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Military版 - 爱情的力量
散步 一金发碧眼白妞美女骑自行车经过 然后。。。Courage is your name, Asian Ams.
实在看不懂菲特警强攻忽然想起十几年前上女同事的一件事 (转载)
丰田去年中国销量近92万辆 今年冲刺110万辆ztThese senseless nationalists are a shame
外F女人生出来的小孩就是变态杀人犯! (转载)liveleak上老外对中国驻马店女人二次被碾压事件的评论
Elliot Rodger他妈是马来西亚华人“中国人这么冷血对待自己人,为什么我们就要对待他们不一样?
话题: zigler话题: she话题: nascar话题: chase话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11545
Many of us like watching races in the company of other NASCAR fans, but
Linda Chase of Jackson, Mich., might have taken that just a bit too far.
For the past 10 years, she lived together with Charles Zigler. And when
Zigler passed away, they continued to live and watch NASCAR together for
approximately 18 months until authorities found Zigler's body on Friday.
We'll let the Jackson Citizen Patriot take it from here:
Zigler, known as Charlie, died naturally, Linda Chase said. "He just fell
asleep." She kept him in his chair after he died, keeping him dressed and
cleaned. His body did not stink, she said. She would talk to him and watch
NASCAR races on television with him.
Jackson officials believe that Zigler, who would have been 67 or 68, died
around Christmas of 2010. That was 18 months ago. When Zigler's family
members went to check on him after not hearing from him for a while, they
went to the police, who found Zigler's body in his chair.
Chase kept Zigler's body around for more than NASCAR races, however. She's
admitted to cashing his social security checks, saying "I'm probably going
to prison." She's currently being investigated. When family members, with
whom Zigler did not have a close relationship, tried to contact him, Chase
would tell them that he was gone. She told the paper that "It's not that I'm
heartless. It's just that after so many bad things happen to you, I don't
"I didn't want to be alone. He was the only guy who was ever nice to me."
So, next time you have friends over for a race, check on them every once in
a while. Yeah, they could be just taking a nap because it's Pocono, but you
never know.
发帖数: 14642

【在 s*****r 的大作中提到】
: 太伟大了,18个月尸体还没有腐烂。
: Many of us like watching races in the company of other NASCAR fans, but
: Linda Chase of Jackson, Mich., might have taken that just a bit too far.
: For the past 10 years, she lived together with Charles Zigler. And when
: Zigler passed away, they continued to live and watch NASCAR together for
: approximately 18 months until authorities found Zigler's body on Friday.
: We'll let the Jackson Citizen Patriot take it from here:
: Zigler, known as Charlie, died naturally, Linda Chase said. "He just fell
: asleep." She kept him in his chair after he died, keeping him dressed and
: cleaned. His body did not stink, she said. She would talk to him and watch

1 (共1页)
浏览了一下国内网站外F女人生出来的小孩就是变态杀人犯! (转载)
维权得靠洋大人,这个是个悲哀的事实Elliot Rodger他妈是马来西亚华人
散步 一金发碧眼白妞美女骑自行车经过 然后。。。Courage is your name, Asian Ams.
实在看不懂菲特警强攻忽然想起十几年前上女同事的一件事 (转载)
丰田去年中国销量近92万辆 今年冲刺110万辆ztThese senseless nationalists are a shame
话题: zigler话题: she话题: nascar话题: chase话题: him