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MedicalCareer版 - 求小儿先天性心脏病相关信息 (转载)
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话题: children话题: heart话题: hospital话题: boston话题: care
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 90
【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
发信人: tigers (tigers), 信区: Medicine
标 题: 求小儿先天性心脏病相关信息
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 22 16:59:46 2010, 美东)
发帖数: 90

【在 t****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
: 发信人: tigers (tigers), 信区: Medicine
: 标 题: 求小儿先天性心脏病相关信息
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 22 16:59:46 2010, 美东)
: 国内同学问关于小儿先天性心脏病的。我完全不懂,发到这里看有没有人知道,我可以
: 从哪里获取资料。先拜谢了!
: 附相关信息:
: “我想了解一下如果中国公民要到美国去治病,一般是如何实现的?因为我姐姐的女儿
: 是先天性心脏病,1岁4个月大,已经在国内做了2次手术了。目前情况不是很好,主要
: 是国内没有合适的二尖瓣瓣膜,不知道国外有没有这么小的瓣膜。”

发帖数: 2728

【在 t****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
: 发信人: tigers (tigers), 信区: Medicine
: 标 题: 求小儿先天性心脏病相关信息
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 22 16:59:46 2010, 美东)
: 国内同学问关于小儿先天性心脏病的。我完全不懂,发到这里看有没有人知道,我可以
: 从哪里获取资料。先拜谢了!
: 附相关信息:
: “我想了解一下如果中国公民要到美国去治病,一般是如何实现的?因为我姐姐的女儿
: 是先天性心脏病,1岁4个月大,已经在国内做了2次手术了。目前情况不是很好,主要
: 是国内没有合适的二尖瓣瓣膜,不知道国外有没有这么小的瓣膜。”

发帖数: 90

【在 k**e 的大作中提到】
: 能上美国大使馆的网站了解一下吗?
发帖数: 2728
Best Children's Hospitals: Heart and Heart Surgery
by Mary Beth Sammons (Subscribe to Mary Beth Sammons's posts)
Aug 19th 2010 5:00PM
Filed under: Health
Children's Hospital Boston has a 98.5 percent survival rate
Children's Hospital Boston has a 98.5 percent survival rate. Credit:
Children's Hospital Boston
When your child is ill, only the best care is good enough. So we're
highlighting the hospitals that are leading the way in research, innovation,
treatment and, most importantly, patient care. This is the twelfth in the
series on best children's hospitals in the United States.
Patricia Winning knows the statistics firsthand: One out of every 100
infants born in the United States is born with a congenital heart defect,
making it the most commonly occurring birth defect.
Seventeen years ago, when Winning's son John was born, with his aorta in the
wrong place, "It was a tremendous crisis," she recalls. The diagnosis
prompted a desperate search "the old-fashioned way," through telephone books
, trying to find the leading pediatric cardiac specialists and hospital to
care for her infant.
Today, after a heart transplant and years of care, John is a healthy teen.
And Winning has made it her full-time career to help parents whose infants
are in a medical crisis receive the best care possible. As a senior vice
president at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Winning offers this advice
to parents of significantly ill children, specifically to those whose child
has a heart condition: "Find a hospital that is connected to a teaching
institution with a heart center that has deep expertise in pediatric cardiac
care. Then pick up the phone, ask for the physician on call and say: "What
I want to know is how many heart transplants have you done? I want to
understand what in depth research you have done."
To jumpstart the search, here are three of the leading heart and heart
surgery hospitals in the United States:
Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Mass.
Children's Hospital Boston has been at the forefront of pediatric heart
surgery since 1938, when Robert Gross, M.D., performed the first operation
to correct a congenital heart defect. With the largest pediatric cardiac
surgery department in the United States, which performs surgery on more than
1,200 child patients annually, Children's of Boston boasts a survival rate
of 98.5 percent. For the last few years, it has been named the No. 1 leader
in children's heart care in the U.S. News report and one of the top
hospitals in The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Survey. The hospital's surgery
department is led by six top pediatric heart surgeons dedicated exclusively
to patients with congenital heart disease, along with specially-trained
cardiovascular nurses and technicians and a cardiac anesthesia team for
children who are having heart surgery. In addition, three operating rooms
are reserved specifically for heart surgeries, along with state-of-the-art
cardiac catheterization laboratories and a 28-bed cardiac intensive care
unit devoted solely to the critical care of child cardiac patients.
Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas
The primary pediatric training site for Baylor College of Medicine, Texas
Children's Hospital is one of the largest pediatric hospitals in the United
States. Boasting a cardiovascular genetics clinic, it ranked No. 3 in heart
surgery, and nationally in all 10 specialties, in the U.S. News & World
Report survey. It was also named one of the top 10 in the Parents/NACHRI
survey. The hospital's world-renowned pediatric cardiologists and surgeons
lead 40 patient care centers. They care for more than 12,000 patients and
perform more than 750 surgeries annually, with outcomes among the best in
the nation.
University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich.
This hospital ranks 4th for heart and heart surgery in the U.S. News survey
and as one of the top 10 best children's hospitals in the Parents/NACHRI
report for 2009. Serving as a national model for cardiac intensive care, C.S
. Mott Children's Hospital also stands out for using a team approach that
brings together parents, doctors, nurses, social workers, exercise
physiologists and dietitians in the diagnosis, treatment, management and
prevention of childhood heart disease. It also offers a wide variety of
subspecialty clinics, ranging from heart transplant and congenital heart
defects to arrhythmia and prenatal heart disease care.

【在 t****s 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢回复!
: 美国大使馆能了解到的主要是关于怎么来美国治疗的程序吧,在那之前还是要问清楚美
: 国哪个医院能够治疗这个病的。能够提供一些关于这种病症有哪些医院擅长,哪怕到哪
: 里去了解打听相关信息也好!不论是在中国还是美国。
: 再次感谢!

发帖数: 90

【在 k**e 的大作中提到】
: 明白拉。我以为你吗?
: 下面是我google到的。
: Best Children's Hospitals: Heart and Heart Surgery
: by Mary Beth Sammons (Subscribe to Mary Beth Sammons's posts)
: Aug 19th 2010 5:00PM
: 6Comments
: Filed under: Health
: Children's Hospital Boston has a 98.5 percent survival rate
: Children's Hospital Boston has a 98.5 percent survival rate. Credit:

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话题: children话题: heart话题: hospital话题: boston话题: care