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Mathematics版 - interesting person: Boris Delaunay
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话题: boris话题: delaunay话题: russian话题: delone话题: he
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发帖数: 1733
Boris Nikolaevich Delaunay or Delone (Russian: Бори́с Никола
́евич Делоне́; March 15, 1890 – July 17, 1980) was one
of the first Russian mountain climbers and a Soviet/Russian mathematician,
and the father of physicist Nikolai Borisovich Delone.
The spelling Delone is a straightforward transliteration from Cyrillic he
often used in recent publications, while Delaunay is the French version he
used in the early French and German publications.
Boris Delone got his surname from his ancestor French Army officer De Launay
, who was captured in Russia during Napoleon's invasion of 1812. De Launay
was a nephew of the Bastille governor marquis de Launay. He married a woman
from the Tukhachevsky noble family and stayed in Russia.[1]
When Boris was a young boy his family spent summers in the Alps where he
learned mountain climbing.[2] By 1913, he became one of the top three
Russian mountain climbers. After the Russian revolution, he climbed
mountains in the Caucasus and Altai. One of the mountains (4300 m) near
Belukha is named after him. In the 1930s, he was among the first to receive
a qualification of Master of mountain climbing of the USSR. Future Nobel
laureate in physics Igor Tamm was his associate in setting tourist camps in
the mountains.
Boris Delaunay worked in the fields of modern algebra, the geometry of
numbers. He used the results of Evgraf Fedorov, Hermann Minkowski, Georgy
Voronoy, and others in his development of modern mathematical
crystallography and general mathematical model of crystals.[3] He invented
what is now called Delaunay triangulation in 1934;[4] Delone sets are also
named after him. Among his best students are the mathematicians Aleksandr
Aleksandrov and Igor Shafarevich.
Delaunay was elected the corresponding member of the USSR Academy of
Sciences in 1929.[5] Delaunay is credited as being an organizer, in
Leningrad in 1934, of the first mathematical olympiad for high school
students in the Soviet Union.[5][6]
Delone, B. N.; Raikov, D. A. (1948, 1949). Analytic Geometry (2 vols.).
State Technical Press. (in Russian)
Kolmogorov, A. N., et al. (1969). Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and
Meaning, chapter Analytic Geometry, by B. N. Delone. MIT Press. (translated
from the Russian)
Memoirs by Boris Rozenfeld, p. 61 (in Russian).
Boris Delaunay – Master of mountain climbing
Senechal, Marjorie (1995), Quasicrystals and Geometry, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Delaunay, Boris (1934), "Sur la sphère vide", Otdelenie Matematicheskikh i
Estestvennykh Nauk 7, pp. 793–800
Boris Nikolaevich Deaunay (in Russian), Division of Higher Geometry and
Topology, Mathematics and Machanics Department, Moscow State University.
S. S. Ryshkov, D. K. Faddeev and M. I. Shtogrin Boris Nikolaevich Delone (on
the occasion of his eightieth birthday). Russian Mathematical Surveys, vol.
26 (1971), pp. 199–203; p. 200
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(zz)Heroes in My Heart (3)Christodoulou and Hamilton Receive 2011 Shaw Prize
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话题: boris话题: delaunay话题: russian话题: delone话题: he