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MedicalCareer版 - How the Matching Algorithm Works
internal medicine ranking的问题还该做什麽
请教Match:是应该把最想去的program Rank第一位还是把机会最大的program Rank第一位?match结果快出来了,大家什么感觉?
NRMP match summary新鲜火烫的applicant ranking meeting 感想
2012 Main Residency Match Ranking Opening能不能写信给program说I will rank you No.1?
Tentatively Match的问题,前辈请进Main Match Schedule 2013
请问参加过fellowship match的医生们求教PTAL经验
面试后二月份怎么选择医院prematch and match
话题: applicant话题: state话题: he话题: program话题: matching
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 704
“Applicant Ford would be very pleased to end up at State, where she had a very good clerkship, and believes they will rank her high on their list. Although, she does not think she has much of a chance she prefers City, General, or Mercy, so she ranks them higher and ranks State fourth. This applicant is using NRMP to maximum advantage.
Applicant Hassan is equally sure he will be able to obtain a position at State, but he too, would prefer the other programs. He ranks State first because he is afraid that State might fill its positions with others if he does not place it first on his list. Applicants should rank programs in actual order of preference. Their choices should not be influenced by speculation about whether a program will rank them high, low, or not at all. The position of a program on an applicant's rank order list will not affect that applicant's position on the program's rank order list, and therefore will not affect the program's preference for matching with that applicant as compared with any other applicants to the program. During the matching process, an applicant is placed in his/her most preferred program that ranks the applicant and does not fill all its positions with more preferred applicants. Therefore, rank number one should be the applicant's most preferred choice.”
发帖数: 372
The program director at State feels that his program is not the most
desirable to most of the applicants, but that he has a good chance of
matching Ford and Hassan. Instead of ranking those two applicants at the top
of his list, however, he ranks more desired applicants higher. He also
ranks all of the acceptable applicants to his program. He is using the NRMP
Instead of ranking those two applicants at the top of his list, however, he
ranks more desired applicants higher.
发帖数: 1299
It is usually true for the candidates, but not necessary true for the
For candidates, as no one knows how he/she ranks, except him/herself, he/she
always can brag that he/she got the first choice.
However, the ranking list for program is known by ACGME office and necessary
departmental personnel. It is always desirable for some programs to brag
that they got the top ranking choices. Some programs will drop the
candidates if they think that the candidates might not come or might not
stay the whole training periods. It is so arbitrary to determine how a
candidate will rank the program high or low, therefore, it is always
necessary to remind the program before the ranking list submission date that
you will rank them high (but don't send multiple letters to piss people off)


【在 p********g 的大作中提到】
: The program director at State feels that his program is not the most
: desirable to most of the applicants, but that he has a good chance of
: matching Ford and Hassan. Instead of ranking those two applicants at the top
: of his list, however, he ranks more desired applicants higher. He also
: ranks all of the acceptable applicants to his program. He is using the NRMP
: well.
: ---
: Instead of ranking those two applicants at the top of his list, however, he
: ranks more desired applicants higher.

1 (共1页)
prematch and matchTentatively Match的问题,前辈请进
ECFMG 认证除了match当医生以外还能干什么?请问参加过fellowship match的医生们
When is the deadline for certification of Rank Order list (转载)cs与Mactch
友情提醒,2月23日9PM之前 certify ranking list!面试后二月份怎么选择医院
internal medicine ranking的问题还该做什麽
请教Match:是应该把最想去的program Rank第一位还是把机会最大的program Rank第一位?match结果快出来了,大家什么感觉?
NRMP match summary新鲜火烫的applicant ranking meeting 感想
2012 Main Residency Match Ranking Opening能不能写信给program说I will rank you No.1?
话题: applicant话题: state话题: he话题: program话题: matching