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MedicalCareer版 - 请教,多谢帮助
PowerPath 软件 病理牛人们请进【麦地提醒】----CK----Delay in score reporting
请问LAODAO和各位已入病理门内的前辈Suggestion please! Is it OK for me to interview as an surgical intern (preliminary) this year?
Emergent: how to rapidly increase my step 2CK score???[合集] preliminary surgery responsibilities
跟着问个粗浅的问题,preliminary和category 到底都有啥区别啊?咱们来一个2009年度的my first day as an Intern吧!
请 ERIC 和其它前辈给扫扫盲ob的建议?
UW CCS score?questions about step 3 CCS
To againstwind or others who know this question病理申请的问题
ld step1 郁闷了A CAF question about the medical education
话题: score话题: my话题: ck话题: surgical话题: programs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
I just got the ck score – 219/90. A little disappointed. I got 237/99 for
s1 last year, but did not prepare very well before took ck due to the birth
of my 2nd baby couple months ago. As one of my colleagues, who is a surgical
resident, said it is a strange score, since my english improved. The score
of s2 should increase usually, but mine dropped. I know what I should do is
to pass cs at 1st attempt, and this is also what I am doing. However, I am
still worried about whether I have any chance g
发帖数: 1334
These are pretty decent scores. Many general surgery programs have a 220
Step 1 score cutoff. To be competitive, you need other strong credentials,
such as surgical experience, research, and strong recommendation letters (
most programs ask for three letters from US surgeons).
You may try surgery (or Aneths), but have IM as the backup. Apply broadly,
especially targeting some community programs.
1 (共1页)
A CAF question about the medical education请 ERIC 和其它前辈给扫扫盲
有关ABSITE的问题UW CCS score?
surgical tech salary and 好找工作吗?To againstwind or others who know this question
寻找病理住院医生期间的学习伙伴ld step1 郁闷了
PowerPath 软件 病理牛人们请进【麦地提醒】----CK----Delay in score reporting
请问LAODAO和各位已入病理门内的前辈Suggestion please! Is it OK for me to interview as an surgical intern (preliminary) this year?
Emergent: how to rapidly increase my step 2CK score???[合集] preliminary surgery responsibilities
跟着问个粗浅的问题,preliminary和category 到底都有啥区别啊?咱们来一个2009年度的my first day as an Intern吧!
话题: score话题: my话题: ck话题: surgical话题: programs