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Mathematics版 - 老张22年前就找过Iwaniec
再谈张的"导师"--同情所有和老张有过类似遭遇的WSN(V)这篇写的更详细:Bounded Gaps Between Primes
老张的导师发话了!纽约时报的报道及科学院院士Sarnak的评价: Solving a Riddle of Primes
因为Zhang的境遇而指责Moh是不公平的Harald Andrés Helfgott明年能有费儿子奖么?
已有的猜想中那个最难证明? (转载)Bounded gaps between primes! (初步点评,E. Kowalski’s blog)
老张的文章都没有公布,怎么就这么多人bbb世界顶级解析数论专家Henryk Iwaniec评价张益唐的工作
NYT: Solving a Riddle of Primes旁观者昏:为了人类心智的荣耀
话题: he话题: him话题: iwaniec话题: so话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4860
Sometimes I regreted not fixing him a job. But really, who could tell? Maybe
it was his destiny to endure and turn out to be great. I indeed got a job
for my first student at the end of 70’s. Later on I mentioned the episode
to my friends, they all laughed at me and told me that it was only the norm
of the long-gone 60’s. At late 70’s, we had a change of time, there was
the new term “tenure track,” and students should look for their own jobs.
So after he graduated, I told him the normal way of seeking jobs and looked
into his eyes. I found a disturbing soul, a burning bush, an explorer who
wanted to reach the north pole, a mountaineer who determined to scale Mt.
Everest, a traveler who would brave thunders and lightnings to reach his
destine. He never came back to me requesting recommendation letters. So he
did not seek a job. Even to this date, I do not know what was the best for
him. I was sure of one thing, he could not survive the process of the “
tenure-track,” “tenure,” “promotions”. I thought him as a free spirit,
and I should let him fly. He flew away after he told me he were going to
Rutgers University to talk to Prof. Iwaniec. I bid him good luck. That was
22 years ago.Prof. Iwaniec. I bid him good luck. That was 22 years ago.
1 (共1页)
老张这个成就到底有多大?已有的猜想中那个最难证明? (转载)
张益唐在台北接受季理真专访NYT: Solving a Riddle of Primes
再谈张的"导师"--同情所有和老张有过类似遭遇的WSN(V)这篇写的更详细:Bounded Gaps Between Primes
老张的导师发话了!纽约时报的报道及科学院院士Sarnak的评价: Solving a Riddle of Primes
因为Zhang的境遇而指责Moh是不公平的Harald Andrés Helfgott明年能有费儿子奖么?
话题: he话题: him话题: iwaniec话题: so话题: who