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Military版 - 眼看日本要萎了 美国声明钓鱼岛受美日条约保护
华尔街日报:美应明确撑日拥钓岛 ZT日本官民与美国记者争论钓鱼岛主权
这期Science上的一篇很biased的文章Japan arrests Chinese fishing boat captains!
新加坡外交部斥《环球时报》报道"误导"ZZ华尔街日报: 日本准备反击中国
小日关于钓鱼岛的非右派文章,估计会被日本国内骂死了"Diaoyu/Senkaku islands are controlled by Japan"
美国给中国一记响亮的耳光 -- B-52刚飞过防空识别区Senkaku Islands Remain Bone of Contention
话题: china话题: japan话题: security话题: treaty话题: japanese
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发帖数: 30882
来源: 润致 于 2012-09-21 07:58:22 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄
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Treaty With Japan Covers Islets in China
Spat: US Official
The uninhabited islets in the East China Sea at the center of a bitter
dispute between China and Japan are "clearly" covered by a 1960 security
treaty obliging the United States to come to Japan's aid if attacked, a top
U.S. diplomat said on Thursday.
AFP | Getty Images
Chinese demonstrators set fire to a Japanese national flag during a protest
over the Diaoyu islands issue, known as the Senkaku islands in Japan, in
Wuhan, central China's Hubei province.
"We do not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of these islands,"
Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific
Affairs, told a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee.
Japan has controlled the rocky islets since 1895 - except during the 1945-
1972 U.S. post-war occupation of Okinawa - and calls them the Senkakus.
China, and rival Taiwan, maintain they have an older claim and call them the
Diaoyu islands.
"We do acknowledge clearly ... that Japan maintains effective administrative
control ... and, as such, this falls clearly under Article 5 of the
Security Treaty," Campbell said at the panel's hearing on Asian territorial
He told the Senate subcommittee that recent violent anti-Japanese
demonstrations in China and other actions that stoked tensions were a
growing worry to the United States.
The long-standing territorial dispute bubbled over again last week when the
Japanese government decided to nationalize some of the islands, buying them
from a private Japanese owner.
"We are concerned ... by recent demonstrations, and, frankly, the potential
for the partnership between Japan and China to fray substantially in this
environment," said Campbell.
"That is not in our strategic interest and clearly would undermine the peace
and stability in the Asia-Pacific as a whole," he added.
The Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and
Japan was signed in 1960 as a successor to a 1951 bilateral security treaty
and underpins what is seen as the most important of five U.S. treaty
alliances in Asia.
Article 5 says "Each Party recognizes that an armed attack against either
Party in the territories under the administration of Japan would be
dangerous to its own peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet
the common danger in accordance with its constitutional provisions and
The article also commits the allies to report "any such armed attack and all
measures taken as a result thereof" to the U.N. Security Council and to
halt those actions once the Security Council takes steps to restore peace
and security.
He said this stance on the islets is the same that has been articulated by
American officials since 1997.
Subcommittee chairman Senator Jim Webb, a Virginia Democrat and veteran Asia
military expert, urged the Obama administration "to respond, carefully and
fully" to Chinese actions in the East China Sea and the South China Sea,
where China has other territorial disputes that have intensified in recent
"This threat has direct consequences for the United States," said Webb, who
noted a declaration in 2004 by the George W. Bush administration and in 2010
by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the U.S. security treaty
obligations extended to the disputed islets.
"Given the recent incursion by China into waters around the Senkaku Islands,
it is vital that we continue to state clearly our obligations under this
security treaty," he said.
发帖数: 2756
然后, 立马××就萎了。
1 (共1页)
Senkaku Islands Remain Bone of Contention新加坡外交部斥《环球时报》报道"误导"ZZ
BBC Q&A: China-Japan islands row美国给中国一记响亮的耳光 -- B-52刚飞过防空识别区
华尔街日报:美应明确撑日拥钓岛 ZT日本官民与美国记者争论钓鱼岛主权
这期Science上的一篇很biased的文章Japan arrests Chinese fishing boat captains!
话题: china话题: japan话题: security话题: treaty话题: japanese