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Macromolecules版 - tricky situation
About "living Polymn" (comments welcome)how to tell something is copolymer
looking for a customer synthesis company in china to do anionic polymerizationionic liquid, anyone working on it?
[转载] oxidative polymerization Re: What can be polymerized by APS?多谢大家了,继续讨论吧!
polymerization of PEG and lactide有个牛老板给我出了道题
styrene self-polymerized in a metal tube做RAFT的,比较前沿的都在做什么呢?
How can it be polymerized if monomer has a poor solubility这里有做alkaline anion exchange ionomer for fuel cell 的马?
emulsion position, 可内推paper help from a Jap Journal
Structure adhesive, 可内推求文章 ChemSusChem
话题: anionic话题: patent话题: tricky话题: situation
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1652
I think I discovered an interesting modification method which applies to
anionic polymerization. I want to patent it, but I have no idea about
anionic polymerization. If I don't actually work on it, I can't get a patent
. If I tell an anionic polymerization expert, he can easily work it out and
get the patent. What is the best way to maximize my interest while getting
the technology disclosed?
发帖数: 2934
Find a person who you can trust in like me,hehe


【在 a*i 的大作中提到】
: I think I discovered an interesting modification method which applies to
: anionic polymerization. I want to patent it, but I have no idea about
: anionic polymerization. If I don't actually work on it, I can't get a patent
: . If I tell an anionic polymerization expert, he can easily work it out and
: get the patent. What is the best way to maximize my interest while getting
: the technology disclosed?

1 (共1页)
求文章 ChemSusChemstyrene self-polymerized in a metal tube
求助fresh master in polymer能找哪些工作啊How can it be polymerized if monomer has a poor solubility
how to make money out of the novel material?emulsion position, 可内推
Talk-2Structure adhesive, 可内推
About "living Polymn" (comments welcome)how to tell something is copolymer
looking for a customer synthesis company in china to do anionic polymerizationionic liquid, anyone working on it?
[转载] oxidative polymerization Re: What can be polymerized by APS?多谢大家了,继续讨论吧!
polymerization of PEG and lactide有个牛老板给我出了道题
话题: anionic话题: patent话题: tricky话题: situation