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MedicalCareer版 - Medical Jargons used in pts' notes
intership 讲座听后感及记录[合集] Clinical Jargons - useful for observership/externs
My first code pt survived!!Any suggestion on this typed patient notes for Step 2 CS
Code status(送给即将开始intern生活的xdjim们)(plan updated)IM Internship开始前的计划
Internship讲座记录:intern的生活 by tele9999(PGY 1内科)郁闷的病房一周OB随感
OB-office dayI survived my first week
话题: dnr话题: jargons话题: code话题: means话题: notes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 773
ON: overnight
SNF: skilled nursing facility
DNR:do not resuscitate
AMA: against medical advice
HHA: home health aid
HPI: history of present illness
SOB: short of breath (or son of bitch)
MS: mental status
OSA: obstructive sleep apnea
AOCD: anemia of chronic disease
HLD: hyperlipidemia
NSR: normal sinus rate
DNR: deny resussitation
NPO: nothing per os
N/V/D: nausea, vomiting, diarhhea
TBI: traumatic brain injury
NAD: No Abnormality Detected (used in System review)
ALOC: acute loss of consciousness
TTFO:to take fluids orally (or told to fuck off)
Code Brown - a faecal incontinence emergency
Code Yellow - a patient who has lost control of his or her bladder
FTD - Fixin' to Die
I saw or heard these during my OB. How about you? Let's share!
发帖数: 67
Thanks for sharing
发帖数: 145
AVSS afebrile vital signs stable
CTAB clear to auscultation bilaterally
HA headache
NTD nothing to do
RRR regular rythm rate
no MGR no murmur gallop rubs
A&O x3 alert and oriented x 3
PERRL pupil equal round reactive to light
EOMI extraocular movement intact
NC/AT normal cephalic atraumatic
NAD no acute distress
MMM moisted mucous membrane
OP clear oral pharyngeal clear
S/NT/ND nml BS soft nondistented no tenderness normal bowel sound
y/o year old
h/o history of
AOS antibiotics order ..
TPN total parenteral nutrient
TF tube feeds
TKO to keep it open
发帖数: 156

【在 a****9 的大作中提到】
: ON: overnight
: SNF: skilled nursing facility
: DNR:do not resuscitate
: AMA: against medical advice
: HHA: home health aid
: HPI: history of present illness
: SOB: short of breath (or son of bitch)
: MS: mental status
: OSA: obstructive sleep apnea
: AOCD: anemia of chronic disease

发帖数: 272
Don't use too many of these jargons. A lot of them you listed here are not
even correct ones. And if you use too many of them in your note, it will be
a disaster. Our chairman is always blaming us for using too many so called
发帖数: 2728


【在 yf 的大作中提到】
: Don't use too many of these jargons. A lot of them you listed here are not
: even correct ones. And if you use too many of them in your note, it will be
: a disaster. Our chairman is always blaming us for using too many so called
: jargons.

发帖数: 773
Thank you for kindly reminding.
And sorry that I did made it clearly, some are seen on patient notes, and
others are on residents notes (the ones they put in their pockets)


【在 yf 的大作中提到】
: Don't use too many of these jargons. A lot of them you listed here are not
: even correct ones. And if you use too many of them in your note, it will be
: a disaster. Our chairman is always blaming us for using too many so called
: jargons.

发帖数: 237
I used these every day:
Code: Code Status
- Full code, DNR, DNI, DNR/DNI, DNR/DNI with trial period
Disp: disposition
- STR: short term rehap
- LTR: long term rehap, long term nursing home placement.
PT: physical therapy
OT: occupational therapy
SP: speech pathology
SE: swallow evaluation
AMS: acute mental status
LOC: loss of consciousness
During Rx:
Sig: signa means "write"
Disp: dispense
ac (ante cibum) means "before meals"
gt (gutta) means "drop"
hs (hora somni) means "at bedtime"
od (oculus dexter) means "right eye"
os (oculus sinister) means "left eye"
po (per os) means "by mouth"
pr per rectum
pt per tube (NG or PEG tube feeding)
pc (post cibum) means "after meals"
prn (pro re nata) means "as needed"
q3h (quaque 3 hora) means "every 3 hours"
qd (quaque die) means "every day"

【在 a****9 的大作中提到】
: ON: overnight
: SNF: skilled nursing facility
: DNR:do not resuscitate
: AMA: against medical advice
: HHA: home health aid
: HPI: history of present illness
: SOB: short of breath (or son of bitch)
: MS: mental status
: OSA: obstructive sleep apnea
: AOCD: anemia of chronic disease

1 (共1页)
I survived my first weekCode status(送给即将开始intern生活的xdjim们)
Seek help with medical jargon.Internship讲座记录:intern的生活 by tele9999(PGY 1内科)
Please expand this list.重病的妈妈来美国看病,求指导医疗保险!
case presentation 学习笔记 (转载)OB-office day
intership 讲座听后感及记录[合集] Clinical Jargons - useful for observership/externs
My first code pt survived!!Any suggestion on this typed patient notes for Step 2 CS
话题: dnr话题: jargons话题: code话题: means话题: notes