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Military版 - 米犹说实话了。
比特币这个金融创新就被央行扼杀在摇篮里nm,我们那里也要求父母参加统一养老保险,怎么办? (转载)
米犹和阿三正式同流合污了 (转载)塞浦路斯没有选择,还是跪了
方舟子打假,转基因,和 中医应该分开看美国公知:比特币是个庞氏骗局吗?
Madoff 案里另一个被自杀的浮出水面,老婆还钱了 (转载)大家都忘了当年的蚁力神事件了
梅道夫一语中第:整个美国其实就是个PONZI SCHEME国人最大的问题是造假不脸红
话题: madoff话题: ponzi话题: his话题: he话题: scheme
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发帖数: 412
Madoff to NY magazine: Government a Ponzi scheme
NEW YORK – Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff said in a magazine interview
published Sunday that new regulatory reform enacted after the recent
national financial crisis is laughable and that the federal government is a
Ponzi scheme.
"The whole new regulatory reform is a joke," Madoff said during a telephone
interview with New York magazine in which he discussed his disdain for the
financial industry and for its regulators.
The interview was published on the magazine's website Sunday night.
Madoff did an earlier New York Times interview in which he accused banks and
hedge funds of being "complicit" in his Ponzi scheme to fleece people out
of billions of dollars. He said they failed to scrutinize the discrepancies
between his regulatory filings and other information.
He said in the New York magazine interview the Securities and Exchange
Commission "looks terrible in this thing," and he said the "whole government
is a Ponzi scheme."
A Ponzi, or pyramid, scheme is a scam in which people are persuaded to
invest through promises of unusually high returns, with early investors paid
their returns out of money put in by later investors.
A court-appointed trustee seeking to recover money on behalf of the victims
of Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme has filed a lawsuit against his primary
banker, JPMorgan Chase, alleging the bank had suspected something wrong in
his operation for years. The bank has denied any wrongdoing.
Madoff is serving a 150-year prison sentence in Butner, N.C., after pleading
guilty in 2009 to fraud charges.
In the New York magazine interview, Madoff, 72, also said he was devastated
by his son Mark Madoff's death and laments the pain he wrought on his family
, especially his wife.
"She's angry at me," Madoff said. "I mean, you know, I destroyed our family."
Mark Madoff, 46, hanged himself with a dog leash in his Manhattan apartment
on the second anniversary of his father's arrest. He left behind a wife and
four children, ages 2 to 18.
At the time of his suicide, federal investigators had been trying to
determine if he, his brother and an uncle participated in or knew about the
fraud. The relatives, who held management positions at the family investment
firm, denied any wrongdoing.
Bernard Madoff has maintained that his family didn't know about his Ponzi
发帖数: 412
1 (共1页)
川普再乱搞 Bernard Madoff就是榜样Madoff 案里另一个被自杀的浮出水面,老婆还钱了 (转载)
有将军了解区块链吗梅道夫一语中第:整个美国其实就是个PONZI SCHEME
比特币这个金融创新就被央行扼杀在摇篮里nm,我们那里也要求父母参加统一养老保险,怎么办? (转载)
米犹和阿三正式同流合污了 (转载)塞浦路斯没有选择,还是跪了
方舟子打假,转基因,和 中医应该分开看美国公知:比特币是个庞氏骗局吗?
话题: madoff话题: ponzi话题: his话题: he话题: scheme