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MedicalCareer版 - how to handle office bully? (转载)
请各位大侠指点一下这个email会激怒雇主马[合集] 转帖: my story of not getting matched
寻找shadow opportunitysome comments (ZT)
what incoming interns (IM) should read?我觉得要找好工作就得熬得住
Take it personal or not; at work各位精英同胞们,帮我看看咋整,拉稀苦不堪言。
do you think I need wait for LOR of my advisor?请教:CK NBME 3 block 1 Q16
Do I need a watch for interview?【好帖重读】 snowflake07:50 IV questions and answers
IV 后让PHD老板打电话给PD有帮助么?请教一个step3题目
话题: her话题: she话题: lunch话题: me话题: am
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 773
【 以下文字转载自 Dreamer 讨论区 】
发信人: Dreamer (不要问我从哪里来), 信区: Dreamer
标 题: how to handle office bully?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 13 14:40:40 2011, 美东)
since came to US, I stuck at one place and have been working for >2 yrs. and
this is the first time I got angry for work.
A coworker of mine is leaving for vocation next week and she's a clinical
study coordinator. It's kind of funny that my boss wanna me to cover for her
, coz I know nothing about those studies and I am leaving in weeks.
Anyway, I am a "good-good" lady, so this week, I have been staying with her
and shadowing her to familiar with the protocol and all trivial things. It's
ok that she's lazy and stupid, and I have been polite and patient all the
time, though she kept humiliate me all the time, and ask me to do this and
that like I am her secretary.
The first day with her, I could not eat lunch till 3:00pm, although cafe is
in the same building, and we had a lot of short breaks to buy food, plus I
offered to buy lunch for her many time. Finally she asked me to take diet
burger and diet soda for her. Wo Kao, u r on diet doesen't mean everybody
should do the same! the 2nd day, I took lunch with me. and the 3rd day,
while she should be there to take care of an intake patient, she left for
lunch without notice. and I had to make arrangement for the patient while I
had no idea of what's going on. The 4th day, she asked me to help her with
with the data entry work, which she should finished long time ago. while I
asked her to check if I did it right, she said, I cannot talk to you now,
coz I am hungry and I am leaving for lunch....
Should I be angry? I really don't know what kind of right she has to bully
me. But I don't wanna make it ugly, so when she left for her lunch, I went
to our manager and told her that I did not feel well and asked for half day
I don't know if I am too sensitive or irritated, not feeling right anyway.
发帖数: 9638
You are leaving, right? Just another a few weeks.
Keep it in mind: after you leave, you may still need references from ur
previous work place. If this coworker happens to be the person who picks up
the phone call, u know what is going to happen...
Try to make friends, not enemies.
my 2 cents.
1 (共1页)
CK nbme form 2 questiondo you think I need wait for LOR of my advisor?
CS QUESTIONSDo I need a watch for interview?
[合集] CS FA new casesIV 后让PHD老板打电话给PD有帮助么?
请各位大侠指点一下这个email会激怒雇主马[合集] 转帖: my story of not getting matched
寻找shadow opportunitysome comments (ZT)
what incoming interns (IM) should read?我觉得要找好工作就得熬得住
Take it personal or not; at work各位精英同胞们,帮我看看咋整,拉稀苦不堪言。
话题: her话题: she话题: lunch话题: me话题: am