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Military版 - Slavoj Zizek新作
新书《God Is Not One》:八个宗教统治世界毛共和邓共(含邓后共)是根本对立的
话题: badiou话题: left话题: evil话题: communism话题: 共产主义
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8702
1. 社会现实推动人民走向革命。This necessary disappointment serves as a
reminder of the basic impotence of the social-democratic Left and thus push
the people towards a new radical revolutionary Left.
2. 新自由资本主义取代“共产主义”对人民而言,只是跳出火坑,又入油锅。
So where does the Left stand today? Alain Badiou wonderfully characterized
the post-Socialist situation as "this troubled situation, in which we see
Evil dancing on the ruins of Evil": there is no question of any nostalgia,
the Communist regimes were "evil" - the problem is that what replaced them
is also "evil," albeit in a different way.
3. “共产主义”国家的知识分子缺乏言论自由,但是可以说话的知识分子话语影响巨
In the East, the public word of intellectuals is eagerly awaited and has a
great resonance, but they are prohibited to speak and write freely; while in
the West, they can say and write whatever they want, but their word is
ignored by the wide public.
4. 89年“共产主义”坍塌并未带来历史性的突破,因为“新”的资本主义瓶子装的还
Today, when the democratic honeymoon is definitely over, this lesson is more
actual than ever: what Badiou put in theoretical terms is confirmed by
daily experience of the majority of ordinary people: the collapse of
Communist regimes in 1989 was no Event in the sense of a historical break,
of giving birth to something New in the history of emancipation.
After this supposed break, things just returned to their capitalist
normality, so that we have the same passage from the enthusiasm of freedom
to the rule of profit and egotism described already by Marx in his analysis
of the French Revolution.
5. 是“敢于斗争,敢于胜利”,还是害怕胜利(带来的复辟)?
Badiou aptly calls this last version the "sacrificial temptation of the void
"One of the great Maoist slogans from the red years was 'Dare to fight, dare
to win'. But we know that, if it is not easy to follow this slogan, if
subjectivity is afraid not so much to fight but to win, it is because
struggle exposes it to a simple failure (the attack didn't succeed), while
victory exposes it to the most fearsome form of failure: the awareness that
one won in vain, that victory prepares repetition, restauration. That a
revolution is never more than a between-two-States. It is from here that the
sacrificial temptation of the void comes. The most fearsome enemy of the
politics of emancipation is not the repression by the established order. It
is the interiority of nihilism, and the cruelty without limits which can
accompany its void."
What Badiou is effectively saying here is the exact opposite of Mao's "Dare
to win!" - one should be afraid to win (to take power, to establish a new
socio-political reality), because the lesson of the twentieth century is
that victory either ends in restoration (return to the logic of State power)
or gets caught in the infernal cycle of self-destructive purification.
6. 何为不可能?
Is Communism then simply "impossible" in the sense that it cannot be
stabilized into a new order? Even Badiou presents the eternal "Idea of
Communism" as something which returns again and again, from Spartacus and
Thomas Munzer to Rosa Luxemburg and the Maoist Cultural Revolution - in
other words, as something that fails again and again.
7. 共产主义核心即平等主义。
To put it in the well-known terms from 1968, in order for its key legacy to
survive, liberalism needs the brotherly help of the radical Left.
The task is thus to remain faithful to what Badiou calls the eternal Idea of
Communism: the egalitarian spirit alive for thousands of years in revolts
and utopian dreams, in radical movements from Spartacus to Thomas Muntzer up
to some religions (Buddhism versus Hinduism, Daoism or Legalists versus
Confucianism, and so on).
1 (共1页)
Maoists in China, Given New Life, Attack Dissent有谁注意过不丹和锡金这两小国?
新书《God Is Not One》:八个宗教统治世界毛共和邓共(含邓后共)是根本对立的
话题: badiou话题: left话题: evil话题: communism话题: 共产主义