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Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse来看Rodger对室友的评价
YAHOO BREAKING NEWS!!典型美国人:长得比我猥琐比我帅的都该死!
看看人家老美的超药家鑫,比药家鑫牛多了中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人
又枪杀了一个德州白警长,伏击加行刑枪决Man arrested Tuesday of fatally stabbing daughter-in-law
Police clash with Oakland protesters, 100 held zz是不是带枪,听个响就可以乱杀人了
Texas man stabbed at least14 people at a college campus美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡
话题: courthouse话题: said话题: scott话题: gunman话题: had
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16484
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott told a news
The suspect stabbed the deputy, then grabbed her gun and shot her, Scott
The judge, who saw the commotion from the third floor of the courthouse and
ran down to intervene, was stabbed in the neck and torso during the
altercation, Scott said.
Both Superior Court Judge Dave Edwards and Deputy Polly Davin were taken to
Grays Harbor Community Hospital in nearby Aberdeen, where they were listed
in satisfactory condition, spokesman David Quigg said.
Edwards, a former prosecuting attorney appointed to the bench in 2007, was
part of a lawsuit filed by the Superior Court against the county in December
that alleged poor courthouse security due to inadequate funding.
The lawsuit said that over the past two years, attorneys were physically
assaulted at court, a defendant charged at a judge and a man came to the
courthouse armed with a knife.
"Anyone can enter the courthouse carrying weapons," the lawsuit said of the
Scott said the courthouse lacks metal detectors.
"We just had a discussion about courthouse security less than a week ago,"
Scott said. "The need for that is certainly illustrated by what happened
here today."
Authorities searched a wide area for the suspect, identified as Michael
Thomas, but had not arrested him as of late afternoon.
Another man also identified as Michael Thomas was taken into custody on an
unrelated warrant at mid-afternoon in the community of Tumwater, some 40
miles away, a spokeswoman for the Tumwater Police Department said.
Authorities later said he was not the gunman and only shared the same name
as the suspect.
"The man in custody is not the alleged shooter," Scott said.
The gunman was described as being in his early 20s and possibly armed with a
handgun and a knife. Scott said it was not clear what business he had at
the courthouse.
A Grays Harbor County Sheriff's spokesman said that government buildings in
Montesano, a community of about 4,000 people, had been temporarily placed on
lockdown following the incident. A Montesano School District spokeswoman
said schools had also been placed on lockdown.
Josh Bachtell, the owner of Savory Faire bakery in Montesano, said he had
locked the doors of his business after the husband of one of his employees
said he had seen a gunman running from the courthouse.
"Right after it happened, he came in and told us there was an armed gunman
on the loose, so we've locked the doors," Bachtell said. "It looks like
there's still a lot of police activity out there."
The violence came two days after a gunman fired a flurry of shots into the
air and then traded gunfire with police outside a courthouse in Oklahoma on
Wednesday, wounding a sheriff's deputy and a bystander, authorities said.
Officers had no explanation for why that gunman began shooting skyward in an
outdoor Tulsa plaza in the middle of the afternoon, Tulsa Police spokesman
Leland Ashley said.
(Additional reporting by Mary Slosson and Dan Whitcomb; Writing by Dan
Whitcomb; Editing by Cynthia Johnston)
发帖数: 4085


【在 w*p 的大作中提到】
: 美国杨佳,刀捅法官,枪击警察,不过很牛,跑了。
: SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
: sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
: on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
: police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
: The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
: confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
: Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott told a news
: conference.
: The suspect stabbed the deputy, then grabbed her gun and shot her, Scott

发帖数: 16484

【在 i****k 的大作中提到】
: 死了几个?比不上杨大侠吧
: state

发帖数: 160
民不畏死奈何以死惧之, 体制问题, 天灭TG阿


【在 w*p 的大作中提到】
: 美国杨佳,刀捅法官,枪击警察,不过很牛,跑了。
: SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
: sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
: on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
: police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
: The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
: confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
: Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott told a news
: conference.
: The suspect stabbed the deputy, then grabbed her gun and shot her, Scott

发帖数: 14642


【在 w*p 的大作中提到】
: 美国杨佳,刀捅法官,枪击警察,不过很牛,跑了。
: SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
: sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
: on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
: police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
: The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
: confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
: Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott told a news
: conference.
: The suspect stabbed the deputy, then grabbed her gun and shot her, Scott

发帖数: 160
只需警察法官黑帮杀人放火, 不需百姓电灯。


【在 w*p 的大作中提到】
: 美国杨佳,刀捅法官,枪击警察,不过很牛,跑了。
: SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
: sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
: on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
: police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
: The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
: confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
: Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott told a news
: conference.
: The suspect stabbed the deputy, then grabbed her gun and shot her, Scott

1 (共1页)
美30岁产妇家中突发中风 遭急救人员嫌穷拒载身亡又枪杀了一个德州白警长,伏击加行刑枪决
美国人把包子和刘鹤吃得死死的。当孙子一样呵斥刘鹤Police clash with Oakland protesters, 100 held zz
拜蘑菇头所赐,我弟人民掀起反华新高潮,2岁亚裔被捅Texas man stabbed at least14 people at a college campus
Texas gunman shot 5 men outside courthouse来看Rodger对室友的评价
YAHOO BREAKING NEWS!!典型美国人:长得比我猥琐比我帅的都该死!
看看人家老美的超药家鑫,比药家鑫牛多了中餐馆老板雄起: 本店不欢迎警察客人
话题: courthouse话题: said话题: scott话题: gunman话题: had