closing cost credit还能用在哪里?这个是不是seller agent有问题
如果全款买房还需要付closing cost吗?有必要找Buyers Agent吗?
buyer agent rebate能拿到现钱吗?Dual的agent在offer上是列seller agent还是dual
贷款No Closing cost会在LOAN ESTIMATE上注明吗这个房子我该怎么出价?
[[新手弱问]] 在找房子的什么阶段请自己的agent?如何sale by owner
话题: agent话题: my话题: her话题: fire话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 53
I am purchasing a house, but get so pissed off by my agent.
I offered a house, and sellers accepted the offer. Unfortunately there was
mold (covered almost 80%) found out growing on plywood in attic during
inspection.Before even talking to me, my agent emailed the seller's agent
and asked for $3000 price deduction, then tried to push me to close the deal
within 2 days.
Also, we found out the sellers didn't disclose water intrusion in the
basement.I talked to my agent, she said that even the sellers knew there was
problem, but could still check No for water damage as long as the water
problem didn't happen during their residency.But the thing is that if I knew
there was problem, I wouldn't even want to do inspection which costed me $
Anyways, I get the impression my agent never cared about my interest, all
she wants is her commission. So I want to fire her.
Now the problem is that I plan to offer another house which was showed by
her. Can I still fire her to work with another agent?
Please help me! Thank you!
发帖数: 3499
I want to fire my agent too.


【在 n********a 的大作中提到】
: I am purchasing a house, but get so pissed off by my agent.
: I offered a house, and sellers accepted the offer. Unfortunately there was
: mold (covered almost 80%) found out growing on plywood in attic during
: inspection.Before even talking to me, my agent emailed the seller's agent
: and asked for $3000 price deduction, then tried to push me to close the deal
: within 2 days.
: Also, we found out the sellers didn't disclose water intrusion in the
: basement.I talked to my agent, she said that even the sellers knew there was
: problem, but could still check No for water damage as long as the water
: problem didn't happen during their residency.But the thing is that if I knew

发帖数: 2661
sure. but did you sign any contract with him/her?
发帖数: 3244
You can fire her, but she still will get paid if you offer something that
she showed to you before. It may not be that easy for her to prove that she
showed the property to YOU, but since you guys are already entered into a
contract together, the agency relationship has been established which will
help her to claim that she is/was your active agent. Why don't you talk to
her and tell her what you thought about her performance? She may just trying
to help and she is right about the owner disclosure thing which owner can
hide facts without any punishment.


【在 n********a 的大作中提到】
: I am purchasing a house, but get so pissed off by my agent.
: I offered a house, and sellers accepted the offer. Unfortunately there was
: mold (covered almost 80%) found out growing on plywood in attic during
: inspection.Before even talking to me, my agent emailed the seller's agent
: and asked for $3000 price deduction, then tried to push me to close the deal
: within 2 days.
: Also, we found out the sellers didn't disclose water intrusion in the
: basement.I talked to my agent, she said that even the sellers knew there was
: problem, but could still check No for water damage as long as the water
: problem didn't happen during their residency.But the thing is that if I knew

发帖数: 53
Thank you so mych for the advices! I really appreciate that.
A little update: My agent did show my husband and me the house I plan to
offer. But it was me that has been working with her. I signed the contract
with her, but my husband has never beeb involved in any paperwork.If I have
my husband do all the paperwork about the new house, is it gonna be OK?
I will talk to my agent, but my husband is very unhappy about her.
Thank you again!


【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: You can fire her, but she still will get paid if you offer something that
: she showed to you before. It may not be that easy for her to prove that she
: showed the property to YOU, but since you guys are already entered into a
: contract together, the agency relationship has been established which will
: help her to claim that she is/was your active agent. Why don't you talk to
: her and tell her what you thought about her performance? She may just trying
: to help and she is right about the owner disclosure thing which owner can
: hide facts without any punishment.
: deal

发帖数: 6425
no, this will not work


【在 n********a 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so mych for the advices! I really appreciate that.
: A little update: My agent did show my husband and me the house I plan to
: offer. But it was me that has been working with her. I signed the contract
: with her, but my husband has never beeb involved in any paperwork.If I have
: my husband do all the paperwork about the new house, is it gonna be OK?
: I will talk to my agent, but my husband is very unhappy about her.
: Thank you again!
: she
: trying

发帖数: 8667


【在 n********a 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so mych for the advices! I really appreciate that.
: A little update: My agent did show my husband and me the house I plan to
: offer. But it was me that has been working with her. I signed the contract
: with her, but my husband has never beeb involved in any paperwork.If I have
: my husband do all the paperwork about the new house, is it gonna be OK?
: I will talk to my agent, but my husband is very unhappy about her.
: Thank you again!
: she
: trying

发帖数: 3244
it doesn't matter as long as you are married and take the title together.
Also, if you two offered the current one together, the agency relationship
has been built with both of you no matter what.


【在 n********a 的大作中提到】
: Thank you so mych for the advices! I really appreciate that.
: A little update: My agent did show my husband and me the house I plan to
: offer. But it was me that has been working with her. I signed the contract
: with her, but my husband has never beeb involved in any paperwork.If I have
: my husband do all the paperwork about the new house, is it gonna be OK?
: I will talk to my agent, but my husband is very unhappy about her.
: Thank you again!
: she
: trying

发帖数: 2661
check your contract.我们以前签的是这样的,agent带我们看过的,即使我们终止了
发帖数: 9308

【在 m**********g 的大作中提到】
: check your contract.我们以前签的是这样的,agent带我们看过的,即使我们终止了
: 和agent的合同,只要我们后来还是买了,我们就还得pay他。但是这一条有时间限制,
: 到我们和他的合同期满之后90天。90天之后就没有这个限制了。不过你得等了。可能帮
: 助不大,如果你还是想买的话。

1 (共1页)
如何sale by owner如果全款买房还需要付closing cost吗?
can i stop by the seller house for some questionbuyer agent rebate能拿到现钱吗?
inspection report可以给seller's agent吗?贷款No Closing cost会在LOAN ESTIMATE上注明吗
buyer要给buyer agent付钱吗[[新手弱问]] 在找房子的什么阶段请自己的agent?
请教关于cash offerClosing cost 是多少?
dual agent有什么好处和坏处?Help: Offer 一个房子, then Seller disclosure : crawl space 积水
Urgent question about short saleNo closing cost refinancing - release fee
多出5000多的closing cost credit还能用在哪里?这个是不是seller agent有问题
话题: agent话题: my话题: her话题: fire话题: she