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Military版 - 500 US potentially toxic COLD medicine removed from mart
这个是生物老千的温拿了吧The global Monsanto genetically modified wheat scandal is getting worse.
大家说说英语里 吃药 为什么不叫take medicine而叫tak美国幼儿园给16名幼儿下安眠药,以让他们准时午睡
怎么还没人讨论今天最大的好消息Qualcomm sees no prospect for NXP acquisition
FDA紧急批准了硫酸羟氯喹和磷酸氯喹作为治疗新冠病毒的药物 zz中国隐形战机对美有何威胁?
学校搞活动,让家长捐助食物奥巴马收听一盘据说是本拉登死前留下的磁带 (转载)
老美的改基因玉米被退回了ZZ ReutersChinese Are Not 'Ten Feet Tall': Mullen
话题: fda话题: drugs话题: cold话题: unapproved
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 901
WASHINGTON – The Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday that it will
remove roughly 500 unapproved cold and allergy medications from the market
as part of an ongoing crackdown on ineffective prescription drugs.
The FDA requires companies to submit all new prescription drugs for
scientific review before they are launched. However, thousands of drugs
actually predate the FDA's drug regulations and have escaped scrutiny for
Most of the drugs targeted by the latest action are pills using untested
combinations of decongestant and cough-suppressing ingredients. Since most
Americans buy their cold medicines over the counter, the prescription
medicines cited by the FDA represent a small portion of the market. FDA's
action does not affect any products sold over the counter.
"We don't expect today's action to have a negative impact on consumers,"
said Deborah Autor, director of the FDA's Office of Compliance. "There are
multiple other products available to treat cold, cough and allergy symptoms."
The agency said manufactures who have not registered their products with the
agency must halt production and shipments immediately.
Among the drugs listed by the FDA are products like Pediahist, a cold
formula labeled for patients as young as one month old. FDA regulations do
not recommend cold medicines for any children under age 2.
Other drugs combine two varieties of the same ingredient, such as the
allergy-reliever antihistamine. Regulators called such combinations "
irrational," and warned that they could cause excessive drowsiness.
Doctors may not realize they are prescribing unapproved drugs because the
products are often labeled just like FDA-approved products, according to the
Many of the older drugs cited by the FDA are manufactured by multiple
companies, often using different ingredients and dosages. For instance, a
dozen companies market a drug called Rondec, according to the FDA's website.
"That's what makes them so dangerous: they have these shared names but
different ingredients and different doses, so it's very easy for medication
errors to occur," said Patti Gasdek Manolakis, a pharmacist and consultant
who has researched unapproved drugs in the U.S.
It wasn't until 1962 that Congress ordered the FDA to review all new
medications for effectiveness. Thousands of drugs already on the market were
supposed to be evaluated over time. But some manufacturers claimed their
medications were grandfathered under earlier laws.
The FDA began its latest crackdown on unapproved drugs in 2006 and has taken
action against 17 types of medications and dozens of companies. Typically,
the agency orders manufacturers to stop making and shipping drugs, and it
also has seized millions of dollars' worth of medications. But federal law
does not call for fines for selling unapproved drugs, and criminal
prosecutions are rare.
发帖数: 2993
part of the reasons US healthcare cost won't go down. the FDA keeps
rejecting drugs thus R
1 (共1页)
看了天宫神八,越想越觉得米帝登月对接实在v5FDA紧急批准了硫酸羟氯喹和磷酸氯喹作为治疗新冠病毒的药物 zz
【NYT】China’s Newest Province?学校搞活动,让家长捐助食物
英语,救市,咏叹调!老美的改基因玉米被退回了ZZ Reuters
这个是生物老千的温拿了吧The global Monsanto genetically modified wheat scandal is getting worse.
大家说说英语里 吃药 为什么不叫take medicine而叫tak美国幼儿园给16名幼儿下安眠药,以让他们准时午睡
怎么还没人讨论今天最大的好消息Qualcomm sees no prospect for NXP acquisition
话题: fda话题: drugs话题: cold话题: unapproved