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Macromolecules版 - my new paper
help, who knows the equation to calculate Rg of PPO ?贴个职位。。。
[转载] What software can calculate the IR transition frequency of a molecule? Matlab? Cpaper help
No. 99 Online CalculatorRe: 上载了一些去年12月份Chem Rev的文章
online calculator[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
Re: How to calculate the centrifugal for厚颜无耻的抄袭
How to calculate Tg of Copolymergel 和浓溶液在性质上有什么区别?
Enthalpy Relaxation Calculation for a Polymer材料力学 为什么要用张量分析?
[合集] Enthalpy Relaxation Calculation for a Polymer为什么都喜欢一稿多投
话题: dna话题: rev话题: phys
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 911
Phys. Rev. E 68, 011905 (2003)
It's a theoretical calculation on DNA/protein interaction. The way we do this
calculation can be applied to other complex polymer elasticity calculations.
I hope somebody here is interested in such a canlculation.
发帖数: 2145
so long, buddy:)


【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: Phys. Rev. E 68, 011905 (2003)
: It's a theoretical calculation on DNA/protein interaction. The way we do this
: calculation can be applied to other complex polymer elasticity calculations.
: I hope somebody here is interested in such a canlculation.

发帖数: 911
But the theory part is short. The sections are the applications of the
theory, hoho...

【在 c*s 的大作中提到】
: so long, buddy:)
: this

发帖数: 2145
very interesting, buddy.admire, you areworking on both experimental work and


【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: But the theory part is short. The sections are the applications of the
: theory, hoho...

发帖数: 911
50% on experiment, 50% on theory. But I spent the whole last 1.5yr on
improving my experimental setup and started to do chromatin assembly with
nothing published. Now the setup is ready(it's a unique one. I'm writing an
APL paper for our small invention), I can do regular research.
Will you go to the 43rd annual meeting American Sociaty for cell biology?
I'll present some of my current experiment on chromatin assembly there.

【在 c*s 的大作中提到】
: very interesting, buddy.admire, you areworking on both experimental work and
: simulations...
: calculations.

发帖数: 2145
Unluckily, I will not go there. :(
good luck to your presentation!


【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: 50% on experiment, 50% on theory. But I spent the whole last 1.5yr on
: improving my experimental setup and started to do chromatin assembly with
: nothing published. Now the setup is ready(it's a unique one. I'm writing an
: APL paper for our small invention), I can do regular research.
: Will you go to the 43rd annual meeting American Sociaty for cell biology?
: I'll present some of my current experiment on chromatin assembly there.

发帖数: 12367

then now you can produce more papers...

【在 s***e 的大作中提到】
: 50% on experiment, 50% on theory. But I spent the whole last 1.5yr on
: improving my experimental setup and started to do chromatin assembly with
: nothing published. Now the setup is ready(it's a unique one. I'm writing an
: APL paper for our small invention), I can do regular research.
: Will you go to the 43rd annual meeting American Sociaty for cell biology?
: I'll present some of my current experiment on chromatin assembly there.

1 (共1页)
为什么都喜欢一稿多投Re: How to calculate the centrifugal for
H-index for JournalsHow to calculate Tg of Copolymer
[合集] 请教thermoplastic elastomers怎解?Enthalpy Relaxation Calculation for a Polymer
请推荐一两篇入门级别的Biomaterials / Tissue Engineering Rev[合集] Enthalpy Relaxation Calculation for a Polymer
help, who knows the equation to calculate Rg of PPO ?贴个职位。。。
[转载] What software can calculate the IR transition frequency of a molecule? Matlab? Cpaper help
No. 99 Online CalculatorRe: 上载了一些去年12月份Chem Rev的文章
online calculator[转载] what kind of polymer has this properties
话题: dna话题: rev话题: phys