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发帖数: 6929
Xi Jinping 习近平
The 59-year-old presumptive next leader of China is a so-called "princeling,
" the son or daughter of a revolutionary veteran. Born in Fuping County,
Shaanxi Province, Xi was sent to work on an agricultural commune before
being accepted into the prestigious Tsinghua University in 1975.
Xi studied chemical engineering and went on to serve as a personal secretary
to the then minister of defense Geng Biao. His early political career took
him from his native province to Hebei and later Fujian, where he served as
vice governor in 1999, before being promoted to governor a year later.
In 2002, Xi took up senior government and Party positions in Zhejiang, a
province on the country's southeast coast. He entered the Standing Committee
of the Politburo in 2007 and in 2008 became the country's vice president.
In 2010 he was also promoted to vice chairman of the CPC Central Military
Commission and China's Central Military Commission. He's also president of
the Central Party School.
Personal life
Xi's father, Xi Zhongxun, was a top Communist who was imprisoned during the
Cultural Revolution. After his release, Xi senior was elected to the
Politburo and served as vice premier. During his time in power, he supported
economic liberalization and was instrumental in creating China's Special
Economic Zones. Xi is married to Peng Liyuan, a famous Chinese folk singer
and his second wife. They have one daughter, Xi Mingze, who is reported to
be studying at Harvard University.
Inside track
Xi is considered to be a protégé of former Chinese leaders President Jiang
Zemin and Vice President Zeng Qinghong.
Xi has long been known for his market-friendly approach to economic
development," said Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution in a report on
China's Top Future Leaders to Watch. "Yet he has also displayed strong
support for 'big companies,' especially China's flagship state-owned
enterprises," Li added.
"Xi's experience in the military -- serving as a personal assistant to the
minister of defense early in his career -- also makes him stand out among
his peers."
Li Keqiang李克强
Unless there's a major upset, China's 57-year-old Vice Premier Li Keqiang
looks set to replace Premier Wen Jiabao in March 2013, when the reshuffle of
government posts is formalized. Li is already the seventh-ranked member of
the Politburo Standing Committee after rising through the Communist Youth
League, a training ground for party leaders.
Born in Dingyuan County, Li was in his late teens when he spent four years
doing manual labor with the Dongling Production Brigade in his native Anhui
Province. In 1978, he went to Peking University, where he graduated with
degrees in law and economics.
In the 1980s and '90s, Li served as secretary-general of the All-China
Students Federation, then held party positions in the Communist Youth League
Central Committee. In 1999, he was promoted to governor of Henan Province
and later became chairman of the Standing Committee of the Henan's
Provincial People's Congress.
From there, he moved to Liaoning before being made a member of the Politburo
Standing Committee in 2007. Li is considered a core member of President Hu
Jintao's "Tuanpai faction," whose ties originate with the Communist Youth
Personal life
Li is one of the non-princelings vying for a place at the top of China's
political hierarchy. According to Brookings, he comes from a midlevel
official family; his father was a county-level cadre. Li's wife, Cheng Hong,
is a professor of English language and literature at Capital University of
Economics and Business in Beijing, according to reports, which also suggest
they have one daughter who is studying in the United States.
Inside track
"Based on his previous work and the populist policy agenda he shares with
his mentor Hu Jintao, Li's hot-button policy issues will include increasing
employment, offering more affordable housing, providing basic health care,
balancing regional development and promoting innovation in clean energy
technology," according to Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution.
Zhang Dejiang张德江
Zhang Dejiang was vice premier of China's State Council until he was
suddenly diverted to replace disgraced party chief Bo Xilai as leader of
Chongqing in March 2012.
Born in Tai'an, Liaoning province, 65-year-old Zhang was in his early 20s
when he was sent to the countryside to work at the Luozigou Commune in
Wangqing County, Jilin Province.
In the early 1970s, Zhang worked in the county propaganda department before
studying Korean at Yanbian University. He served as secretary of the local
Communist Youth League branch in Liaoning before crossing the border to
North Korea to study economics at Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang.
In the '80s, Zhang returned to Yanbian, where he held senior positions in
the Communist Party before taking a role as the vice minister of civil
affairs. Senior party positions followed in Jilin until Zhang moved south to
Zhejiang to become secretary of the CPC's Provincial Committee.
In 2002, he entered the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and become
secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee. Zhang's political record is
alleged to have been blemished by incidents while in Guangdong, according
to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, which claimed he
was implicated in efforts to conceal the SARS epidemic. Railways were also
under his portfolio during the public outrage that followed the collision of
two high-speed trains in July 2011.
Personal life
Zhang is a princeling, the son of Zhang Zhiyi, a former PLA major general
who is reported to have served as deputy commander of the Artillery Force in
the Guangzhou Military Region. Zhang's wife, Xin Shusen, has a long history
of holding senior positions at the China Construction Bank and is also said
to be a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
according to the Brookings Institution. Zhang is considered a protégé of
former leader Jiang Zemin.
Inside track
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said Zhang's sudden
appointment to Chongqing may indicate that he won't be on the short list for
the Politburo Standing Committee. If he is, Brookings expert Cheng Li said
he may "continue to promote policies in favor of the development of state-
owned enterprises, state monopoly and so-called indigenous innovation (
economic protectionism)."
Li Yuanchao李源潮
The current head of the Organization Department of the Communist Party, Li
Yuanchao is considered a strong contender for entry into the Politburo
Standing Committee, the small team of men steering China's future policy.
Another princeling, 62-year-old Li is the son of Li Gancheng, a former vice
mayor of Shanghai. Born in 1950 in Lianshui, Jiangsu province, Li was sent
to work on a farm in Dafeng County for four years before studying
mathematics at Shanghai Normal University and becoming a middle school
Li taught at two schools in Shanghai -- Nanchang Middle School and Luwan
District Sparetime Vocational School -- before returning to study at Fudan
University, where he majored in mathematics. He also holds a doctoral degree
in law from the Central Party School and spent time studying public
administration at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.
Li's political career took off with senior positions in the Chinese
Communist Youth League in Shanghai. He later worked at the Information of
the State Council and General Office of Foreign Publicity of the CCP Central
Committee, before taking the role of vice minister of the Ministry of
Culture. Li also occupied top party positions in Jiangsu Province.
As the current head of the Organization Department, Li wields a lot of power
and influence in the promotion and demotion of party and government
officials nationwide. He, too, is considered a member of Hu's "Tuanpai
Personal life
Li is married to Gao Jianjin, a professor of music at the Central
Conservatory of Music in Beijing, according to the Brookings Institution.
They have one son, Li Haijin, who is said to have worked as sales person in
drug companies in the United States and in Switzerland. He is now studying
at Yale University.
Inside track
"His unusual combination of identities -- a Shanghai-originated leader who
has not been associated with the so-called Shanghai Gang, a princeling who
advanced his career primarily from the CCYL, and an enthusiastic supporter
of Hu-Wen's macroeconomic control policy who recently ran a fast-growing
coastal province -- may help him gain broader support in the leadership,"
said Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution. "Li is one of the few fifth-
generation leaders who have called for serious political reforms, inner-
party democracy, and tougher measures to deal with official corruption."
Wang Qishan王岐山
Described by former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson as "decisive and
inquisitive" and possessing a "wicked sense of humor," Wang Qishan currently
serves as the vice premier in charge of economic, energy and financial
affairs under Premier Wen Jiabao.
Born in 1948 in Tianjin, Wang was sent to work at the Fengzhuang People's
Commune in Yan'an County, Shaanxi Province, before taking a job at the
Shaanxi Provincial Museum.
After graduating from Northwest University with a degree in history, Wang
returned to the museum before embarking on his ascent of China's political
ladder. He held top positions at the Rural Development Research Center under
the State Council in the '80s before joining the China Rural Trust and
Investment Corporation.
Wang later joined the People's Bank of China and China Construction Bank
before filling senior party roles in Guangdong and then Hainan. In 2004, he
became mayor of Beijing, and as executive chairman for the Beijing
Organizing Committee, played a key role in pulling together the 2008 Beijing
Olympic Games.
Personal life
Wang is married to Yao Mingshan, whom he met in Yan'an in 1969 when both
were sent to work in the countryside, according to the Brookings Institution
. Yao's father is Yao Yilin, a former Politburo Standing Committee member
and vice premier. Wang is thought to have strong ties to former President
Jiang Zemin who counted Yao Yilin among his supporters in the Politburo
Standing Committee.
Inside track
"His widely known nickname in China is 'the chief of the fire brigade.' The
Chinese public regard Wang as a leader who is capable and trustworthy during
times of emergency or crisis," said Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution.
"Based on his previous leadership experiences and policy initiatives, Wang
will most likely promote the development of foreign investment and trade,
the liberalization of China's financial system, and tax-revenue reforms,
which are crucial for central-local economic relations."
Yu Zhengsheng俞正声
Yu Zhengsheng has a remarkable family background that includes a connection
to the former wife of Mao Zedong and a brother who dramatically defected to
the United States in the mid-'80s.
He also occupies one of the top jobs in Chinese politics and is considered a
strong contender for the Politburo Standing Committee, although analysts
say his age may work against him.
Born in 1945, Yu majored in ballistic missile automatic control at the
Harbin Military Engineering Institute before working as technician in radio
factories in Hebei Province. In the late 1970s, Yu started working his way
up the promotion scale in the Fourth Ministry of Machine-Building Industry
and later joined the Ministry of Electronics Industry.
He spent some time working as the president, vice chairman and member of the
Leading Party Members' Group of the China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped
before taking a political position in Shandong Province.
Yu rose to become mayor of Qingdao, a major city in eastern Shandong, before
being appointed minister of construction in 1997. As the current CPC party
chief in Shanghai, a position he took in 2007, Yu presides over China's
largest city for finance and business.
Personal life
Yu is also a princeling whose father, Huang Jing (Yu Qiwei), a former mayor
of Tianjin, was the first husband of Jiang Qing, a famous actress who later
married Mao Zedong and was vilified for her role in the Cultural Revolution.
Sensationally, Yu's brother -- Yu Qiangsheng -- was a top Chinese
intelligence officer who caused a diplomatic storm when he defected to the
United States in 1985.
Yu is considered a protégé of former leaders Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin
. Deng's son, Deng Pufang, ran the China Welfare Fund for the handicapped
where Yu worked in the '80s. Yu also worked under Jiang, who was once head
of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. Yu is married to Zhang Zhikai, the
daughter of Zhang Zhenhuan, a former major general with the PLA.
Inside track
"Based on his previous leadership experiences and recent public speeches, Yu
's hot-button policy issues may include the promotion of the private sector,
urban development, legal development and social reform to promote
confidence-building and mutual trust in society," said Cheng Li of the
Brookings Institution.
Wang Yang汪洋
A one-time factory hand at a food processing plant in Anhui Province, Wang
Yang is a non-princeling contender for the Politburo's Standing Committee.
As party chief of Guangdong province, Wang presides over a population of 100
million, including millions who have moved to the region to share in its
recent economic growth.
The 57-year-old is seen as open-minded and unorthodox, especially after
negotiating a peaceful resolution to unrest in the fishing village of Wukan
in 2011. Wang bowed to villagers' demands, returned some contested land and
allowed local democratic elections to be held for the first time in China.
The unusual move earned Wang a place on TIME's 2012 list of the 100 Most
Influential People in the World.
Born in 1955, Wang graduated from the University of Science and Technology
with a master's degree in engineering. He started his career in Anhui
Province, where he later served as mayor of Tongling City from 1988.
In the 1990s, Wang served as executive vice governor of the province before
he joined the central government, where he became vice minister of the
National Development and Reform Commission and then deputy secretary-general
of the State Council. Between 2005 and 2007, Wang served as party chief in
Chongqing, a role he passed to the now disgraced politician Bo Xilai.
Personal life
According to the Brookings Institution, Wang was born into a humble family.
As the eldest child, Wang is said to have started work at age 17 to help
support the family after his father's death. His political talent was
spotted early when he became mayor of Tongling while in his early thirties.
Inside track
Wang is said to have developed "a very unusual" rivalry with disgraced
politician Bo, centered on their models of provincial reform, according to
the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
However, Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution said Bo's removal does not
necessarily give Wang a clear shot at the leadership. "Bo's downfall does
not necessarily mean an absolute victory for Wang. Other princelings now
believe Wang's power and influence will expand very quickly, and thus they
may create barriers to his quick advancement to the PSC, the pinnacle of
power," he said.
Liu Yandong刘延东
The only female member of the Politburo, Liu Yandong is considered a
possible contender for entry to the Standing Committee. If she succeeds, she
'll be in the first woman to hold a top position in the Chinese leadership.
Born in 1945 in Jiangsu Province, Liu graduated from Tsinghua University in
the late 1960s with a degree in chemical engineering. She also holds a
master's degree in sociology and a doctoral degree in law from two other
After working at a chemical plant in Hebei Province, Liu spent most of the
1970s working at the Beijing Chemical Experiment Plant, where she filled
senior party roles.
In the early '80s, Liu became a cadre in the Organization Department of the
CCP Committee before joining the All-China Youth Foundation, which she
Liu joined the United Front Work Department in the early '90s and it wasn't
long before she took the top position, where she remains.
Personal life
A princeling, Liu is the daughter of Liu Ruilong, the former vice minister
of agriculture. She is also said to have strong family ties with former
Chinese President Jiang Zemin. According to the Brookings Institution, Liu's
father introduced Jiang's adoptive father to the Communist movement in 1928
. Liu is said to be a close supporter of President Hu Jintao, who she met
four decades ago while a political councilor at Tsinghua University,
according to the U.S. think tank.
Inside track
"(Liu) is often seen as liberal minded, and may call for the greater
political participation of other parties, interest groups, and NGOs in China
's political process," said Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution. "In
recent years, Liu has advocated for the promotion of China's cultural
exchanges overseas."
Hu Chunhua胡春华
One of seven siblings born to a poor farming family in 1963, Hu Chunhua is
considered an outside chance for entry to the Politburo Standing Committee
because of his strong ties to his mentor, President Hu Jintao.
The two were said to have met in Tibet, where the younger Hu worked as a
clerk at the Organization Department in the CCP Committee of Tibet after
graduating from Peking University with a degree in Chinese literature.
Hu worked his way up the political hierarchy as a member of the Chinese
Communist Youth League in Tibet. He then served at the CCYL National
Committee and China's Youth Federation in Beijing, before returning to Tibet
, where he filled the role of deputy party secretary and executive vice
In 2009, Hu was promoted to governor of Hebei Province and is currently the
Communist Party Secretary for Inner Mongolia.
Personal life
According to the Brookings Institution, Hu is considered a "carbon copy of
Hu Jintao." "Both come from humble family backgrounds, both were student
leaders in their college years, both advanced their political careers
primarily through the CCYL, both worked in arduous work environments such as
Tibet, both served as provincial party secretaries at a relatively young
age and both have low-profile personalities," the think tank said. Hu was
married in Tibet and has one daughter.
Inside track
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Hu is
considered by many to be a front-runner to succeed Xi Jinping as the party
leader and president in 2022. However, it said competition from more senior
party members and factional pressure may put him in line for a "less
dramatic" promotion to the full Politburo.
Liu Yunshan刘云山
The head of China's Propaganda Department is considered one to watch as the
country identifies its future leaders.
Born in 1947 in Xinzhou, Shanxi Province, Liu Yunshan worked as a teacher in
Inner Mongolia, before being sent to do manual labor in a rural commune in
Sobugai People's Commune during the Cultural Revolution.
After leaving the commune, Liu spent a number of years in Inner Mongolia,
working as a journalist and in public relations before taking a party
position with the Communist Youth League Committee in the autonomous region.
In the early '90s, Liu moved to Beijing to become deputy director of the CCP
Propaganda Department, where he was later promoted to director.
Personal life
Liu has close ties with Hu Jintao, formed when both of them worked at the
CYL, according to research by the Brookings Institution. Liu's son, Liu
Lefei, heads CITIC Private Equity Funds Management and was last year named
by Fortune Magazine as one of the 25 most powerful business people in Asia.
The young Liu is married to Jia Liqing, the daughter of Jia Chunwang, the
former chief of state security, according to research from the Brookings
Inside track
"The possible reduction of the number of PSC seats from nine to seven may
undermine Liu's chance for promotion," said Brookings' China expert Cheng Li
. However, a report form the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review
Commission said his prior experience makes him a "natural candidate" to
succeed Li Changchun as head of the "Propaganda and Ideology" policy
Zhang Gaoli张高丽
Born in 1946, in Jinjiang City, Fujian province, Zhang Gaoli is currently
party secretary of Tianjin, a bustling city of around 13 million people and
one of China's four municipalities.
Zhang started his career in the oil industry, at the Guangdong Maoming
Petroleum Company, after studying planning and statistics at Xiamen
He spent around 12 years working his way up the political ladder in
Guangdong Province, including a stint as party secretary in the special
economic zone of Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong.
In 2001, Zhang became governor and later party secretary of Shandong
Province before moving to Tianjin in 2007.
Personal life
Believed to be a protégé of former President Jiang Zemin, Zhang is also
thought to have received support in his latter career from former Vice
President Zeng Qinghong. According to the Brookings Institution, Zhang
married a former university classmate with whom he has one daughter who is
married to a wealthy Hong Kong businessman.
Inside track
Zhang's "hot-button" issues remain unknown due to his "low-profile" approach
to career advancement, according to Brookings' expert Cheng Li. However, "
in general, Zhang has been known for his pro-market economic policy
orientation, especially evident in his leadership tenure in Shenzhen," he
Produced by Hilary Whiteman and C.Y. Xu, CNN
Sources: China Vitae, china.org.cn, Brookings Institution, U.S.-China
Economic and Security Review Commission
发帖数: 6929


【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: Xi Jinping 习近平
: The 59-year-old presumptive next leader of China is a so-called "princeling,
: " the son or daughter of a revolutionary veteran. Born in Fuping County,
: Shaanxi Province, Xi was sent to work on an agricultural commune before
: being accepted into the prestigious Tsinghua University in 1975.
: Xi studied chemical engineering and went on to serve as a personal secretary
: to the then minister of defense Geng Biao. His early political career took
: him from his native province to Hebei and later Fujian, where he served as
: vice governor in 1999, before being promoted to governor a year later.
: In 2002, Xi took up senior government and Party positions in Zhejiang, a

发帖数: 3634
batman foundation?


【在 t*c 的大作中提到】
: Xi Jinping 习近平
: The 59-year-old presumptive next leader of China is a so-called "princeling,
: " the son or daughter of a revolutionary veteran. Born in Fuping County,
: Shaanxi Province, Xi was sent to work on an agricultural commune before
: being accepted into the prestigious Tsinghua University in 1975.
: Xi studied chemical engineering and went on to serve as a personal secretary
: to the then minister of defense Geng Biao. His early political career took
: him from his native province to Hebei and later Fujian, where he served as
: vice governor in 1999, before being promoted to governor a year later.
: In 2002, Xi took up senior government and Party positions in Zhejiang, a

1 (共1页)
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话题: li话题: china话题: he话题: wang话题: committee